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Spain And Speedway

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Quick question Mr Hyam sir - where's the Rhonda region? :unsure: Do you, perchance, mean the RHONDDA region in South Wales where many famous people have begun life? Plus me! :lol::wink:

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  Bryn said:
Quick question Mr Hyam sir - where's the Rhonda region? :unsure: Do you, perchance, mean the RHONDDA region in South Wales where many famous people have begun life? Plus me! :lol::wink:




Sadly it's not in Wales but is part of the Malaga Province in Spain. It exists. My brother-in-law lives there and Ray Rocket has also been in the region.


A rough guide is that it's in the mountain region behind the seaside towns of Fuengirola, Benalmadena and Marbella. There is a rail service from Malaga if you are thinking of a holiday there - suggest you book in at the Hotel Victoria. I have stayed there - wonderful but it's expensive. :rolleyes: It would seem too, :angry: , the correct spelling is RONDA not as I have been quoting Rhonda. P1928 please note!


PS: If you want to go there, try this link:




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Spain is not the sort of place I would choose for a holiday destination nowadays John, did all that in my youth plus Tenerife! :blink:


Obviously the Spanish Rhonda region, given its apparent beauty and charm was named after God's own part of South Wales! :wink:

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  Steven Ribbons said:
Speedguy, or should I say John Hyam, you are a complete hypocrite! Never had much to criticise all those years you were earning a nice living as editor of the speedway star did you?


You were trying to spoil the party way back at the Wimbledon re-launch press release (yes I know it was you, I was there remember) and over the last two years you have done nothing but try to wind up the few Wimbledon fans who use this site.


Love and kisses


Steve (yes that is my real name) Ribbons.



This point needs some clarification, especially as I understand that it has been raised on another discussion group. It refers of course to the press conference at Wimbledon Stadium in September 2001 (time marches on). I am completely at a loss about this and what I am supposed to have done wrong. I was in the company of former Wimbledon co-promoter John Smart, speedway historians Denys Jones and Peter Lipscombe, and former rider Al Holliday. I think the only question that I raised (and I made myself known) was "what crowd break even level was needed to make the venture worthwhile?" None of my colleagues asked me why I raised the question or chastised me for so doing!


After the launch, then promoter Dave # Name Removed # made himself known to me, we shook hands, and have been friend ever since and greets me whenever we meet - more especially when I raise a memory about his father, the Southampton and Oxford star Bert # Name Removed #. Another who was present and spoke to me afterwards was former Dons' captain Ray Morton - and, as I recall it, he thought that I raised a good point.


So, perhaps Steve Ribbons can clarify this matter of 'party spoiling' and also, if he reads this, the more recent commentator (not on the BSF this time) who also seems to vividly remember this affair.


Maybe they also remember that fact that for more than four years, throughout the season there was more than half a page coverage on the Dons, often with colour photos by Ian Perkin, in every Friday's edition of the paper I work for, while the Tuesday edition always covered any weekend matches and news, plus giving a brief insight into the next match.


A pity that this reply is lost in a debate on 'Spain and Speedway' - it would be better in the "Dons at Plough Lane' but as the subject was raised here by Steve Ribbons. it also needs my answer on this thread.


John Hyam aka speedyguy



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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry so late in replying, - some of have to work for a living! And to be honest with you I’m not all that bothered now what goes on in the world of speedway so I don’t spend every minute I have available looking at this computer screen let alone on this web site. BUT, -


John Hyam, I'm not really interested in what did or did not happen at Wimbledon, I'm not interested if you even did or did not try to contact me, (I was a little busy at the time) unlike # Name Removed # (you mentioned him not me) who just walked around rattling his gold chains. (Just ask the fence erecting team). I’m not interested in point scoring over who did, or did not do what at Wimbledon. Some years ago I wrote possibly the longest ever posting in the history of the BSF explaining everything that went on (remember that?) So if you want facts look it up or if you cant be bothered get someone to do it for you.


