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Okay, as my impartiality, contraryness and eyesight have now been questioned for expressing an opinion, that's it from me on this 'discussion' forum.


Any review of my previous posts would show I'm pretty much mainstream and not deliberately 'against the grain'. My thoughts on tonight were pretty much based on my own interpretation of the evidence:-


1) There will always be a degree of passing where there is such a spread of ability, track knowledge, experience and quality/set-up of machinery amongst a meeting with as many as 23 riders in.


2) A lot of the passing took place whilst those with lesser experience/ability/equipment were being relegated to their rightful place after gating at or near the front. There were odd occasions but rarely was a Dane or Pole passed once having reached the front.


3) On a big wide track there are a number of racing lines. The natural trajectory of the various routes gives them advantages at different points on the lap and hence overtaking and re-overtaking occurs. This happened a lot tonight but often with the same net outcome.


4) I have spent a lot of time in Poland and watched a lot of racing at Leszno. It is a great track but it has usually been set up differently than tonight and better for it in my view. Of those who have questioned my view of Leszno tonight I wonder how many others of them have seen 15-20 meetings there.


5) I understand my view of the track has to some degree been mirrored by Leigh Adams who has said that tonight things were "a bit different to most of his 12 years racing there". But hey, I guess he's just blind and contrary too.


Cheers folks, this forum is a really great idea but given the quality of debate (do we really think Poole 2004 has any relevance to tonight's meeting ?) it's not one for me anymore.


PS - Well done to Poland.

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Okay, as my impartiality, contraryness and eyesight have now been questioned for expressing an opinion, that's it from me on this 'discussion' forum.


Any review of my previous posts would show I'm pretty much mainstream and not deliberately 'against the grain'. My thoughts on tonight were pretty much based on my own interpretation of the evidence:-


1) There will always be a degree of passing where there is such a spread of ability, track knowledge, experience and quality/set-up of machinery amongst a meeting with as many as 23 riders in.


2) A lot of the passing took place whilst those with lesser experience/ability/equipment were being relegated to their rightful place after gating at or near the front. There were odd occasions but rarely was a Dane or Pole passed once having reached the front.


3) On a big wide track there are a number of racing lines. The natural trajectory of the various routes gives them advantages at different points on the lap and hence overtaking and re-overtaking occurs. This happened a lot tonight but often with the same net outcome.


4) I have spent a lot of time in Poland and watched a lot of racing at Leszno. It is a great track but it has usually been set up differently than tonight and better for it in my view. Of those who have questioned my view of Leszno tonight I wonder how many others of them have seen 15-20 meetings there.


5) I understand my view of the track has to some degree been mirrored by Leigh Adams who has said that tonight things were "a bit different to most of his 12 years racing there". But hey, I guess he's just blind and contrary too.


Cheers folks, this forum is a really great idea but given the quality of debate (do we really think Poole 2004 has any relevance to tonight's meeting ?) it's not one for me anymore.


PS - Well done to Poland.


Take a chill pill fellar!


Hey, we just got stuffed in Poland and the Spurs was robed! :blink::D


I accept you opinion


Just don't agree with it!

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Looking forward to the excuses .... Shocking display by Team GB.


No excuses we were rubbishe, all the action was at the front of each race, we might as well have been riding squads! Let's face it we just were not fast enough, one thing I did notice a fair few times though we were riding the inside line whilst the others seemed to be out wide in the dirt. Now I'm no speedway rider and never professed to be one but if others are riding out wide and beating said last placed rider almost every race, would it not be a good idea to think about trying the line they are racing? (having re-read that there's a couple of excuses there from me so I lied sorry :lol: )



Poland won the SWC and this thread is open again??? why on earth was it locked earlier tonight??? WHY??????????????


At a rough guess I'd say it was because during the meeting there was a tad too much chat on the thread. :wink:



Didnt take Hans long to start spitting his dummy,did it?


Hmmmmmm as patriotic as I am, I find that a bit unfair as there were certainly a few of us spitting ours out at the end of SWC 2004 like he said 2nd is the first loser


waiting for some of these Team GB fans to start cursing about home track advantage ... before you do, think back a year.


Not from me I'm afraid, yes the Poles won but they didn't have it all their way did they?



Why should you be worried? You don't even support TeamGB.


Also made it quite clear that he doesn't like Middlo and has upset Ed's Uncle with a few comments in the past as well :wink:



Team GB were absolute crap at the beginning, but at least we improved to just plain crap by the end. So well done Britain - glorious losers!


No denying in the end the best team won.




I assume I'm a member of the "look at me gang" am I as one of your members refered to me as fairy boy?


Ah but if there is a picture of you lurking around with a Pink Cowboy hat on then I'm afraid the rumours may well be true :lol:


Congratulations to Poland Congratulations on your win.


Shazzybird - Proud to be a TEAM GB fan - still glorious in defeat

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Just a thought from somebody who has not watched the meeting and has only just found out the result. It appears from the majority of posts that the `top` GB riders were either not good enough, wrong type of track, equipment poor or not set up right. Does this mean then that when they ride for their league team in Poland they are always at the back!

