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Rob, glad you saw that too, I've seen a con rod go and they are quite spectacular, a great explosion of fireworks under the calf as the con rod shoots through the engine casing.  I kept shouting at the TV that it couldn't have been a con rod.




Yep think Crump was just trying to cover up his embarrasment of touching the tapes whilst on a joker. Shame because the Aussies were still in contention until that point.

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Then again, I've only been watching the sport for over 30 years, so why the hell should I be entitled to a view.



You are indeed entitled to an opinion, but how anyone can question the racing tonight is beyond me. I wonder if you just hold a view the opposite to the majority to wind people up? The racing was first class tonight.


Unbelievable, what more do people want from the sport if tonights racing was 'not acceptable'? Unbelievable/

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Subedei......we agree.  Gollob was certainly in the mood tonight, and as you said....most compelling.  What a performance, what a show.  As for England, sadly the were "not at the races" tonight, (no pun intended).  What a let down.


Gollob always seems to pull it out of the hat in the SWC. About the only competition in which the great man truly rolls back the years and shows us just what a magician he is on a speedway bike. His second heat was just magnificent. And this race meeting was magnificent, if a little soured by a lack of grace from Hans Andersen. If the racing was like that week in and week out the crowds would surely flock back to the sport, although I'm not sure I could take the excitement. That was a very, very special race meeting, confirming the SWC as the greatest event in speedway.

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Thanks, I will - then I can get away from the thought police fascists that seem to be the norm amongst the 'entertained' on here.


Then again, I've only been watching the sport for over 30 years, so why the hell should I be entitled to a view.


It's when I read posts like yours I realise that no matter what people do or say, you definately can't please everyone all the time.


Yes you are entitled to an opinion, even if you are on a 24 hour pass.


If you didn't find this meeting entertaining I definately agree it's time you found another hobby and sport to watch.


The racing was fast and furious, loads of passing, meeting result not decided until final heat - what more does a speedway fan want?

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People raved about the racing at Cardiff, the racing was a lot better tonight but people not going on about it so much because GB were so rubbish and not in contention


There was some really hard racing, riders passing each other and taking each other out all the time, surprised there was only one crash.

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think you want to get your eyes tested tac sub,mind you always get one against the grain in all walks of life! :shock:


Different strokes for different folks. I'd imagine that Steve Turner wasn't overly impressed either. Raw power racing does it for some people, it doesn't for others. I thought it a fantastic race meeting, Tactical Sub didn't. That's fair enough, he's entitled to his opinion.

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Thanks, I will - then I can get away from the thought police fascists that seem to be the norm amongst the 'entertained' on here.


Then again, I've only been watching the sport for over 30 years, so why the hell should I be entitled to a view.


Dont get your Nickers in a twist!


Steve was just saying in a round about way that you will not see many better meetings than that!


if you was just viewing with your team GB hat on i could see you would nothave liked the meeting!


I am now going to watch the spurs win the london masters! :wink:

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Fantastic Speedway, fantastic atmosphere that even came across on tv. Leszno has to be one of the best tracks in the whole world, maybe the best. I'm glad the GP will be there in 2008 and 2009.

Congratulations Poland, i thought they deserved to win. One or two points. The comments on here about Walasek. This is 100% typical of Speedway or more to the point the authorities that make the rules. A crazy rule left open to either 1. Abuse or 2. Chinese whispers and gripes by the rest. Which is nearest the truth tonight doesn't matter. They HAVE to change this rule. Let any reserve come in after Heat 5 for any out of form rider.What's so wrong with that ? The way the rule is now it just courts controversy, or maybe thats what some in power want as it gets people talking, creates a buzz. I don't know why GB were so bad tonight. They were abysmal. 99% of the time as a nation we dont seem to be able to adapt and ride to the track or conditions like most other nations. We heard Nicki Pedersen talking about telling Bjarne the lines and the other nations seemed dialled in to it while the GB boys were floundering going out wide on turn 4 and getting passed easily. By about heat 18 they were finally getting it !!! I'm not a fan of the Danes, or two of them really to be honest , lol. But tonight i thought they showed great intelligence and rode with their heads. No last places i think ? I thought with 7 heats to go they had it won. That they didnt is soley down to the way Poland rode. They pulled it out of the fire and rode with swashbuckling guts and determination. Andersens comments were sour grapes but just what to expect from him. Nice to see Gollob be the one to finish it too towards the end of his career, he's given us all so many great races over the years. Again well done Polska !!!

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Geraint Jones is eligable without any fiddling for one.  The team is England AND WALES ;):P


Good meeting, crap Brits, Hans made me laugh, Poles cheated, Aussies cheated, Brits cheated, wanted the Danes to win by the time Walasek was "ill".

Despite the name, Geraint Jones isn't Welsh. He was born in Papua New Guinea and brought up in Australia.

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This was one of the best meetings ever televised. Fair play to Poland, worthy winners, but the "illness" to Walasek sours the victory. A reality check for British Speedway tonight. Maybe now the Sky money that is diverted into one promoters pocket every year should be diverted into the grass roots of the sport before we finish up like a Finland or USA. Lets be honest, GB were poor tonight from 1 thru 5, and that is being kind.

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Denmark 52

Australia 29

Great Britain 15



Don't slag off a British team for losing. It's not our way. The tradition for us is "magnificent in victory, glorious in defeat."


Look how badly we did against the Australians at cricket last winter, but what a magnificent side we have fielded against the West Indies and India in recent months to prove we are one of the world's great cricketing countries.


We showed our class in the qualifier at Coventry against fantastic teams like Sweden, Russia and USA. That result proved deep down that we have a great side, Leszno in the SWC was just a blip.


Stiff upper lip and all that chaps (and ladies of course). :unsure::rolleyes:

Edited by speedyguy
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And then there will only be about 1000 people there watching it! You can see with that crowd tonight and atmosphere why they have it in Poland every few years. Got a feeling though it could be back in Vojens next year.

After this year Anywhere but Vojens! :angry:


Isn't Sweden due to host a World Cup soon?

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This country could were once speedway legends. The team was feared throughout the speedway world.


The team which allegedly contested the final today were nothing less than a national disgrace. Middleditch your immediate resignation is required.


Sadly, I changed my avatar under the false impression that the team would be competative.


A team made up of Belle Vue and Ipswich riders would probably have done better.


Dismayed, Distraught, Deluded and Disgusted


Edited by Ron Butler
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Despite the name, Geraint Jones isn't Welsh. He was born in Papua New Guinea and brought up in Australia.

I believe he is classed as a Welshman, despite his place of birth and where is was brought up.


No different to say, oh, I don't know......................



Jason Crump;)

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Few Points


Superb meeting...Congrats the Poles


Hard lines the Brits


Maybe next year we should get our Engines done by the same people that do the Poles and Danes.....Im sure Leigh Adams would join us in that


Tomasz Gollob...rolling back the years


Poland cheating.....well might off ...might not......But it is nothing to the illnesses that we hear about week in week out in the British League involving all nations of riders


Heat 25.......Very very funny......Thats why all us Brits love Scotty


As for the Hone's of this world slagging us....pretty much expected...but for someone who supports Poland you seem to be defending Denmark an awful lot :-)



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