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World Cup At Coventry

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  Sir Jasper said:
I got told off for singing the national anthem at Cardiff!


Well at Cardiff i stood up for both national anthems (Welsh and British/English), even though im Welsh I stood up for both. Yet there were people sat in fornt of me who made no effort to stand for the Welsh anthem but stood up for the English one. To me that just shows a lack of respect and common courtesy to be honest.

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  stevehone said:
that's right, but like i said earlier, there is nobody else, that's why the team picks itself, that's why there's no fighting for places, all of the riders there last night knew they'd be there as there's no competition for their places.


Conversely they might have said I think I am lucky to be here so let’s give it my best shot!


I was going to bite Steve, but I think you are out of order! So you think our lads are the best of a bad bunch! (Remainder of post deleted)

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Don't get all this patriotic stuff with speedway. My speedway hero was a swede in the 80's & a Swede in the 90's. When it came to world finals or anything else that Jan Andersson or Per Jonsson was involved in then it was that team who got my support. Club generally does come before country in speedway where supporters are concerned. I'd like to see the Brits do well on Saturday, but I like to see exciting racing even more and if that comes from a Swede, a Pole or a Ruskie then I'll cheer them on.


I was changing support for nations with every race last night. :D


Speedway fans have always been the same, I remember as a kid going to Ullevi for the 1980 WF and being stuck on a boat for hours with a group of very tedious Coventry fans (funny how things go full circle :P ) who were there not to support Michael Lee (neither was I tho) but Tommy Knudsen, all decked out in their Danish flags. These days there's supporting the Brits because of Bommer & Nicholls. :rolleyes:

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  lupus said:
What I don't understand is what difference it makes to all you 'Team GB' fans who anyone else supports?  Seriously?  :blink:


I understand that for some people their 'allegience' is to their country first and club second.  For me the opposite is true - and always has been.  With the exception of Chris Harris, and to a lesser extent Simon Stead, I really don't have time for Team GB - and can honestly say I actively dislike Nicholls and Richardson.  In addition, I'm afraid I'm sick to the back teeth of the 'hype' that seems to follow Kennett.  :rolleyes:


On the other hand, last night Sweden had four out of their 6 riders who are 'MY' riders - Wolves one and all.  So you can bet your life that I was cheering for Sweden last night - and damn proud of the fact I am too!  :approve:


As I said before - I fail to see what difference this made to anyone on this forum!  You support who you want to and I will do the same - I'll mind my own business and I suggest you do the same!  :angry:


Now I'm off to join Schumi's revolutionary front and change my avatar!


You're one of the people who has slagged off the state of British Speedway, claimed not to be interested anymore yet you bring attention to yourself by posting about supporting another nation on here? :angry:


What I don't understand is why you felt the need to post about a subject you claim to have no interest in.


Be proud of the fact you support another nation in the world cup? I really cannot grasp the mind set of people like you.


Maybe what you should be proud of the fact that products of the British speedway system, such as Harris, Kennett and Stead, who all came through the Conference League and the Premier League, beat 'YOUR riders' last night.

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  Steve Shovlar said:
Steve Hone.


So you will only support the best riders, i.e Harris, and not the guys that are trying their hearts out for Team GB but lack that final peice of the jigsaw that will make them a great rider?


Just because they are not the "creme de la creme", you would rather support another nation? That stinks IMO.


Yes you have the right to do so, but when Team GB is full of world class stars, which will happen eventually, I for one hope you don't show your face in the stadium they are racing at waving a Union Jack.


And if you think the Team GB side is "stale", just who would you put in? Because if it wasn't any of the current 5, you would be laughed off the forum.


Poor show.




your entitled to your opinion steve and i am sure you are a true patriot,personally my only loyalty is to my family,so forgive me if i back who i think will win,and cheer them on regardless of which nation that may be.

to be honest i am grateful for all the flag wavers,as they enable me to get a better price.

if the days comes when team gb are the worlds best,i will back them and cheer them on,and i'll do so without a shread of embarrassment.

finally i asume you think when gb do win the world cup,the meeting will be held on the coast as for steve hone to be waving the union jack he would have to be at sea,surely a patriot like you knows that on land its the union flag.


have a nice day xx

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  Custom House Kid said:
No it’s about not taking things too seriously and having a larf!


If you want to talk about opinions take up politics



In which case why are people getting so het up about which nation someone's supporting or which avatar they are sporting?


Afraid the days of having a laugh seem long gone on this forum.

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  Wackie said:
In which case why are people getting so het up about which nation someone's supporting or which avatar they are sporting? 


Afraid the days of having a laugh seem long gone on this forum.


Agree sadly!


Dont like yours though!


was it done for effect! :wink:

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  Rob B said:
Yes they did, Sky announced twice that the start had been delayed due to crowd trying to get in and they showed the queues outside, racing didn't start until just before 8pm.
Cetainly didn't seem to eb the cse inside the stadium, the parade started at 7.30 and once it was over and Sky had gone and had there break, racing started.


Still, I was at the stadium, what do I know?! :blink::mad:



  Carcal said:
Well at Cardiff i stood up for both national anthems (Welsh and British/English), even though im Welsh I stood up for both.  Yet there were people sat in fornt of me who made no effort to stand for the Welsh anthem but stood up for the English one.  To me that just shows a lack of respect and common courtesy to be honest.

