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I Look For Results British Final


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I Look for full results (heat to heat and times) British Final:


1. Wembley 02. 09. 1961

2. Wembley 29. 08. 1964

3. West Ham 31. 08. 1965

5. Wimbledon 11. 07. 1968

6. West Ham 05. 08. 1969

7. Coventry 16. 08. 1978

8. Coventry 04. 06. 1980

9. Coventry 03. 06. 1981

10. Coventry 02. 06. 1982

12. Coventry 20. 06. 1984

13. Coventry 06. 06. 1985

14. Coventry 01. 06. 1986

16. Coventry 22. 05. 1989

17. Coventry 30. 04. 1995

18. Coventry 17. 05. 1998

19. Coventry 23. 05. 1999

20. Coventry 20. 05. 2000

21. Coventry 12. 10. 2002

22. Belle Vue 11. 06. 2006


You can me help? Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Edited by dlprezes
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Simon Wigg..3,2,3,3,3 = 14

Kelvin Tatum..3,3,2,2,3 = 13

Chris Morton..2,2,3,3,1 = 11

Simon Cross..1,3,3,2,2 = 11

Neil Evitts..1,3,3,3,X = 10

Richard Knight..3,2,3,2,0 = 10

John Davis..1,3,1,1,3 = 9

Marvyn Cox..3,1,1,1,2 = 8

Andy Smith..2,1,2,1,2 = 8

Steve Schofield..0,0,1,2,3 = 6

Andrew Silver..2,2,X,0,2 = 6

Neil Collins..2,1,1,0,1 = 5

Jeremy Doncaster..,0,1,0,2,1 = 4

Andy Galvin..1,X,2,0,0 = 3

Sean Wilson..0,0,0,1,1 = 2

Gary Havelock..X,W = 0

Andy Hackett ®..0,0 = 0

David Clarke ®..0,0 = 0


Ht 1..64.4..Cox, Smith, Cross, Doncaster

Ht 2..64.5..Wigg, Collins, Evitts, Schofield

Ht 3..64.0..Knight, Silver, Galvin, Havelock [F/Ex]

Ht 4..63.4..Tatum, Morton, Davis, Wilson

Ht 5..63.2..Evitts, Morton, Smith, Hackett

Ht 6..63.1..Tatum, Wigg, Cox, Galvin [F/Ex]

Ht 7..63.6..Cross, Silver, Collins, Wilson

Ht 8..63.7..Davis, Knight, Doncaster, Schofield [Ret]

Ht 9..64.4..Wigg, Smith, Davis, Silver [F/Ex]

Ht 10..64.6..Evitts, Knight, Cox, Wilson [E/F]

Ht 11..64.0..Cross, Tatum, Schofield, Clarke

Ht 12..64.7..Morton, Galvin, Collins, Doncaster

Ht 13..65.7..Knight, Tatum, Smith, Collins

Ht 14..65.3..Morton, Schofield, Cox, Silver [Ret]

Ht 15..64.2..Evitts, Cross, Davis, Galvin

Ht 16..63.9..Wigg, Doncaster, Wilson, Hackett [E/F]

Ht 17..65.0..Schofield, Smith, Wilson, Galvin [E/F]

Ht 18..64.9..Davis, Cox, Collins, Clarke

Ht 19..64.4..Wigg, Cross, Morton, Knight

Ht 20..65.2..Tatum, Silver, Doncaster, Evitts [F/Ex]


Ht 21..65.8..Schofield, Silver

Ht 22..Morton, Cross




Havelock withdrawn from meeting after Ht 3 crash and replaced by reserves.

Ht 21 = run-off for reserve at the following round.

Ht 22 = run-off for Third place.

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Chris Morton..2,2,3,2,3 = 12

Michael Lee..0,3,2,3,3 = 11

Andy Grahame..2,0,2,3,3 = 10

Kenny Carter..2,3,0,3,2 = 10

Peter Collins..1,1,3,2,3 = 10

John Davis..2,2,2,2,2 = 10

Phil Collins..0,3,1,3,2 = 9

Les Collins..0,2,3,1,2 = 8

Paul Woods..3,1,1,1,1 = 7

Dave Jessup..3,3,X,W = 6

Simon Wigg..3,0,3,0,0 = 6

Gordon Kennett..3,1,2,0,0 = 6

Colin Richardson..1,1,1,2,1 = 6

Malcolm Simmons..1,2,1,0,1 = 5

Sean Willmott..1,0,0,1,0 = 2

Neil Collins..0,0,0,1,0 = 1

Kevin Hawkins ®..0,1 = 1


Ht 1..63.4..Woods, Morton, Pt Collins, Ph Collins

Ht 2..62.4..Kennett, Carter, Willmott, N Collins

Ht 3..62.3..Jessup, Grahame, Simmons, Lee

Ht 4..63.7..Wigg, Davis, Richardson, L Collins

Ht 5..62.7..Carter, Davis, Pt Collins, Grahame

Ht 6..63.0..Ph Collins, Simmons, Kennett, Wigg

Ht 7..63.0..Jessup, L Collins, Woods, Willmott

Ht 8..62.8..Lee, Morton, Richardson, N Collins

Ht 9..64.1..Pt Collins, Kennett, Richardson, Jessup [F/Ex]

Ht 10..63.4..L Collins, Lee, Ph Collins, Carter

Ht 11..64.3..Wigg, Grahame, Woods, N Collins [E/F]

Ht 12..63.5..Morton, Davis, Simmons, Willmott

Ht 13..63.9..Lee, Pt Collins, Willmott, Wigg

Ht 14..64.7..Ph Collins, Davis, N Collins, Hawkins

Ht 15..63.3..Carter, Richardson, Woods, Simmons

Ht 16..63.3..Grahame, Morton, L Collins, Kennett

Ht 17..64.8..Pt Collins, L Collins, Simmons, N Collins

Ht 18..63.5..Grahame, Ph Collins, Richardson, Willmott

Ht 19..63.8..Lee, Davis, Woods, Kennett

Ht 20..64.2..Morton, Carter, Hawkins, Wigg [E/F]


Ht 21..63.7..Grahame, Carter, Pt Collins, Davis




Ht 21 = run-off for Third place.

The four Collins in the line-up were, of course, brothers.

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