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My Thoughts On The Future


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Lets put my two penneth in and let everyone tear me to bits.


Guest riders, points limits, tactical rides. I am the exception because I agree with all of them.


Guest riders are, like 25 year fan has accurately said, a necessary evil. Look at Glasgow. One big star, injured and out for a big chunk of the season and can't sign an adequate replacement. I am certain that the loss of Parker has damaged gate figures anyway but replacing him a 5 point rider or even a CL one would do much more damage.


I can understand those that complain about points limits, rider control, call it what you will in that in some ways it penalises success. But, again, its better than the alternative. After all, without a points limit there's nothing to a handful of teams signing up a super strong outfit and dominating the league, leaving everyone else with the leftovers. A bit like the FA Carling Premiership, really. A points limit allows all teams to go in with an equal shout (at least on paper) while also allowing the successful teams to use their financial muscle within that limit. The PL title has been won by 7 clubs in 8 years, and that's down to the restrictions on riders.


I am for anything that makes speedway more exciting and there's no doubt that tactical rides do that. In addition, I fail to see any appreciable difference between that and the old tactical substitute rule, only that that was unlimited. Lets go back to two per meeting, I say.


At Mildenhall, we have coverage in several local newspapers including the local free rag. That's quite a lot of advertising. Blanket campaigns through out the season, however, are expensive and produce little effect. Target advertising is far more effective. Wait until you have a big meeting (such as an open one or a final) and swamp the area with posters and flyers. If people like it, they will come back.


Tracks. I am sure that everyone's sick and tired of me banging on about fair tracks but I believe that this is at the core of british speedway and its ability to survive and prosper. Fixed tracks mean huge margins, processional racing and crap, boring meetings. Fair tracks mean the opposition will have more of a go meaning better meetings, exciting results and closer racing. That's what speedway is all about. I was in favour of the dropping of bonus points because those that fix tracks gain nothing from it. This season gave us a huge opportunity to jump in the right direction where track preparation is concerned but its largely been lost.


You can't always guarantee a good close meeting but I am far from convinced that at present everything is done to make sure that is the case and that individual selfishness continues to rule.


Its not so much simplification of rules as getting rid of the stupid, contradictory and totally ludicrous ones that exist. There's no doubt that someone needs to take a long hard look at it.


Never forget its easy to put someone else's money where your mouth is. Would you be as happy to gamble with your money as someone elses ? Didn't think so.


Sometimes I think that some supporters believe that the BSPA are a set of fools and dolts who sit around dreaming up ways to sabotage the sport and their own businesses. Complete rubbish. The likes of Tony Mole, Keith Denham, Stewart Dickson, Allan Trump, Gordon Pairman, Len Silver and Stewart Douglas are all highly successful businessmen outside speedway who wouldn't miss a single opportunity to increase gate levels. I don 't doubt there have been some bad decisions, but to suggest these gentlemen haven't got a clue is way wide of the mark.



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Then its £13.50 an adults £5 for kids 12-16 anyone under 12 with a paying adult is allowed in free. But then you have £2 a program (who actually reads that rubbish?) you have about a fiver at the snack van. Then your pints, raffles, fuel fund.

At Lynn we are paying £12 per adult, £8 concession, £4 12-16 and nothing 11 and under, everything else is up to you really, I never do the raffle I'm afraid or a fuel fund and have a couple of coffees at £2 a night. Of course u can print off your own scorecard as many people do these days, it would be quite interesting if each promoter printed a one sheet scorecard with sponsors names on the back costing 50p and the usual £2 prog to see which ones the fans went for ;)

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Lets put my two penneth in and let everyone tear me to bits.


Guest riders, points limits, tactical rides. I am the exception because I agree with all of them.


Guest riders are, like 25 year fan has accurately said, a necessary evil. Look at Glasgow. One big star, injured and out for a big chunk of the season and can't sign an adequate replacement. I am certain that the loss of Parker has damaged gate figures anyway but replacing him a 5 point rider or even a CL one would do much more damage.


I can understand those that complain about points limits, rider control, call it what you will in that in some ways it penalises success. But, again, its better than the alternative. After all, without a points limit there's nothing to a handful of teams signing up a super strong outfit and dominating the league, leaving everyone else with the leftovers. A bit like the FA Carling Premiership, really. A points limit allows all teams to go in with an equal shout (at least on paper) while also allowing the successful teams to use their financial muscle within that limit. The PL title has been won by 7 clubs in 8 years, and that's down to the restrictions on riders.