You constantly refer to the Wimbledon press conference since I mentioned it so i must have hit a nerve there! In my opinion you are possibly the most opinionated egotistical and self-serving individual on this forum (and there are a few believe me!). So no, I wont go into details, as I know it will annoy you just to keep it between you and me.


As to the point of this thread - Russell in Spain, so a few harsh facts for you.


1 I've been to the track and helped dig it -you haven't


2 I know how much Russell has invested in this project in terms of money and time -you've invested what? Zip!


3 I know where the project is going and what Russell aims are -And you don’t


4 You, and the general public have a right to know NOTHING until Russell wants you to know, and personally if it ties you up in knots not knowing, I will be advising Russell to keep you in the dark.


5 Perhaps you could subscribe to a little known publication called the Speedway Star if you want to find out anything about speedway in the future.


I hope this clarifies a few things


Love and Kisses


Steve Ribbons


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Guest Sir Lunchalot

It might just be me (old & cranky etc) but that sort of post would make me determined not to visit the speedway track in question if / when it gets up and running. I thought the original question was a fair and valid one, whether you dislike the person who asks it is another matter and I don't think personal taunts really need to be included in what one would have hoped (but would have been disappointed in this case) been a sensible and civil answer.

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  Steven Ribbons said:
Sorry so late in replying, - some of have to work for a living! And to be honest with you I’m not all that bothered now what goes on in the world of speedway so I don’t spend every minute I have available looking at this computer screen let alone on this web site. BUT, -


John Hyam, I'm not really interested in what did or did not happen at Wimbledon, I'm not interested if you even did or did not try to contact me, (I was a little busy at the time) unlike # Name Removed # (you mentioned him not me) who just walked around rattling his gold chains. (Just ask the fence erecting team). I’m not interested in point scoring over who did, or did not do what at Wimbledon. Some years ago I wrote possibly the longest ever posting in the history of the BSF explaining everything that went on (remember that?) So if you want facts look it up or if you cant be bothered get someone to do it for you.


You constantly refer to the Wimbledon press conference since I mentioned it so i must have hit a nerve there! In my opinion you are possibly the most opinionated egotistical and self-serving individual on this forum (and there are a few believe me!). So no, I wont go into details, as I know it will annoy you just to keep it between you and me.


As to the point of this thread - Russell in Spain, so a few harsh facts for you.


1 I've been to the track and helped dig it -you haven't


2 I know how much Russell has invested in this project in terms of money and time -you've invested what? Zip!


3 I know where the project is going and what Russell aims are -And you don’t


4 You, and the general public have a right to know NOTHING until Russell wants you to know, and personally if it ties you up in knots not knowing, I will be advising Russell to keep you in the dark.


5 Perhaps you could subscribe to a little known publication called the Speedway Star if you want to find out anything about speedway in the future.


I hope this clarifies a few things


Love and Kisses


Steve Ribbons



what people want to know is speedway going ahead in spain? nothing more nothing less and speedyguy is asking publically the questions what people are asking or thinking, you Mr Ribbons are turning the subject and the thread around into a slanging match for personal greivances etc,


Russell made the possibility of speedway public via "that" TV show and is he nieve enough to think that people wouldnt show an interest in it? NO that why he "advertised" it.


at the end of the day we just want to know whats happening as maybe some of us want to take business Russells way and help make his track a sucess, but frankly with posts like yours i have to agree with Lunchy and think Fek it, with posts like yours its not the best advertising for the track


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  Stokie052 said:
what people want to know is speedway going ahead in spain? nothing more nothing less and speedyguy is asking publically the questions what people are asking or thinking, you Mr Ribbons are turning the subject and the thread around into a slanging match for personal greivances etc,


Russell made the possibility of speedway public via "that" TV show and is he nieve enough to think that people wouldnt show an interest in it? NO that why he "advertised" it.


at the end of the day we just want to know whats happening as maybe some of us want to take business Russells way and help make his track a sucess, but frankly with posts like yours i have to agree with Lunchy and think Fek it, with posts like yours its not the best advertising for the track




My sentiments exactly. The venture in Spain came in with a blaze of publicity - now it is suggested what is happening should be kept secret.


