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Swedish Eliteserie Dates 2008

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Swedish Eliteserie dates 2008


Round 1

April 29


Rospiggarna - Västervik

Lejonen - Smederna

Dackarna - Indianerna

MasarnaAvesta - Elit Vetlanda

Piraterna - Hammarby


Round 2

May 6


Smederna - Dackarna

Västervik - MasarnaAvesta

Elit Vetlanda - Piraterna

Hammarby - Lejonen

Indianerna - Rospiggarna


Round 3

May 13


Lejonen - Dackarna

Elit Vetlanda - Smederna

Västervik - Indianerna

MasarnaAvesta - Hammarby

Piraterna - Rospiggarna


Round 4

May 20


Dackarna - Rospiggarna

Hammarby - Västervik

Lejonen - Elit Vetlanda

Smederna - MasarnaAvesta

Indianerna - Piraterna


Round 5

May 27


Elit Vetlanda - Dackarna

Västervik - Lejonen

Piraterna - Smederna

MasarnaAvesta - Indianerna

Rospiggarna - Hammarby


Round 6

June 3


Dackarna - Västervik

Hammarby - Elit Vetlanda

Smederna - Indianerna

Rospiggarna - MasarnaAvesta

Lejonen - Piraterna


Round 7

June 10


Piraterna - Dackarna

Västervik - Smederna

Elit Vetlanda - Rospiggarna

MasarnaAvesta - Lejonen

Indianerna - Hammarby


Round 8

June 17


Dackarna - Hammarby

Västervik - Elit Vetlanda

Smederna - Rospiggarna

MasarnaAvesta - Piraterna

Lejonen - Indianerna


Round 9

June 24


Dackarna - MasarnaAvesta

Piraterna - Västervik

Indianerna - Elit Vetlanda

Hammarby - Smederna

Rospiggarna - Lejonen


Round 10

July 1


Indianerna - Dackarna

Västervik - Rospiggarna

Elit Vetlanda - MasarnaAvesta

Smederna - Lejonen

Hammarby - Piraterna


Round 11

July 8


Dackarna - Smederna

MasarnaAvesta - Västervik

Piraterna - Elit Vetlanda

Lejonen - Hammarby

Rospiggarna - Indianerna



Round 12

July 22


Indianerna - Västervik

Dackarna - Lejonen

Smederna - Elit Vetlanda

Hammarby - MasarnaAvesta

Rospiggarna - Piraterna


Round 13

July 29


Rospiggarna - Dackarna

Västervik - Hammarby

Elit Vetlanda - Lejonen

MasarnaAvesta - Smederna

Piraterna - Indianerna


Round 14

August 5


Dackarna - Elit Vetlanda

Lejonen - Västervik

Smederna - Piraterna

Indianerna - MasarnaAvesta

Hammarby - Rospiggarna


Round 15

August 12


Västervik - Dackarna

Elit Vetlanda - Hammarby

Indianerna - Smederna

MasarnaAvesta - Rospiggarna

Piraterna - Lejonen



August 19


Dackarna - Piraterna

Smederna - Västervik

Rospiggarna - Elit Vetlanda

Lejonen - MasarnaAvesta

Hammarby - Indianerna


Round 17

August 26


Hammarby - Dackarna

Elit Vetlanda - Västervik

Rospiggarna - Smederna

Piraterna - MasarnaAvesta

Indianerna - Lejonen


Round 18

September 2


MasarnaAvesta - Dackarna

Västervik - Piraterna

Elit Vetlanda - Indianerna

Smederna - Hammarby

Lejonen - Rospiggarna



Quarterfinals TBA

Semifinals TBA



/ Mikael

Edited by tarabanko
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It has taken it's time but just realised last week what a huge blow it is against Finnish speedway that Allsvenskan only has six teams. the 1st division has been closed shop before, but there are 14 team places missing next season in the Allsvenskan! :blink: Mäkinen and Hautamäki can consider themselves to be very lucky to have contracts already.

