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Guy Gets Thrown Out Of The Stadium

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Remember the old World Finals when you could invade the centre green at will when it came to making the presentation! I remember being right in front of Erik Gundersen as he was given the trohpy in Vojens back in - ooh - 1987ish.

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The stewards were top class, When Bomber crossed the line my cap went flying straight over the edge to the bottom tier, someone tried to throw it back up to me without success, so a steward got the hat and met me on the middle tier with it. re. the person who climbed over the netting, they just had a job to do and they did it.

Edited by db310777
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Remember the old World Finals when you could invade the centre green at will when it came to making the presentation! I remember being right in front of Erik Gundersen as he was given the trohpy in Vojens back in - ooh - 1987ish.


Watched the 1973 run-off yesterday - still half in shock what happened after Mauger goes down.

Edited by Hazzman
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Don't know if anyone else noticed this last night but when harris won the final, a guy with a Cornish flag ran forward on the bottom tier waiving it frantically and leaping about in joy, hoping to catch Harris eye and give him the flag. he was pounced on by the usual over zealous stewards, who had had bugger all to do all night, and marched out, even though the guy was no where near the track and just emational with joy. You could see him saying to the steward he would go bak to his seat, but the jobsworth was having none of it and marched the guy out, arm in half nelson.





On the subject of over enthusiastic security at the GP........We read on the back of our tickets regarding video filming, wich read something like, " still or moving photography is alowed at the GP , but only for personal use" ..or words to that effect.


But,.... my wife was told to turn our video camera off by a steward,.... i explained and even showed him what it said on the ticket, but he was relentless. Then, ten minutes later he came back and said, ..carry on filming, if i dont see you, your ok !?..... Bloody hypocrite !! lol.......... mixed mesages or what.


Then, low and behold on our tour of the stadium on sunday morning (wich i can highly reccomend!)...the tour guide said we were free to film on camera and video, so its ovbviousely not a stadium rule, and the FIM said on the tickets it wasnt a problem with them, so what was this stupid steward on about ?



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As with all Security companies, you get the odd one or two that are on some kind of power trip and don't use any discretion whatsoever. The majority though are there to provide an excellent service and quite often do, personally I would have just sent the guy back to his seat.

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half way through the meeting a polish fan drapped in a flag went for a jog around the front row of seats on the bottom tier waving his flag around,he just seemed to be having a laugh and everyone laughed at him so no harm done,he got about half way round to the tunnel when he could go no further so he sat down then the stewards had a go at him then 5 minutes laterhe was being dragged out by a steward and 2 police officers


now that seems a bit harsh considering he was just having a bit of fun and certainly causing no harm

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At about the second Cardiff GP a certain Newcastle rider and his mechanic managed to crawl under the green netting on the third bend and thrust a large Dannish flag in Nicki's hand. They crawl back and went back into the crowd. :lol:



Edited by Tsunami
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I fully understand the comments made on both sides of this thread, but having worked previously in the security side at a pretty high level, I will add my take on the matter had it happened when I was doing concerts or personal appearances.


Firstly you are given or plan out where there are areas of concern for safety to either observers or more importantly the people you are there to try and look after. On this occasion, the green netting is placed there mainly for the safety of the observers, but also forms a barrier of safety for the riders from people trying to get near them.


These security staff would have been informed that no one was allowed near the fence for a number of safety issues and should anyone attempt to either break or climb that barrier then they must be stopped straight away.


Do you stop them and ask what they are doing ?


Seems the sensible thing to do to many.


However having broken the barrier of safety you should not stop in your aim of stopping and clearing away people that have broken this safety area and should be removed using reasonable force (usually an arm lock and a form of restraint) without asking questions.


Had this person been aiming to cause harm to any of the riders then you dont stop and ask questions as a few seconds slow reactions could be the difference in stopping any possible harm aimed at the riders.


It may seem a jobs worth attitude to eject this person, but thats the job. Protect the people you are there to protect which seemed to have been done in this case.

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It may seem a jobs worth attitude to eject this person, but thats the job. Protect the people you are there to protect which seemed to have been done in this case.


Ah a voice of reason from one who knows. My wee brother was once a steward at Ibrox (the home of Rangers for those who don't know) - he had a card stating what was OK or not and emergency evac procedures.

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Don't know if anyone else noticed this last night but when harris won the final, a guy with a Cornish flag ran forward on the bottom tier waiving it frantically and leaping about in joy, hoping to catch Harris eye and give him the flag. he was pounced on by the usual over zealous stewards, who had had bugger all to do all night, and marched out, even though the guy was no where near the track and just emational with joy. You could see him saying to the steward he would go bak to his seat, but the jobsworth was having none of it and marched the guy out, arm in half nelson.




Sorry Steve but I think this guy should have just been removed from the stadium and shot. Society doesn't need this kind of person.



Remember the old World Finals when you could invade the centre green at will when it came to making the presentation! I remember being right in front of Erik Gundersen as he was given the trohpy in Vojens back in - ooh - 1987ish.


Grachan if I had been head of security I would have got the stewards to assemble a fully automatic AKA machine gun and finshed everyone off.


half way through the meeting a polish fan drapped in a flag went for a jog around the front row of seats on the bottom tier waving his flag around,he just seemed to be having a laugh and everyone laughed at him so no harm done,he got about half way round to the tunnel when he could go no further so he sat down then the stewards had a go at him then 5 minutes laterhe was being dragged out by a steward and 2 police officers


now that seems a bit harsh considering he was just having a bit of fun and certainly causing no harm


For this you need to approach from behind then a nice clean swift cut with a Gurkha knife to the jugular. Very quick.


The ultimate security measure. :P

Edited by Deano
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