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Review Of Super7even So Far

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as long as Redcar are included


I think everybody can see why Redcar fans are genuinely upset though - from a totally logical sense it makes no sense whatsoever to leave them out of the 4s. In a practical sense I can see why it has been done and whether you agree with it or not it has at least been explained now. That should really be the end of it but you have to admit in all honesty that anybody would be a bit miffed if circumstances had meant this had affected their club.


Many Redcar fans are posting in a sensible way and most appear to have, probably rightly so, let it go but there are a few that don't seem able to do either of these. A couple of people have posted very bitter comments and the odd one has been downright offensive but I don't think it's fair to treat the whole club in the same way because of these 'supporters'. I know when Sheffield were left out of the original line up certain Tigers supporters found it impossible to act like grown ups but that didn't mean the rest of us didn't have a valid point to make. Let's all just treat individual idiots as just that and not see them as representative of any one club as a whole.

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I think all competitions that want to be taken serious need qualification, please bring the fours qualifiers and even look at some sort semi final for the pairs with top averaged pairs seeded to final the rest in the semi final? at least it will ensure all have a chance of qualifying on the track not on paper. after all thats where racing takes place :D

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The main improvement that has to be made is for a full set of rules to be published before the season starts, that way no one can have any complaints.


all the complaints have come about because most of the rules have been applied and then explained (or not explained) afterwards.


Reasons for some decisions have been nonsensical and the reasons behind other decisions have not been explained at all.


if lessons are learnt from this year, then thats OK but i feel that some mistakes would not have been made if lessons had been learned from earlier events this season


and i can fully understand the frustration of the redcar fans with the decision over the fours, i think a few people need to step back and look at the larger picture regarding this, then they might understand the redcar fans point of view, if they want to that is.

Edited by The Third Man
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I think everybody can see why Redcar fans are genuinely upset though - from a totally logical sense it makes no sense whatsoever to leave them out of the 4s.  In a practical sense I can see why it has been done and whether you agree with it or not it has at least been explained now.  That should really be the end of it but you have to admit in all honesty that anybody would be a bit miffed if circumstances had meant this had affected their club.


Many Redcar fans are posting in a sensible way and most appear to have, probably rightly so, let it go but there are a few that don't seem able to do either of these.  A couple of people have posted very bitter comments and the odd one has been downright offensive but I don't think it's fair to treat the whole club in the same way because of these 'supporters'.  I know when Sheffield were left out of the original line up certain Tigers supporters found it impossible to act like grown ups but that didn't mean the rest of us didn't have a valid point to make.  Let's all just treat individual idiots as just that and not see them as representative of any one club as a whole.


Finally someone on this thread who isn't having a go at Redcar fans and can see why we are upset. I know some other tigers fans have posted the same but like you said it is unfair to stereotype all Redcar fans.

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I think everybody can see why Redcar fans are genuinely upset though - from a totally logical sense it makes no sense whatsoever to leave them out of the 4s.  In a practical sense I can see why it has been done and whether you agree with it or not it has at least been explained now.  That should really be the end of it but you have to admit in all honesty that anybody would be a bit miffed if circumstances had meant this had affected their club.


Many Redcar fans are posting in a sensible way and most appear to have, probably rightly so, let it go but there are a few that don't seem able to do either of these.  A couple of people have posted very bitter comments and the odd one has been downright offensive but I don't think it's fair to treat the whole club in the same way because of these 'supporters'.  I know when Sheffield were left out of the original line up certain Tigers supporters found it impossible to act like grown ups but that didn't mean the rest of us didn't have a valid point to make.  Let's all just treat individual idiots as just that and not see them as representative of any one club as a whole.


Agree with every word

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were they left out, or did they withdraw???


"1st time round I decided they were seriously weakened so I replaced them with another team"


I would say left out from the quote above unless I've missed your point?


Surely nobody can disagree with the fact that from a purely logical point of view it makes no sense to leave one of the top 8 teams out of an 8 team competition can they?


I'm sure Mr Chapman would rather have the strongest 8 available line ups taking part on the day but the way it has worked out has left him little option. I feel really sorry for Redcar but the alternative is to tell a team they are now not included in a final they have already turned up at the stadium once for because it rained on that day! I think he has taken the least embarassing option for the sport to be fair to him!

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surely your are all missing the point


These competitions are fine in principal and the concept is not the issue


Once again its a case of half baked ideas What does these people do at the BSPA conference oh, except get very drunk !!!!


How come they come up with ideas then dont have a proper system of qualifying its like saying we'll have fa cup at football but only 64 teams can enter and we'll choose who we want or dont want !