With this mentaility backing it, is there really any hope for it?


The date April 8 was given as when Russell Paine would meet local councillors in Spain and know what was happening in regard to his project. So far, we have heard nothing - and somehow I don't think we are going to. But I would love to be proved wrong and see speedway in Spain - AGAIN!

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  Sir Lunchalot said:
It might just be me (old & cranky etc) but that sort of post would make me determined not to visit the speedway track in question if / when it gets up and running. I thought the original question was a fair and valid one, whether you dislike the person who asks it is another matter and I don't think personal taunts really need to be included in what one would have hoped (but would have been disappointed in this case) been a sensible and civil answer.





Thank you. It is good to see the voice of reason prevailing. Obviously, somewhere in his brief "Wimbledon stay" I trod on Steve Ribbons toes in some way.


All I want to know is 'will there be a speedway track in Spain?'

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Sad person that I am, I have watched a number of the cable channels, where British people have gone to places like Spain and also France to carry out renovation projects. In virtually all cases, the local administration, i.e. local mayor, council etc, have put obstacle upon obstacle in the way of the project. Very often, the British who are out in these countries do not have any command of the language, which leaves them extremely vulnerable. However, Russell may speak fluent Spanish for all I know.


We all know how difficult it is to open up a track in this country, Spain is obviously no easier. It would be nice to have a current update on the project though.


'Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!!' (Monty Python's Flying Circus)

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  speedyguy said:
It was last Tuesday (April 8) that Russell Paine was due to meet the local council in Spain regarding his track there?


Did anything transpire - if only to let us know the meeting did or did not take place.


Where's his 'spokesman' now? :unsure:


His spokesman is probably in the same place as yours speedyguy :wink: you gave the impression of having all the answers earlier in the thread through a source of your own, where is that source now?


Knowing Steve Ribbons as I do, you DO seem to have rattled his cage just a tad here, he was one of the few that helped with the starting of getting things over to Spain (if you watched the programme "living in the Sun" you would of seen him in one of the lorries loading up and doing the offski.) AFAIK he doesn't live in Russells pocket although they do have contact, for some reason I really cannot see Steve contacted him after every post on here just because YOU want some answers, are you planning a trip to the track? is your holiday revolving around the track? or are you waiting to see a return for your hard earnt money that you have tied up in the track? Your like a dog with a bone on this, if this is all you have to worry about in life then can I please swap places with you even if it's just for one day :wink:


Please don't all have a pop at him, you have been trying to goad (sp) him into replying and posting on here if there is no news to post then there wont be a reply, if there is a reply then you have your answers, on the website for the Spanish Speedway is there a contact number or address (email or otherwise) advertised if so and you want some answers may I suggest you contact Russell and his good lady direct, failing that you have access to the internet email the Mayors office and ask them direct. If you get any answers from them perhaps you could post them here and get off MrRs back :wink:


Before you start attacking me for daring to attempt to stick up for Steve, I have placed smilies at the end of each paragraph please take the comments as they are meant ..... not for an argument, not for abuse but trying to get the point across that there are more things in life to worry about .... unless of course you have (like I say) money tied up in it, then that is a different matter :approve:

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  shazzybird said:
His spokesman is probably in the same place as yours speedyguy :wink: you gave the impression of having all the answers earlier in the thread through a source of your own, where is that source now?


Knowing Steve Ribbons as I do, you DO seem to have rattled his cage just a tad here, he was one of the few that helped with the starting of getting things over to Spain (if you watched the programme "living in the Sun" you would of seen him in one of the lorries loading up and doing the offski.) AFAIK he doesn't live in Russells pocket although they do have contact, for some reason I really cannot see Steve contacted him after every post on here just because YOU want some answers, are you planning a trip to the track? is your holiday revolving around the track? or are you waiting to see a return for your hard earnt money that you have tied up in the track? Your like a dog with a bone on this, if this is all you have to worry about in life then can I please swap places with you even if it's just for one day :wink:


