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Speedway World Cup 2008

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I don't understand all the negativity about Ole Olsen. He makes good and bad tracks, just like any other person could do. the track in Copenhagen was the best I've seen for long time. Cardiff was great! Vojens wasn't the best track, I agree, but I've seen worse tracks. who remember Nya Ullevi? the mud bath... race off in Reading 2006? there are good and bad tracks, and the riders seem to accept it.


I'm happy that the race off and final are held in DK, as I am Danish, but I have also said on Danish forums that the race off and final should be held on neutral venue. no help from audience.

an alternative: the whole world cup: round 1-2, race off and final could be held in the same country, on the same or different venues.


how many would go to race off and final if it's held in Latvia, Hungary, Slovenia, Norway or Austria? Nations that possibly won't reach either round 1-2 or race off. the money, the interest and the audience are in Denmark, Sweden, GB and Poland. I suppose Australia is to far away for SWC.


Denmark is a strong nation, but speedway is not as popular in DK as in Sweden or Poland, which is a shame because the tracks in DK are suffering from it. We have a world champ now, we won SWC last year, but still the tracks remain in poor condition. But there's no money in speedway, according to the moneymen, and why spending money on a sport that doesn't reach the whole nation?


So, I'm glad that I next year get the chance to see speedway live more than one time(Parken), however; when it's said then I still think the SWC should be held in another country, not because I don't want SWC to be held in DK, but because as long as the money isn't there to create good tracks, then it shouldn't be held in DK at all. hard words from a Danish speedway fanatic!

Edited by Benedicte
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Denmak has the advantage of having Ole Olsen doing all he can FOR HIS country! Unfortunately speedway is suffering from it. I remember the last time the SWC Finals were held in Denmark it was a huge disappointment compared to Poland the year before, especially the poor attendances and total lack of atmosphere and excitement for the early rounds. 


Sweden is long overdue to get the World Cup Finals, and knowing the quality of the swedish speedway tracks, this would be the best thing for the SWC !


Ask Nicki if he thinks Ole is doing everything for his country. Nicki was pretty close to get a suspension because he accused Ole for always being rough against the danes comparing the other teams.

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