I am for anything that makes speedway more exciting and there's no doubt that tactical rides do that. In addition, I fail to see any appreciable difference between that and the old tactical substitute rule, only that that was unlimited. Lets go back to two per meeting, I say.


At Mildenhall, we have coverage in several local newspapers including the local free rag. That's quite a lot of advertising. Blanket campaigns through out the season, however, are expensive and produce little effect. Target advertising is far more effective. Wait until you have a big meeting (such as an open one or a final) and swamp the area with posters and flyers. If people like it, they will come back.


Tracks. I am sure that everyone's sick and tired of me banging on about fair tracks but I believe that this is at the core of british speedway and its ability to survive and prosper. Fixed tracks mean huge margins, processional racing and crap, boring meetings. Fair tracks mean the opposition will have more of a go meaning better meetings, exciting results and closer racing. That's what speedway is all about. I was in favour of the dropping of bonus points because those that fix tracks gain nothing from it. This season gave us a huge opportunity to jump in the right direction where track preparation is concerned but its largely been lost.


You can't always guarantee a good close meeting but I am far from convinced that at present everything is done to make sure that is the case and that individual selfishness continues to rule.


Its not so much simplification of rules as getting rid of the stupid, contradictory and totally ludicrous ones that exist. There's no doubt that someone needs to take a long hard look at it.


Never forget its easy to put someone else's money where your mouth is. Would you be as happy to gamble with your money as someone elses ? Didn't think so.


Sometimes I think that some supporters believe that the BSPA are a set of fools and dolts who sit around dreaming up ways to sabotage the sport and their own businesses. Complete rubbish. The likes of Tony Mole, Keith Denham, Stewart Dickson, Allan Trump, Gordon Pairman, Len Silver and Stewart Douglas are all highly successful businessmen outside speedway who wouldn't miss a single opportunity to increase gate levels. I don 't doubt there have been some bad decisions, but to suggest these gentlemen haven't got a clue is way wide of the mark.


I would agree with almost everything in that post. The exception being the tactical rule which I detest in any form. I would be quite happy to let the meeting run exactly as the program with the exception of injuries. Take all strategy except rider positions within the team away from the sport and let the winning and losing happen on the track and I would be happy.

I would also like to see the introduction of a short pre meeting practice session to take away some of the home track advantage and possibly the losing team to get the choice of gate positions to try and keep meetings alive.

Agree 100% about the tracks, I still hope that Promotions will be convinced to prepare fair racing strips but I think it is going to take 2 or 3 years without the bonus point to happen (if ever).

As for the BSPA, as Halifaxtiger says it is made up largely of succesful businessmen while the majority of this forum (including myself) isn't. Let's face it anybody who is as succesful as them has the opportunity to join them and show them how it should be done.


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I'd like to see a promoter with balls and go £5 a head for everyone including a race card.

Do you know, thanks to extensive market research, that the reason people are not coming to speedway is the cost? If you cut the price to £5 a head, then the promoter will need to attract three times as many paying customers just to break even (at the gate). Where are these three times as many people going to come from? Are they sitting at home, wishing they could afford to go to speedway but can't? I don't believe they are to be honest.


The other thing to consider is - can clubs actually handle three times as many people turning up? Where are they going to park? Where are they going to stand? I've been to a few exceptionally busy meetings (Swindon play-off final for example) and it was chaos.


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Do you know, thanks to extensive market research, that the reason people are not coming to speedway is the cost? If you cut the price to £5 a head, then the promoter will need to attract three times as many paying customers just to break even (at the gate). Where are these three times as many people going to come from? Are they sitting at home, wishing they could afford to go to speedway but can't? I don't believe they are to be honest.


Spot on, Matt.


Ok, we might get a few more in but 3 times as many ? Doubt it very much.

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As for the BSPA, as Halifaxtiger says it is made up largely of succesful businessmen


Being a successful businessman does necessarily qualify you to successfully running a sport, because sport isn't like a normal business. Most businesses compete against others in a normal marketplace, but whilst in a professional sports competition you might compete on track, you effectively need to run a league as a cooperative.


