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World Cup At Coventry

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Sorry, I'm not with you. According to your avatar you're supporting Denmark.


I'm not actually supporting any of them.

My avatar was changed as a protest at being told who I should support. I previously had a Cross of St George as I'm English by birth, it did not signify my support for any team. Please note English, not British :)

Edited by Star Lady
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patriotism has been ripped out of the sport anyway ... how can anyone really 'follow' a team that is only in action once or twice a year?

there are no test matches like we used to have, which gave us a chance to follow England and go to different tracks to support them.

now, with the world cup being the only time they race, either there has to be a meeting in England, or people have to go abroad to see their national team, which surely can't be right.

so, one meeting this year in England with the English team ... really makes you feel part of it doesn't it.


and in the GP's ... the racejackets, riders used to be able to be proud of their flag on their chest, now all they get is a 2 inch block in the corner.


i used to go and support England in test matches, in world cup, and in pairs if i could, but now there is no affinity to the team whatsoever for that one meeting per year.


in my opinion, the GP circus has basically ripped the heart out of the sport when it comes to the national team, leaving no dates for any type of series and giving you the chance to support anyone.

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If people want to support other nations let them get on with it. Most are just trying to make some sort of point, stirring/trolling (call it what you will), or glory hunting anyway.


The English don't have a National anthem...


Land of Hope and Glory?!! ;)


Cradley fans with USA flags.


Guilty as charged. Well sort of. I don't remember being taken to any Internationals as a kid (so no flag), but on TV I supported The U.S.A. and Den. Bruce and Erik were every kids (and many an adults) fave at Dudley Wood when I was a kid.


And along with aussies on 7's, I agree it's bloody stupid and unfair!!


Do you think it's unfair for the Brits to have an average reduction?


...there are no test matches like we used to have...


No here's something that's worth discussing. If the GP series continues to grow, and if the EL sees a reduction in clubs or meetings there could be an opportunity to bring back the Test Matches and the World Pairs. I'm sure Sky would love to cover Test Matches between Great Britain and Swe/Pol/Den/Aus. The logistics would make it too hard for the Aussies to have home matches, but the rest could be split between home matches and away matches. Of course there'd be an odd match. Perhaps one nation having the extra match one season, and a switch the following season?


This would fill the gaps left by running less league meetings with something other than random challenges, or end of season trophies some riders can't be bothered with.

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Hummm harsh but possibly fair lol ...saw more Leicester fans there then Cov ....and we haven't even got a track  ;)

Yeah i thought that. how long have they been saying now that we are gonna get another track, :angry: think they just fobbing us off to keep us quiet.

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I heard that, and thought that was well out of order,but how can this be allowed ?

I thought it was disgusting, me and my hubby bought my little lad a t shirt £ 20.00 and hubby had scott nicholls cap £15.00.then they tried to say the total was £55.00 :o but they didnt have much in they way of soverniers,

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patriotism has been ripped out of the sport anyway ... how can anyone really 'follow' a team that is only in action once or twice a year?

there are no test matches like we used to have, which gave us a chance to follow England and go to different tracks to support them.

now, with the world cup being the only time they race, either there has to be a meeting in England, or people have to go abroad to see their national team, which surely can't be right.

so, one meeting this year in England with the English team ... really makes you feel part of it doesn't it.


and in the GP's ... the racejackets, riders used to be able to be proud of their flag on their chest, now all they get is a 2 inch block in the corner.


i used to go and support England in test matches, in world cup, and in pairs if i could, but now there is no affinity to the team whatsoever for that one meeting per year.


in my opinion, the GP circus has basically ripped the heart out of the sport when it comes to the national team, leaving no dates for any type of series and giving you the chance to support anyone.


It really pains me to say this :wink: this is spot on Steve, whatever happened to all the meetings with the "England" team :cry: they're always going on about a way forward how about bringing back some of the Good ol' days. I know it's all about moving forward but it might (yes thats a strong word) put British Speedway on the map :approve:

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It really pains me to say this  :wink:  this is spot on Steve, whatever happened to all the meetings with the "England" team  :cry:  they're always going on about a way forward how about bringing back some of the Good ol' days.  I know it's all about moving forward but it might (yes thats a strong word) put British Speedway on the map  :approve:


Sadly until promoters can see guaranteed profits, I can't see a return to test matches and the like. Shame cos I reckon a touring Russian team would pull in bloody good crowds at the moment.

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Well well, what a pointless (but thoroughly entertaining) argument. There are no rules about who you support in a speedway match. If you feel a certain way about a certain team then support/don't support them. All you can do is follow your heart.


For me it's Team GB all the way. It's just the way I feel. They do have a Swindon rider in the team though. Would I be more likely to edge towards the Aussies if they never? I doubt it. You never know, though. I bet there are some Swindon fans rooting for Australia because they love Leigh Adams. For me, my only concern with Leigh in the World Cup is that he doesn't get injured.


People talk about the old days of Carter/Lee etc, but British fans get behind the British team a lot more nowadays than they used to. Look at this year's GP. It was a very partisan crowd there. It used to be that almost everyone in the crowd was behind the riders from their own clubs. Coventry fans with Danish flags were the norm when Ole Olsen ride for them. Swindon fans with Aussie flags for Phil Crump. Cradley fans with USA flags. And so on. Bradford fans could never understand why people could support any team from another country. They had mainly British riders in their team.


I've always been one for following the British team though. Talk by a certain glory hunter about British fans and riders being satisfied with second place simply isn't true.


Quite amusing, also, to see people supporting Russia and knocking the British for being satisfied with glorious failure when if anyone is destined for that this year it's Russia.

Good post.


I can accept fans supporting a nation because their favourite club rider is foreign, but I can't accept is the way some British fans deride the British riders. You would not see the Aussies or Yanks doing that - they would be totally patriotic.

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That's it, IF they put them on we HAVE to support the matches, I guess it's a risk they can't take/aren't prepared to take ...................... either that or it's because there are precious few weekend dates to put anything on with the GPs every fortnight and Poland on Sundays, then GP qualifiers etc etc ............

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there are precious few weekend dates to put anything on with the GPs every fortnight and Poland on Sundays, then GP qualifiers etc etc ............


so the GP's have ripped the heart out of what we used to get.

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This is all down to stupid EU legislation - the fact you can bring in a Pole on a 4.5 average and a yank on an 8 :unsure: and is anyone helping nurture the Americans into the league (apart form CVS, and the Dream team concept)
Americans comes in ont he same as Poles, Swedes, Danes or Russians (and most others). PL 8 and EL 4.5. The Americans are just not good enough!



Land of Hope and Glory?!!  ;)

Unofficially. It's a "a British patriotic song". See?! :P


Jerusalem would be a better choice for and English anthem and Land of Hope and Glory would be a better British National anthem

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I don't really see where a hymn that talks of God would be appropriate as an anthem for what is now a multi cultural and multi faith nation.

What's wrong with having something new?

can just see everybody tapping their foot along to the new anthem "always look on the bright side of life" :)

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I know.  I hoped, albeit briefly, that the use of an exclamation mark would stop you responding.  :rolleyes:  :D

Have you not learnt I have to have the last word? :P


Star Lady, Good point. It should be some thing about how great (sic :P) England is and have little if no religious connections. Equally, the British anthem should be about how great Britain is, not about one person.

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