The English don't have a National anthem ;) God save the Queen is the British anthem and a stupid one at that! What's being patriotic about signing to ask a fairy-tale being to save some old woman?

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fisrt chance i`ve had to use the pc since early monday night before the meeting,have to say it was a lot better than saturdays borefest,some good racing ftom about ht 10 onwards,those russians improved all night long,and where the hell did davidsson get his form from.g.b. did`nt look all that troubled by whatever the other nations threw at them,but realistically i just can`t see them winning the final.looking forward to the raceoff on thursday,should be a good meeting.unfortunately i have a complaint to make and i should make it clear,it`s not from me,it`s from mrs.dietbowers a.k.a. the ayatollah.she stated that the meeting came on sky t.v. at 7.00pm and was due to finish at 10.00pm,a fact that she was happy with at the time.however when the start was delayed and it became obvious that it was never going to finish on time,she decided that it was unfair of the speedway to overun by so many minutes and it was my fault as it mean`t she could`nt watch and i quote"my scary ghostie progamme".she of course mean`t medium on the scifi channel at 10.pm. now those sort of programmes don`t frighten one bit,but i must admit to being a tad frightened to go to bed last night,especially when she walked up the stairs muttering something about it was time she relaid the patio(she used to watch brookside).so another night when speedway`s got me in trouble :blink:

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  rich simpson said:
Not sure what it was Gemini, it came through to the box as a FORD and a reg number, nothing else, racking my brains and cant think what it would be?

It would only have come through as a Ford and the registration number because that's all I wrote down, thinking I would remember the model. :neutral: I know it began with the letter T and had an X at the end. Looks like I will be searching the internet tomorrow for all models of Ford cars. :lol:


edit..... I've just had a quick look and the mystery is solved. It was a Titanium X. Nice car - daft driver leaving the window open. :P

Edited by Gemini
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  iris123 said:
I agree totally with that.Some of the stuff one this thread about great meeting!!! B) I did say that would be peoples opinion.Unfortunately i got bored of it after 10 heats and stayed to watch another 5 and it did get better,but not enough for me to stay any longer.GB through,which is great.USA should be made to go through the qualis,like i said a few days ago.That is a disgrace that they field a team like that when others with similar or better have to qualify :angry:


I thought i should post a message after hearing all the talk about the - as you all seem to say "poor" American team.


1. I was a mechanic last night and worked tirelesly - just like all the rest of the USA guys to try and acheive our target of 3rd place. It wasnt through lack of effort that we failed - we are still proud that we turned up and put on a show. The Russian squad as we know are very strong - especially on a track like Coventry.


2. Does any one forget that the problem with the American team at the moment is WHO should be in it!!!!! With only Greg in the GPs, and a total of around 5 other Americans in the league who can you out in the squad?? Most of which are in the Twillights of their careers!!!

This is all down to stupid EU legislation - the fact you can bring in a Pole on a 4.5 average and a yank on an 8 :unsure: and is anyone helping nurture the Americans into the league (apart form CVS, and the Dream team concept)


3. Remember an Americans natural environment is a small track !!!!!!!!


So please, support the Americans

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Well well, what a pointless (but thoroughly entertaining) argument. There are no rules about who you support in a speedway match. If you feel a certain way about a certain team then support/don't support them. All you can do is follow your heart.


For me it's Team GB all the way. It's just the way I feel. They do have a Swindon rider in the team though. Would I be more likely to edge towards the Aussies if they never? I doubt it. You never know, though. I bet there are some Swindon fans rooting for Australia because they love Leigh Adams. For me, my only concern with Leigh in the World Cup is that he doesn't get injured.


People talk about the old days of Carter/Lee etc, but British fans get behind the British team a lot more nowadays than they used to. Look at this year's GP. It was a very partisan crowd there. It used to be that almost everyone in the crowd was behind the riders from their own clubs. Coventry fans with Danish flags were the norm when Ole Olsen ride for them. Swindon fans with Aussie flags for Phil Crump. Cradley fans with USA flags. And so on. Bradford fans could never understand why people could support any team from another country. They had mainly British riders in their team.


I've always been one for following the British team though. Talk by a certain glory hunter about British fans and riders being satisfied with second place simply isn't true.


Quite amusing, also, to see people supporting Russia and knocking the British for being satisfied with glorious failure when if anyone is destined for that this year it's Russia.

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  Grachan said:
Quite amusing, also, to see people supporting Russia and knocking the British for being satisfied with glorious failure when if anyone is destined for that this year it's Russia.


Russia will win the entertainment factor tho. To me that's what counts not some jingoistic nonsense about 5 riders on a track all having been born in the same country.


Still if it amuses you, I've performed my deed for the day in making your day more enjoyable :D

Edited by Star Lady
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  Star Lady said:
Russia will win the entertainment factor tho. To me that's what counts not some jingoistic nonsense about 5 riders on a track all having been born in the same country.


Still if it amuses you, I've performed my deed for the day in making your day more enjoyable :D


Sorry, I'm not with you. According to your avatar you're supporting Denmark.

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