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Australian Links With Raports And Photos

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Iam looking for Australian speedway websites with frequently updates and also with pics.


I have found just a few but none has a raport from the meeting last saturday were Cameron Woodward won and Richard Sweetman came second.


Which Australians junior riders have a own website?


Dakota North, Richard Sweetman and Ryan Sedgeman are my own personal favourites :):):)

Edited by tarabanko
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I have 2 jnr australian riders websites who rode in poland f.i.m. gold cup this year

Taylor Poole www.taylorpoole.net

Todd Kurtz www.toddkurtz.net


There are a stack of aussie riders sites out there now. Alot of them though are designed and hosted in U.K. or europe though. Try the speedway yellow pages there are some good aussie rider website links on there.


Thanks ALOT for the answer!


/ Mikael

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Guest Sir Lunchalot

I'll give my mate Craig Fordham a plug here and suggest his site www.ausm.info as a handy resource. It has race dates, race reports (where available) and a very interesting history section.


We don't get many motor sport publications covering much motorcycle speedway out here (cars yes, bikes no) so other than what you see on the various speedway forums / boards there isn't much else apart from perhaps the Oz title results. As for reports on the Victorian title you won't see any. Maybe the local Mildura newspaper will carry a small report sometime this week but that would be about it and it wouldn't make it on to the internet. I notice that the GP site carried a report on the state titles but guess what, that was a rehash of the live updates report written in a clever way without using the exact same text so it appeared they had someone reporting for them !!

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I'll give my mate Craig Fordham a plug here and suggest his site www.ausm.info as a handy resource. It has race dates, race reports (where available) and a very interesting history section.


We don't get many motor sport publications covering much motorcycle speedway out here (cars yes, bikes no) so other than what you see on the various speedway forums / boards there isn't much else apart from perhaps the Oz title results. As for reports on the Victorian title you won't see any. Maybe the local Mildura newspaper will carry a small report sometime this week but that would be about it and it wouldn't make it on to the internet. I notice that the GP site carried a report on the state titles but guess what, that was a rehash of the live updates report written in a clever way without using the exact same text so it appeared they had someone reporting for them !!




Sad to read that Speedway isnt figuring in the newspapers in the speedwaycities in Australia.


I wont compalin on the swedish papers, the papers with speedway in their municipality are doing a quite good job comparing to australians ditto.



Australia with so many good riders are worth so much more space in the papers in australia.


/ Mikael

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I notice that the GP site carried a report on the state titles but guess what, that was a rehash of the live updates report written in a clever way without using the exact same text so it appeared they had someone reporting for them !!


Hmm, bet if we did the same they would be on our backs in 2 seconds flat!


Suppose in a way though it means we are doing something right to have our stuff used by the 'big boys' and that we have been noticed.

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Guest Sir Lunchalot
Hmm, bet if we did the same they would be on our backs in 2 seconds flat!

I think it's all down to how clever you are about it. If you use the basic facts and put your own twist to it and rewrite it in your own words then it's not so bad because at least there is some original input. If it's a slow news day and there are column inches to fill I can see why they do it and it's (for example) what Bryn would have done for the IOW to write a piece from a Cory Gathercole point of view. It's the straight "cut and pastes" with no changes at all that drive people mad.

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Sad to read that Speedway isnt figuring in the newspapers in the speedwaycities in Australia.


Australia with so many good riders are worth so much more space in the papers in australia.


/ Mikael


Mikael -

so good of you to notice, all the way from where you are! but speedway's golden days of the 70s, when riders were known uotside speedway circles, are a long time ago - ask Mr & Mrs Average about Crump, Adams & co & they won't have a clue, as between the general media, speedway media, promoters, club publicity officers, the word just doesn't get out!


As for "speedway cities", speedway bike racing in the capitol cities doesn't really happen - the creeping urban sprawl, ridiculous land prices, noise & air pollution abatement regulations - all have made spedway bike racing almost the sole preserve of non-metropolitan areas, ie "the bush"


So, how do we ever really expect to see the GPs come back to Australia, despite how good the elite top is, and how diverse & promising the younger riders are?

Despite all of this, Ozzie riders WIL continue to rate at the top of the world!


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