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Arthur Sherlock / Leicester

Dr Watson

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Good morning!


I am researching the above and would be grateful for any assistance.


I may also be of some use to others interested in the early days, as I have a large volume of newspaper clippings and photographs from 1928 to the mid 30's regarding Arthur and the speedway scene.


My other half is Arthur's grand daughter, btw and I am writing a biography about his life.


Thanks, i'm now off to the Speedway Museum to have a nose. :)

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There's a photo of an ALF Sherlock on this yahoo site:





It can be found in the Photos album 'Veterans Riders Up to 1939.'


Could ALF Sherlock in fact be ARTHUR Sherlock - or vice versa?

Edited by speedyguy
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There's a photo of an ALF Sherlock on this yahoo site:



It can be found in the Photos album 'Veterans Riders Up to 1939.'


Could ALF Sherlock in fact be ARTHUR Sherlock - or vice versa?




I have done a check on this photo. It was signed A Sherlock.


It looks as though the way the A runs into the S may have given the impression of being 'Alf'. Positive it is in fact Arthur Sherlock.


When was he at Leicester ? - and elsewhere?



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Arthur was at Bristol in 1928 and rode at both Leicester Super

(Melton Rd) and Leicester Stadium (Blackbird Rd). 1928 saw him in

the Stadum line-up in Challenge Matches, He rode in the first match

in 1929 then moved to the Super team where he was joint top scorer.


In 1930 Arthur was a heat leader in the Super line=up. 1931 saw him

back at the Stadium until withdrawal from the Southern League. He

was one of the riders nominated to meet Fay Taylor on her only

appearance in Leicester and also took part in Revival meetings later

which were unlicensed Pirate Events.



This info is contained in Alan Jones book "Speedway in Leicester -

The Pre-War Years" (Part 1 of a 3 book series on the Teams history)

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I can't believe nobody knows anything!


I can.................but 'someone' may know 'something' :D


you are only going to get a few twit-bits on forums


The leicester Speedway history book By Alan Jones is still available direct from Alan Jones, I suggest getting in touch with him, he is a very agreeable chap always willing to help.


Can I suggest a few trips to the National Newspaper library at Colindale, London may be useful? ;)

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