In addition, far too many promoters in recent times, have got involved in speedway for hobbyist or personal glorification reasons, and therein lies part of the problem.


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Ok, we might get a few more in but 3 times as many ?


Not initially, but eventually you might. However, the above assumption pre-supposes that costs remain the same, when really what's needed is a significant reduction in these.


For me, the sport is currently in the position where it can't charge premium rates because its facilities are so poor, so the only real alternative is to market itself as cheap entertainment. GBP 15+ is an outrageous amount of money for the entertainment on offer, and is the fundamental reason why the sport has haemorraged supporters in the past years.

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Lets put my two penneth in and let everyone tear me to bits.


Guest riders, points limits, tactical rides. I am the exception because I agree with all of them.


Guest riders are, like 25 year fan has accurately said, a necessary evil. Look at Glasgow. One big star, injured and out for a big chunk of the season and can't sign an adequate replacement. I am certain that the loss of Parker has damaged gate figures anyway but replacing him a 5 point rider or even a CL one would do much more damage.


I can understand those that complain about points limits, rider control, call it what you will in that in some ways it penalises success. But, again, its better than the alternative. After all, without a points limit there's nothing to a handful of teams signing up a super strong outfit and dominating the league, leaving everyone else with the leftovers. A bit like the FA Carling Premiership, really. A points limit allows all teams to go in with an equal shout (at least on paper) while also allowing the successful teams to use their financial muscle within that limit. The PL title has been won by 7 clubs in 8 years, and that's down to the restrictions on riders.


I am for anything that makes speedway more exciting and there's no doubt that tactical rides do that. In addition, I fail to see any appreciable difference between that and the old tactical substitute rule, only that that was unlimited. Lets go back to two per meeting, I say.


At Mildenhall, we have coverage in several local newspapers including the local free rag. That's quite a lot of advertising. Blanket campaigns through out the season, however, are expensive and produce little effect. Target advertising is far more effective. Wait until you have a big meeting (such as an open one or a final) and swamp the area with posters and flyers. If people like it, they will come back.


Tracks. I am sure that everyone's sick and tired of me banging on about fair tracks but I believe that this is at the core of british speedway and its ability to survive and prosper. Fixed tracks mean huge margins, processional racing and crap, boring meetings. Fair tracks mean the opposition will have more of a go meaning better meetings, exciting results and closer racing. That's what speedway is all about. I was in favour of the dropping of bonus points because those that fix tracks gain nothing from it. This season gave us a huge opportunity to jump in the right direction where track preparation is concerned but its largely been lost.


You can't always guarantee a good close meeting but I am far from convinced that at present everything is done to make sure that is the case and that individual selfishness continues to rule.


Its not so much simplification of rules as getting rid of the stupid, contradictory and totally ludicrous ones that exist. There's no doubt that someone needs to take a long hard look at it.


Never forget its easy to put someone else's money where your mouth is. Would you be as happy to gamble with your money as someone elses ? Didn't think so.


Sometimes I think that some supporters believe that the BSPA are a set of fools and dolts who sit around dreaming up ways to sabotage the sport and their own businesses. Complete rubbish. The likes of Tony Mole, Keith Denham, Stewart Dickson, Allan Trump, Gordon Pairman, Len Silver and Stewart Douglas are all highly successful businessmen outside speedway who wouldn't miss a single opportunity to increase gate levels. I don 't doubt there have been some bad decisions, but to suggest these gentlemen haven't got a clue is way wide of the mark.

Like your last paragraph.I completely agree that the guys you mention are all successful businessmen outside of speedway,but,I think that problem occurs when they all get together with their fellow promoters at the BSPA.Management by large commitees does not seem to work satifactorily.I believe that if the BSPA were to slimmed down to say a maximun of three of the most able and astute people available it would be a massive step forward.I further believe that one of these people need not even be a current speedway promoter.

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  • 2 months later...

I disagree with the seating. Football was a joy to go to when it was all standing the seating has ruined atmospheres at alot of stadiums. Leave the all standing as it is.




We was talking about finding 3 times as many fans from out the blue. Just take a look at Edinburgh. we have increased our gates by just about that number if not more. Ok admittedly our success owes alot to that, but if the ticket prices were cut from the current £13.50 the new fans we have gained would then bring along friends and family therefore meaning an even bigger gain in spectators.