Clearly there are two many teams for some of the competitions but is it too much trouble to arrange a qualification system , i know the real answer of course, qualifying rounds are not wanted . Cost money to stage . fans dont want to watch and promoters dont want to pay out more money . Why not run them at start of the season as a kind of warm up , lower prices and regionalise them , maybe seed some teams based on previous seasons record and yes i know teams change , but so they do during a season the pairs being a classic example if glasgow had added anyone else other than craig watson theres no way that theyd been allowed in while edinburgh werent with theo Piper


Whilst the people or sorry Person running the sport are doing it with their own interests at stake you will never escape the argument of bias which is clearly shown in several aspects over a season .

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surely your are all missing the point


These competitions are fine in principal and the concept is not the issue


Once again its a case of half baked ideas What does these people do at the BSPA conference oh, except get very drunk !!!!


How come they come up with ideas then dont have a proper system of qualifying its like saying we'll have fa cup at football but only 64 teams can enter and we'll choose who we want or dont want !


Clearly there are two many teams for some of the competitions but is it too much trouble to arrange a qualification system , i know the real answer of course, qualifying rounds are not wanted . Cost money to stage . fans dont want to watch and promoters dont want to pay out more money . Why not run them at start of the season as a kind of warm up , lower prices and regionalise them , maybe seed some teams based on previous seasons record and yes i know teams change , but so they do during a season the pairs being a classic example if glasgow had added anyone else other than craig watson theres no way that theyd been allowed in while edinburgh werent with theo Piper


Whilst the people or sorry Person running the sport are doing it with their own interests at stake you will never  escape the argument of bias which is clearly shown in several aspects over a season .


There is a qualification system though - not perfect but the top averaged teams at a certain date get to the final. It has been clealy shown there are issues with this but they can be ironed out with clear rules and deadlines on the Super7 website. With the exception of the wild card it has not been a case or picking and choosing who competes as far as I can see although some judgement has been applied when assessing team changes. Nobody has an issue with the top averaged rider from each team going to the PLRC without qualifying rounds and this is the same as far as I can see.


It would of course be better if every team could qualify as a 4 or pair but as you say these are meetings nobody wants to stage or watch. If you have 4TT meetings instead of pre season friendlies it means 3 riders from each team are not getting any track time and these are probably the 3 that most need it.


The best solution may be to find a format that includes all the sides and run it as a finals day. The problem is some teams could travel quite a distance for a couple of races. It is also likely that the teams who miss out currently because their averages aren't high enough would be those to get knocked out first. The one obvious example where that would probably not be true of the 4TT is where Redcar are concerned which is the exact point we have been discussing!


I think if anybody comes up with a better idea to include all the teams then promoters may take it up but just throwing insults without offering viable alternatives doesn't really take us forward. Also I am not sure where we have clearly seen any examples of bias once this season never mind several times although perhaps I have just misunderstood what you mean by that?

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It would of course be better if every team could qualify as a 4 or pair but as you say these are meetings nobody wants to stage or watch. 

Thats the bit I dont understand. Ive never seen or heard anyone saying they dont want to go to a 4's qualifier. I always used to think they were great, and used to look forward to the 4's as a break-away from the tread-mill of endless league matches mid season.

Why would they be hard to fund?. Im sure crowds everywhere would be static on their average attendances, they always used to be :blink:

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Im sure crowds everywhere would be static on their average attendances, they always used to be :blink:


but they always used to be regionalised which in theory meant there should be crowds there from the 3 local teams as well as home but that didn't happen, as you say, they were static crowds.

so say we went back to qualifiers (which i have said i used to enjoy), would you have it regionalised still, and if so would you get the best teams at the finals anyway, and if not, would you get sufficient crowds through the gate to make it worthwhile?

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but they always used to be regionalised which in theory meant there should be crowds there from the 3 local teams as well as home but that didn't happen, as you say, they were static crowds.

so say we went back to qualifiers (which i have said i used to enjoy), would you have it regionalised still, and if so would you get the best teams at the finals anyway, and if not, would you get sufficient crowds through the gate to make it worthwhile?

Static, as in average for any other meeting, Maybe they were a bit higher as you say with 3 sets of visiting fans. They certainly wer'nt down on average as far as I remember,but im going back to the days of the Middlesbrough Bears.

So next year (going by 17 teams), 3 groups of four and 1 of five. A lot of meetings to fit in, but only 1 at home. Maybe the riders should be asked as its their income and im sure the more meetings the more wages.

I did say before somewhere that they should go back to 4 in the final, but now I see why they have 8 ... More teams = more supporters = more revenue.


With 2 teams from each "regional" group going through then im sure the cream would rise to the top. And if it didnt then :o ... every sport has its shocks.


Whatever happens rules should be made clear before the season starts, so if a team has injury's, change of personel etc, then if its down on paper then there would be no complaints. Unlike this year where rules for the 4's and pairs seem to have changed weekly.

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I think they should put all the names in a hat then the ones pulled out, would be in the final....  Then if Redcar didnt get into the final , it would  be the fault of the hat !!! :D


you are as obsessive with your remarks as some as the redcar fans you are accusing are with theres.


stand back look at the full picture and say whether it is fair or not, you might be surprised at your new understanding

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