Please don't all have a pop at him, you have been trying to goad (sp) him into replying and posting on here if there is no news to post then there wont be a reply, if there is a reply then you have your answers, on the website for the Spanish Speedway is there a contact number or address (email or otherwise) advertised if so and you want some answers may I suggest you contact Russell and his good lady direct, failing that you have access to the internet email the Mayors office and ask them direct. If you get any answers from them perhaps you could post them here and get off MrRs back :wink:


Before you start attacking me for daring to attempt to stick up for Steve, I have placed smilies at the end of each paragraph please take the comments as they are meant ..... not for an argument, not for abuse but trying to get the point across that there are more things in life to worry about .... unless of course you have (like I say) money tied up in it, then that is a different matter :approve:



Why should I have money tied up in a Spanish speedway promotion? Or want to if this venture is any indication of the way things are organised. Nor would I plan a holiday to visit the area at the present time or any time - for what. My part of Spain is the area around Malaga.


I have no 'spokesman in Spain' but members of the Spanish side of my family one of whom told me about a possible car track in the Ronda area. Where my relatives live is many miles from where the Russell Paine venture IS/WAS planned for.


I am not on Steve Ribbons' back. He just made a strong attack on me because I asked what other Posters have agreed was a justified query. ie "Is there any follow up from the meeting on April 8 between Paine and his local mayor's office in Spain.'


I wondered about this project because I have taken an interest in speedway in Spain for many years. Yes, there was speedway in Spain long before Mr Paine and Mr Ribbons arrived on the scene there.

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Oh so you're not just stirring things up and giving it bad publicity and slating everything that Russell has worked hard for and given up a lot for then oops my mistake :rolleyes: must of read it wrongly :blink:

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Ive posted on this subject in the past and TBH I thought it had died a death. Having lived in Spain for 4 years not so long ago, Im sceptical on the whole thing. Im not really sure that speedway would ever take off out there, not enough interest in the sport, even if it did get the go ahead. That has a ? mark next to it also because the Spanish authorities are notorious for their red tape tactics, especially when it comes to the brits. Public awareness is non-existent in speedway in Spain and the local councils etc wownt break any boundries to introduce something that would probably never take-off. I know, I have first hand experience of it.


I wish everyone involved all the best and I shall be paying a visit there in a couple of months, by which point it will hopefully be up and running.

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Guest Sir Lunchalot

This is getting like the Long Eaton topics from the last year or two.


1. Person(s) with a speedway project asks speedway public for support


2. Honest and legitimate question(s) asked about progress of the said project


3. Questioner not liked, or no progress made, or question is embarassing so slag off the person who asked the question to divert attention from the issues raised.


Long Eaton unfortunately ended in disappointment, I await with interest any developments in this case.

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  Sir Lunchalot said:
This is getting like the Long Eaton topics from the last year or two.


1. Person(s) with a speedway project asks speedway public for support


2. Honest and legitimate question(s) asked about progress of the said project


3. Questioner not liked, or no progress made, or question is embarassing so slag off the person who asked the question to divert attention from the issues raised.


Long Eaton unfortunately ended in disappointment, I await with interest any developments in this case.



Well said, Sir!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Last request for information was May 9 2008 - regarding a possible meeting between Russell Paine and the local authorities in Soain re his application for sanction to open his track. This was set for the early part of April. We are now looking towards the end of May.


Again I ask 'did a meeting take place and what was the outcome?' Will there be speedway in Spain soon?

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  Deano said:
Sorry for being negative, but I'm pretty sure it would have shouted from the roof tops if the outcome was favourable, which is a shame. :cry:





This is a similar thought to my own. The concept of the venture was blazoned everywhere a couple of years ago - when it goes a@$e upwards and you try to find out why, there's a stunning silence. Or you get criticised by raising the mater.


If the attempt to 'revive'/start speedway in Spain has collapsed, then those involved should admit the fact. We were told that a meeting set for early April between themselves and the town officials would decide the venture's future.


Why no follow-up? It was nearly seven weeks ago that the meeting was scheduled to take place. Even Spanish officialdom does not move that slowly.

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