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World Cup - Vojens Sat 14 July

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Can,t seem to find a thread on this meeting ?  Maybe its because all the top teams are at Brandon on Mon.  ??    ;)

Don't know if TPTours are running a trip to Coventry for the B Qualifier but there'll be a few going to Vojens for the clash of the Champs then on to Polska I'm sure!! Half yer Luck, Two Minute Warning, keep us posted.


Go OZ!!

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All 3 teams will join GB in the Final anyway, 1 direct and 2 after the race off. Sorry Sweden. :(


My team are playing cricket against the unbeaten league leaders on Saturday, so hopefully I shall be able to take my place in Rosco's fun bar in good time for tapes up! :approve:

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Looking forward to seeing this (since swollen insect bites on ankle put paid to any idea of going clubbing). I have to admit I'm hoping to see Holder do well (though of course I'll deny that :D ). Doubtless Nicki and Hans will be flying, and also hope to see Gollob picking up some form. :)

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Looking forward to seeing this (since swollen insect bites on ankle put paid to any idea of going clubbing). I have to admit I'm hoping to see Holder do well (though of course I'll deny that  :D). Doubtless Nicki and Hans will be flying, and also hope to see Gollob picking up some form. :)


Why deny it. Have the courage of your convictions and don't be bullied into supporting people just because others say you should or vice versa.

Edited by Star Lady
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Why deny it. Have the courage of your convictions and don't be bullied into supporting people just because others say you should or vice versa.


I wont deny it because of that. Dont ask, lol, random reasons.

Everyone I speak to always seems to rave about him anyway. I've yet to actually hear anyone say anything negative about him.. :blink:


Ah well..When it comes down to it, hes a brilliant rider to watch.. and has an aussie accent. Always a plus. ;)

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Everyone I speak to always seems to rave about him anyway. I've yet to actually hear anyone say anything negative about him..

He's got some strange habits though - puts Nicki Pedersen to shame. :P

I wouldn't have thought it was possible to pick your nose with the same hand whilst holding a mobile phone. Very clever stuff. Just a pity Steve Hone caught it on camera. :D

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He's got some strange habits though - puts Nicki Pedersen to shame.  :P

I wouldn't have thought it was possible to pick your nose with the same hand whilst holding a mobile phone.  Very clever stuff.  Just a pity Steve Hone caught it on camera.  :D


:lol: Haha! I'll have to have a look for that picture, that might be somewhat amusing.

Nicki Pedersen can still keep the title of 'bad boy of speedway', I reckon. He suits it much better. ;)

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must admit i,m looking forward to seeing Holder also,though i,m abit supprised he got the nod ahead of Watt :unsure:

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roll on 6pm as im bored as hell and i feel that tonight we are in for some good racing as poland,oz and denmark arre all going to be fighting to go straight through.




tho i cant wait to see how CH does with the top guys as he was awesome on sunday at the PL 4tt

Edited by windsor
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I witnessed Daniel Nermark having a EVEN more disgusting habit than Nicki, he certainly takes the award at the mo! lol


Dare I ask what? :blink:


Holder is awesome, can't wait to see him mixing with the top riders.  :D


Point proved. :P


roll on 6pm as im bored as hell and i feel that tonight we are in for some good racing as poland,oz and denmark arre all going to be fighting to go straight through.


I'm hoping to see Australia & Denmark do well. Both got pretty strong looking teams (not that there's any that look particularly week).

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