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Dont really know as the Allsvenskan and Division 1 fixtures aint ready yet and I belive it will take a while before it is all settled and dusted with them.


I would expect the proposed Division 1 fixture list to be sent to the club early in this week (Tuesday or Wednesday). Then the participating club will have one week (or so) to send their point of view of the fixture list back to SVEMO. Hopefully a definite list will be known in about 2 weeks time.

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Elit Vetlanda's meetings in Elitserien 2008 are now available on Elit Vetlanda's website, www.elitvetlanda.se.


this list apparently just was a suggestion for dates and most likely some meetings will change.



Edited by Ghostwalker
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I got Västerviks matches from here: http://www.vt.se/nyheter/artikel.aspx?ArticleID=2563616


I see that they have wrong,

June 24 It says Piraterna - Västervik

and September 2 Piraterna - Västervik


In Västervikstidningen the last match according to them is on sept 3 which is totally wrong as it is on a wednesday.



Yes these fixtures are official as they comes from:


MasarnaAvestas homepage

Elit Vetlandas homepage

and Västerviks paper.


/ Mikael

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I got Västerviks matches from here: http://www.vt.se/nyheter/artikel.aspx?ArticleID=2563616


I see that they have wrong,

June 24 It says Piraterna - Västervik

and September 2 Piraterna - Västervik


In Västervikstidningen the last match according to them is on sept 3 which is totally wrong as it is on a wednesday.

Yes these fixtures are official as they comes from:


MasarnaAvestas homepage

Elit Vetlandas homepage

and Västerviks paper.


/ Mikael


Micke i believe that these dates are take from this blog link :




That list had a few "errors" aswell, Rospiggarna had 3 away matches in a row (r2-r4) and Västervik would finish the season with 3 away meetings. I doubt that neither Piggarna or Västervik will accept 3 aaway meetings in a row.


I think that the list will undergo some changes before it is released as official.

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Swedish Eliteserie dates 2008



Tarabanko, add the following fixtures:


Round 2: Indianerna - Rospiggarna

Round 8: Lejonen - Indianerna

Round 9: Rospiggarna - Lejonen


Round 11: Rospiggarna - Indianerna

Round 17: Indianerna - Lejonen

Round 18: Lejonen - Rospiggarna


When you do, that will be the official fixture list sent to the clubs on Thursday.


That list had a few "errors" aswell, Rospiggarna had 3 away matches in a row (r2-r4) and Västervik would finish the season with 3 away meetings.  I doubt that neither Piggarna or Västervik will accept 3 aaway meetings in a row.


Rospiggarna DO have three away meetings in a row (r2-r4). They also have three straight home meetings in July, but with the WTC break within that span. I know Rospiggarna wanted as many meetings as possible in July, guess that's why the fixture list ended up this way.


BTW, Elit Vetlanda had three straight home meetings in successive weeks in 2007, that was even worse...

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Tarabanko, add the following fixtures:


Round 2: Indianerna - Rospiggarna

Round 8: Lejonen - Indianerna

Round 9: Rospiggarna - Lejonen


Round 11: Rospiggarna - Indianerna

Round 17: Indianerna - Lejonen

Round 18: Lejonen - Rospiggarna


When you do, that will be the official fixture list sent to the clubs on Thursday.

Rospiggarna DO have three away meetings in a row (r2-r4). They also have three straight home meetings in July, but with the WTC break within that span. I know Rospiggarna wanted as many meetings as possible in July, guess that's why the fixture list ended up this way.


BTW, Elit Vetlanda had three straight home meetings in successive weeks in 2007, that was even worse...



Thanks Anders! :):)


Now are the fixture list complete for all 18 rounds, but still to come is the dates for quarter finals, semi finals and finals.


Dates will come after BSPA as far as I know has had their meeting later this year.

Edited by tarabanko
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