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Greetings from Denmark

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Well thanks for the support (from most of you) The boys have done everyone proud the team spirit is fantastic the boys have been so up for it none of them wanting to let each other or their country down and it shows!

We are just chillin waiting to go to the final at the moment and wherever we finish first or last be very proud of them I know i will be.

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You have proved quite a lot wrong, but you have my support. Good luck tonight. The boys have done us all proud and the riding has been awesome. Go Great Britain

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Fair play Neil.


Best Wishes for tonight, 100% commitment as shown in the last 2 Meetings is all anyone can ask.


Well Done

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Thanks for taking the time to post. This weeks been one fo the great sporting moments for me (and I'm 41 today!). A few of us Eagles knew what you were up to when you selected Floppy. A captain who rides on blood and guts and a true patriot. Barker has always had it in him and Havvy has been a revelation to me. Put that flag on him and he turns into a madman. Nicholls and Richardson have been different class.


I've cleared my day today to watch (and believe me, I had to cancel something very big) as I wouldn't miss it for the world.


All the boys have been magnificent, mechanics too. The bikes have been great.


Podium would be a massive achievement and theres thousands here routing for you all.

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Congratulations on what you and the lads have achieved so far Middlo and whatever happens in the Final you can be sure that you've done enough already to make us proud.


All the best in the final - we know you can do it - you know we can do - and that is success enough because we can take that to greater levels throughout the rest of this season and beyond.


Best regards

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Guest BritPeter

Just a few minutes to go now, and I am really looking forward to this one, If the Aussies do win then It will be a great achievement, because this is going to be the toughest of world cup finals since the new format started.


I just hope the Brits can ride like they did on Wednesday, we can ask for no more than that! What a nice touch getting a posting from the GB manager! is this a first?

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What a nice touch getting a posting from the GB manager! is this a first?

Probably, and a very nice thing to do. Thanks Middlo and good luck to the lads. As long as they keep riding with determination like they have been doing that's all we fans ask. :D

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Thanks Middlo, for taking the time to a post on the forum.


All the British team done up proud :D shame that we didn't win the final, but evryone gave 100%, and that is all you can ask for.


The boys were totally awesome on Monday & Thursday.


The track played a big part in tonight's result, how can they run a world championship event, on a track like this, when no rider given a chance too rider at their ability.


Thanks for the teams great riding, and all the hard work put in by everyone.


Best wishes to everyone involed with, Team GB.

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We all think you and the boys deserve a lap of honour!!

Start at Trelawney, then Exeter, Somer..........................


Excellent work, thanks for posting, come back soon!!

'The Way Ahead' section looks good.........(You guys knew I'd get that in somehow. :lol: )

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