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I disagree with the seating. Football was a joy to go to when it was all standing the seating has ruined atmospheres at alot of stadiums. Leave the all standing as it is.




We was talking about finding 3 times as many fans from out the blue. Just take a look at Edinburgh. we have increased our gates by just about that number if not more. Ok admittedly our success owes alot to that, but if the ticket prices were cut from the current £13.50 the new fans we have gained would then bring along friends and family therefore meaning an even bigger gain in spectators.

I didn't mean totally seated stadiums.The track I go to has one decent grandstand along the start/finish straight and this is usually fairly full with the majority of supporters in the older age bracket .

Mighty impressed with the three fold crowd increase and agree with you that success certainly pulls in the support;not too sure about reducing admission costs>It would be a huge gamble for the promoters,but who knows it might just work;perhaps one third off as astart.

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Just to add my tuppenceworth:I think it should be mandatory for every speedway stadium to have open fronted,covered grandstands with seats in this day and age.

And those teams which are in stadiums without those facilities ,which they only rent and have no control over will do what exactly ?? close down i suppose . So it's goodbye Stoke,Scunthorpe,Plymouth, And Workington to name just a few who have no seating.

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And those teams which are in stadiums without those facilities ,which they only rent and have no control over will do what exactly ?? close down i suppose . So it's goodbye Stoke,Scunthorpe,Plymouth, And Workington to name just a few who have no seating.


Been to Stoke, Scunthorpe & Workington this season saw some marvellous speedway. Happy to stand and watch and sit on the terracing between races if need be. Long live Speedway :wink:


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Been to Stoke, Scunthorpe & Workington this season saw some marvellous speedway. Happy to stand and watch and sit on the terracing between races if need be. Long live Speedway :wink:

given the choice i would opt for the terraces myself . in the grandstand at coventry the seats are far too close together and if theres a large group of us there the people on the ends of rows get excluded from group conversations ,the view of the racing is better in the stand but the P.A. deafens you. if it means speedway can continue at a track most people don't object to standing up .far better than the alternative in most cases

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We have NO Covered accomodation at Redcar, we have NO Seats unless we take our own. The Facilities are basic. What we DO have - however - is FIRST CLASS racing and a FAIR Track. I am a pensioner and am fully prepared to sacrifice the first two for the latter two.

THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IS GOOD SPEEDWAY - the facilities can follow in their own time. Obviously I would like a plush Stadium to stand in - who wouldn't - BUT - the main thing is the Product - SPEEDWAY. :approve:

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And those teams which are in stadiums without those facilities ,which they only rent and have no control over will do what exactly ?? close down i suppose . So it's goodbye Stoke,Scunthorpe,Plymouth, And Workington to name just a few who have no seating.

Definitely not.If it was a choice of speedway with seats or no speedway I would be there ,standing! I just feel that in this day and age everything should be done to attract supporters.Seating I think would attract some of the older supporters.If a track could attract say 500 more through the turnstyles it would make a significant difference.

Cost of course is the big issue plus agreement of landlords at rented stadiums.Any property owner must welcome an improvement to their property if it was at minimal cost to them.This is my suggestion:


2.Local authority grants.

3.Owner contribution.

4.Other users contribution.

5.BSPA contribution!

6.Lottery finance.Must be worth a try.

7.Speedway tenant contribution.

Any other ideas?


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We have NO Covered accomodation at Redcar, we have NO Seats unless we take our own. The Facilities are basic. What we DO have - however - is FIRST CLASS racing and a FAIR Track. I am a pensioner and am fully prepared to sacrifice the first two for the latter two.

THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IS GOOD SPEEDWAY - the facilities can follow in their own time. Obviously I would like a plush Stadium to stand in - who wouldn't - BUT - the main thing is the Product - SPEEDWAY. :approve:

Thanks for your reply.You must be a tough and fit guy.Long may it continue to be so.You are absolutely correct:the main thing is the product:SPEEDWAY.

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given the choice i would opt for the terraces myself . in the grandstand at coventry the seats are far too close together and if theres a large group of us there the people on the ends of rows get excluded from group conversations ,the view of the racing is better in the stand but the P.A. deafens you. if it means speedway can continue at a track most people don't object to standing up .far better than the alternative in most cases

Don't know if you have been to Peterborough.but their grandstand,from a comfort and viewing perspective is pretty well perfect.

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