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Programmes - the filling in of

Guest PorkyFenman

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Interesting topic!


I don't give a monkey's if people think it's 'sad' to fill in a programme - personally I get a bit peed off with people who DON'T buy a programme and then keep asking people who have what the score is!!!!! :P :twisted:


I couldn´t have said it better myself! :approve:


In my younger years I probably looked over my fathers shoulder but since the ages of eight I´ve filled in programmes from all meetings I´ve been to, or at least so far back I can remember at the moment. Really can´t imagine how it would be not to fill in one and I dread the day when they are sold out, that´s why I usually print my own. Strange? Well, that´s me. :P

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Guest Sir Lunchalot

Can I say I think Porky has a point !!!!


Not in criticising people for filling in programs BUT that in the modern era the fact that a sport can't provide a good results service to the fans at the venue. Look at lots of stadia now, they have electronic scoreboards, immediate replays, data on the players / riders / competitors etc. As it is how many complaints do you hear that "I couldn't hear the loudspeaker on turn 2 anyway" ?


I think Porky was actually making the point that "the way forward" might include updating a few old concepts. If the sport wants to attract newcomers then the odd upgrade or two won't go astray !!

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Not in criticising people for filling in programs BUT that in the modern era the fact that a sport can't provide a good results service to the fans at the venue. Look at lots of stadia now, they have electronic scoreboards, immediate replays, data on the players / riders / competitors etc. As it is how many complaints do you hear that "I couldn't hear the loudspeaker on turn 2 anyway" ?


Not many of these modern stadiums with electronic scoreboards, replay screens etc are speedway stadiums. OK we get the Millennium Stadium once a year but the modern football stadiums are not built for speedway and do not want speedway as they are designed square so the fans can be close to the pitch. Even Odsal has now slammed the door on speedway with hospitality boxes at one end and the former speedway track concreted.

It seems our sport has to go the way of Somerset, Trelawny etc and set up venues from scratch out of the towns to avoid noise nuisance.

Therefore we must ensure that these venues have adequate PA systems so that fans can be properly informed and fill their programmes in correctly.

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Guest Sir Lunchalot

I know where you are coming from Rog and there is a cost to all of this but if speedway is competing with other sports for spectators it has to be mindful of the quality of product it serves up.


I'm not talking a state of the art multi million pound scoreboard or scoring system, but surely it shouldn't be too hard to have a scoreboard with 2 teams and 14 riders names on it with scores updated after each heat.


Those that wanted to could still keep filling in programs but a score service would make it far easier for the newbies.

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I'm not talking a state of the art multi million pound scoreboard or scoring system, but surely it shouldn't be too hard to have a scoreboard with 2 teams and 14 riders names on it with scores updated after each heat.


Mount it on the side of the tractor and it would be visible at all points of the stadium. Always assuming the track gets graded of course ;-)

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well i got sick of filling programs in at newcastle due to the huge delays - they upped the admission prices so there is no way im going to put more money in their pockets buying a program until they run the show a little more smoothly - so far this season we have had one meeting running on time!

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Because of the speed , the noise , the smell and excitement .

Its a great sport , but newbie fans will be scared away by the failed train spotters .


Your name's Porky & you're attracted to smell, says it all really.






(A pint of Newcy brown & a bag of scratchings please smilie)

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Can I say I think Porky has a point !!!!


Not in criticising people for filling in programs BUT that in the modern era the fact that a sport can't provide a good results service to the fans at the venue. Look at lots of stadia now, they have electronic scoreboards, immediate replays, data on the players / riders / competitors etc. As it is how many complaints do you hear that "I couldn't hear the loudspeaker on turn 2 anyway" ?


I think Porky was actually making the point that "the way forward" might include updating a few old concepts. If the sport wants to attract newcomers then the odd upgrade or two won't go astray !!


But filling in programs isn't just about seeing what the score is. It's about all us terrace team managers looking several heats ahead in case changes are necessary and the real team manager balls it up :P:shock:

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As a newbie to speedway i wasnt at all disturbed by the scribbling in the programs i even had a go myself and by the second half i even helped shazzybird with her program as she cocked it up slightly and shes been going to speedway for years :!:


Has anybody ever filled out a whole programme without making at least one mistake :?: I haven't.:oops:






I have a sneaking suspicion that your lovely daughter is faultless in the stats area.

(Never seen Mr Smoothie make a mistake, either

well not on a programme anyway :D :clown )

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Your right there Addy, she even knows which riders are in which heat without looking in the programme! I guess I should talk less and concentrate more, but I go to Speedway for fun, can't be doing with all this serious anorak stuff. :D


As for Mr Smoothie he's a man what d'ya expect. ;)

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I'm impressed! I can't remember who's in what heat after Ht 4 other than Ht 13. Always shouting out the wrong names until they go past to line up and hope no-one hears me! :oops:


I'm like you LW, just go to watch the racing, have a beer and have a natter (bit like the GP Qualifier really :D ) - leave the programme filling to the other half. Makes me laugh - he's insistent on getting the times for the heats, but the scorecard just gets dumped in a drawer never to be seen again when we get home. Must be a man thing! :P :roll:

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.....And I'm vegetarian. :shock: ... :lol:


Nice to know there is more than one vegetarian on the list Gem. :D

I have been a veggie for two thirds of my life.

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OK, I must be an anorak then...I always fill in my programme, to me it is part of going to speedway, plus on the odd times I haven't filled it in, I have lost track of what is going on. Even sadder is the fact I use the Grand Prix programme in the speedway star at home when it is showing on Sky. I must be a very sad person indeed

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I wasn't having a go....and yes, I fill in the times,points and all the changes and sometimes I do feel a bit sad but to me that is part of speedway, to make matters worse, I also have to fill in my sons programme....he can't be bothered. This was all said with tongue firmly in cheek, I just haven't worked out how to do the smilies yet. so just imagine a big smile smilie here

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Nice to know there is more than one vegetarian on the list Gem. :D

I have been a veggie for two thirds of my life.

Two out of 1559 is not very good though. Perhaps we will have to spread the word. :P.. :lol:

Anyway at least Porkyfenman is better than PorkyPrimeCut as I now have nice visions of a rather overweight gentleman instead of a pig going round on a spit. :cry:

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