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The riders tried to get the GP moved.....

Guest Informer

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Guest Informer

Yes people,you heard it here first.

The riders knew on Friday morning that there would be no GP on Saturday and so suggested to the organisers that they could move the GP to another track around 20 minutes up the road but Ole Olsen blanked the riders and insisted that the show must go on so to speak.

The riders were infact taken by surprise that they had not received a phone call on Saturday morning to tell them that the meeting was off.

There is now quite a bit of discontent amongst the riders with some threatening to boycott the restaging but for some they realise it may be there only chance to stay in the GP's next year.

As for Sky Sports coverage on Saturday,it's a big no-no I'm afraid.

Look out for a highlights package on Sunday morning instead.

Also the rumour on the grapevine is that we may see some 3 rider races early on Saturday night.

This has been the Informer and until next time stay safe

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...............Am I Male or am I Female?

Am I telling the truth or am I winding everybody up?


Be careful 'Informer'. Unless what you've announced comes to pass few here will take you seriously unless you can back up what you post. If it's your opinion, say so.

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Guest Informer
...............Am I Male or am I Female?

Am I telling the truth or am I winding everybody up?


Be careful 'Informer'. Unless what you've announced comes to pass few here will take you seriously unless you can back up what you post. If it's your opinion, say so.


This isn't my opinion,having been out in Sweden on Saturday (Well flew out on Thursday night!) and spoken to a rider (Who shall not be named.although not difficult to work out,just look at who are voicing there opinions ;) ) who mentioned this to a miffed Informer.

This has been the Informer and until next time stay safe.

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He/she wants us to guess obviously.


All that is important here is the truth!


The riders are held to ransom by all promotors and cannot give their side of the story, or very rarely. Mind you like people say, if you knew what really goes on you wouldn't support speedway ...... ouch!

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to be honest.......it all sounds too far fetched to be made up it must have a very close similarity to the truth.


if The Informer is pulling our legs, then he/she has such a vivid wide imagination, that he/she should be a novel writer!!


i believe you fully Informer, and i hope you stay with us to answer a few more of our "inside" questions.

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Guest Mr Flappy

Maybe the informer could write a page for the Poole programme as every week it becomes so out of date with the so called articles, loads of spelling mistakes & it is worth about £1 not £2! Money grabbers!


I like science fiction, big fan over the years.

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The state of the track on Friday afternoon, was such that there was no way a meeting could be staged on Saturday, particularly as it was covered in polythene. If this had been removed, there could have been a chance, but heavy rain forecast Friday night which did not materialise. Saturday windy and sunny. I was also told problems with track on Wednesday and also that Karpana I think had offered their stadium.

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Guest Informer
I was also told problems with track on Wednesday and also that Karpana I think had offered their stadium.


Which is what I had already told you fools,but hey I forgot this is a closed circle,where people don't like to hear the truth.

Just remember,that you heard it first that Colin Pratt will walk away at the end of the year.


This has been the Informer and until next time stay safe.

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Just remember,that you heard it first that Colin Pratt will walk away at the end of the year.



Well I saw him walk away last week, from his car!


Sorry but I take what you say with a pinch of salt. If you can't say who you are, why are we expected to beleive a word you say?

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remember,that you heard it first that Colin Pratt will walk away at the end of the year.

Heard this on the Brandon terraces on Monday as well so it must be true and that Colin Meredith is returning to Brandon - you missed that bit out. :lol:

If you can't say who you are, why are we expected to beleive a word you say?

What difference does that make? You give your real name but you still talk a load of rubbish sometimes. :P

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the insider is i believe correct. i was staying in the same hotel as the BSI party and Mr Olsen and Messrs Gollob, Nicholls, Richardson etc and there were various whispers. in addition a rider who was on a sunday night flight back to London basically confirmed what he posted but not in so many words

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Believe Colin Pratt is due to retire and become a pensioner at end of the season. Do not know about next year, but hope it is not Colin Meredith, but not that many suitable people available I guess.

See BSI are offering a ticket to overseas visitors to Sweden, for any one GP next year FOC. Always providing you ever want to go to another GP

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