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Fantastic Speedway, fantastic atmosphere that even came across on tv. Leszno has to be one of the best tracks in the whole world, maybe the best. I'm glad the GP will be there in 2008 and 2009.

Congratulations Poland, i thought they deserved to win. One or two points. The comments on here about Walasek. This is 100% typical of Speedway or more to the point the authorities that make the rules. A crazy rule left open to either 1. Abuse or 2. Chinese whispers and gripes by the rest. Which is nearest the truth tonight doesn't matter. They HAVE to change this rule. Let any reserve come in after Heat 5 for any out of form rider.What's so wrong with that ? The way the rule is now it just courts controversy, or maybe thats what some in power want as it gets people talking, creates a buzz. I don't know why GB were so bad tonight. They were abysmal. 99% of the time as a nation we dont seem to be able to adapt and ride to the track or conditions like most other nations. We heard Nicki Pedersen talking about telling Bjarne the lines and the other nations seemed dialled in to it while the GB boys were floundering going out wide on turn 4 and getting passed easily. By about heat 18 they were finally getting it !!!  I'm not a fan of the Danes, or two of them really to be honest , lol. But tonight i thought they showed great intelligence and rode with their heads. No last places i think ?    I thought with 7 heats to go they had it won. That they didnt is soley down to the way Poland rode. They pulled it out of the fire and rode with swashbuckling guts and determination. Andersens comments were sour grapes but just what to expect from him. Nice to see Gollob be the one to finish it too towards the end of his career, he's given us all so many great races over the years. Again well done Polska !!!


Tried to read your post and found these:


Would they be yours ?

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5) I understand my view of the track has to some degree been mirrored by Leigh Adams who has said that tonight things were "a bit different to most of his 12 years racing there". But hey, I guess he's just blind and contrary too.




Mmm... I never heard Leigh Adams say the racing was boring. The track may have been different tonight than it is usually for Leigh, but that does not mean the racing was poor as you suggested earlier.

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you could do a better job maybe?


why should he resign he dosent ride in the team what more could he have done lol yous lot make me laugh.


So why did he need to be there then.

Just send the team he picked, which looked good, and leave them to it. He could have satyed at home and watched it on TV if what you say is true.


Sorry Halo, I know you obviously feel passionate about this (and I dont blame you)but the buck has to stop with someone and if he wants to put his case forward for who above him is resonsible then I would listen.

But at the moment that is where the buck stops and on tonights performance its not looking good for him.

Sorry :(

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Love my speedway but not very gened up about the technicalities so please be easy on me but I have a few questions.


1. Do the GB riders ride in Poland?.

2. If they are competative against the other riders in the Elite league and the Gps why were they so far off the pace tonight?.

3. Why when they were 1st or second by the 2nd bend were they 3rd or 4th by the 3rd bend ?.

4. Do the GB riders not ride in the same countries , on the same tracks as the Poles , Danes and Australians ?.

5. Is there something wrong with Speedway in this country ?.

6. I play darts ( laugh if you like ) but to to be successful I have to to perform on any board no matter how bad and I only play in a village league so my point being why were GB so bad tonight ?.


I thought it was a great meeting with some wonderful passing and congratulations to the Poles , unlucky Denmark but the Brits were an embarrasment.


To be represented on the world stage like that i'm sorry but it was pathetic. I don't blame the riders, i'm sure they gave they're all but please if we're that bad don't enter again.


That's quite critical I know but I don't think i'll be the only person that is disappointed with our team tonight.


I'm a great patriot and i'm sure there will be lots of people putting me right. i welcome that.

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This country could were once speedway legends.  The team was feared throughout the speedway world.


The team which allegedly contested the final today were nothing less than a national disgrace.  Middleditch your immediate resignation is required.


Sadly, I changed my avatar under the false impression that the team would be competative.


A team made up of Belle Vue and Ipswich riders would probably have done better.


Dismayed, Distraught and Disgusted


Dear Disgruntled,


Don't despair, don't give up hope! I'm sure Team GB will rise again one day; maybe not in my lifetime fer sure, but someday.....? :blink:


Maybe we could travel back to the Halcyon days of the late 60's - early 70's, when Team GB comprised such fine sons of Ye Ol' Dart as Barry Briggs, Ivan Mauger and Jim Airey? :rolleyes:




Discombobulated of Darwin.

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Denmark 52

Australia 29

Great Britain 15

Don't slag off a British team for losing. It's not our way. The tradition for us is "magnificent in victory, glorious in defeat."


Look how badly we did against the Australians at cricket last winter, but what a magnificent side we have fielded against the West Indies and India in recent months to prove we are one of the world's great cricketing countries.


We showed our class in the qualifier at Coventry against fantastic teams like Sweden, Russia and USA. That result proved deep down that we have a great side, Leszno in the SWC was just a blip.


Stiff upper lip and all that chaps (and ladies of course). :unsure:  :rolleyes:


Summed up very well. Bearing in mind that GB is supposed to be the 4th richest nation in the world it is staggering how poorly we perform in all aspects of sport, along with, just about everything else. Speedway, merely, slots into the norm. If you want to create a series of competitions in which we excel then select from:-


teenage pregnancies





political correctness



We could do quite well in these as long as it does not become too competitive!

Edited by tocha
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