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Time To Drop The "bomber" Chris?

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In these times of political corretness, is it time for Chris Harris to drop his nickname?


The final GP this year is in Germany, and I am sure many Germans still have memories of the tactics used by Bomber Harris in the second world war. Carpet bombing of cities, causing fire storms and the deaths of thousands of women and children.


Whilst in this country Bomber Harris is a popular wartime figure, using the same strategy oday would surely see him up for war crimes.


Imagine if there was a German rider called Herman "SS" Himmler?

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Steve (Shovlar-not birthday boy Hone)


Your team has a skull and crossbones and named pirates.


skull duggery,killing people and stealing belongings and plundering the high seas


I trust you are sending Matt Ford a similiar message to drop the pirates bit for 2008.


Poole Primroses maybe? no one can be offended by that surely :wink::)


Good to meet you again yesterday.

Edited by Nevs
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  mckenna said:
He was certainly 'bombing' down the outside lane on the motorway today when we saw him :P


What was he driving? We saw a yellow Subaru, and thought it was him. Remembered reading in the programme that one of the riders drove a subaru.


After much scrabbling around to get the programme out of the boot we find that its Lindback! :rolleyes:

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i tottaly agree with you steve, its about time people stood up and were counted.


for that matter lets turn to a bunch of murders rapist and theives that made peoples life hell all those years ago.


yes thats right pirates!


its about time you stopped making Pirates popular and thought a little more about what they stand for.

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Issues such as this only seem to emerge after the controversy in question has received broad national attention and the legacy of Air Marshall Arthur 'Bomber' Harris's wartime strategy has certainly received that!


I would suggest that it is down to present day international relations, in the context of the European Union, that makes the memory of 'Bomber' Harris's razing of Dresden so sensitive for the politically correct establishment. Fair enough, you might say? After all, the whole underlying point of the EU is to prevent war in Europe from ever happening again so just whose interests are served by celebrating Harris's record?!!


However, for speedway fans to start getting all hot 'n' bothered about Chris Harris's nickname is somewhat hypocritical considering no one ever battered an eyelid over former racer, Peter Carr's moniker of "The B52 Bomber!"


More tonnage of bombs were dropped on the peasant population of North Vietnam by those particular aeroplanes than was dropped throughout the whole of WWII, so where was the objection to P.C.'s nickname?


OK, Vietnam was not fought in our name but the connotations of both nicknames include obscenities of equal magnitude.


For the record, I thought "B52 Bomber" was a great speedway nickname for a rider capable of such aggressive white-line riding as Peter Carr - and a formidable psychological weapon against his opponents, I should imagine.


Unfortunately for Chris Harris, for him to have adopted a nickname which identifies him so closely with our erstwhile RAF commander, he becomes not only associated with his wartime record but the original bomber's somewhat pompous/bloated/priggish personage. A much more vital reason for dropping the name, I would have thought!


In the final analysis, however, Chris Harris seems quite content to embrace the unfortunate associations that his name has thrust upon him. It is, therefore, entirely up to the new British Grand Prix Champion to reconcile these prickly issues with his own, seemingly, sensitive personality, and perhaps prepare some convincing answers should the German media raise them at their own staging of the speedway grand prix. Good luck then, 'Bomber' Harris, and may the win at Cardiff be the first of many!

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  Robyn1972 said:
:lol:  :lol:  Good one Steve! not seen a wind-up thread like this from you for a while niow - glad to see they're not dead!

But everyone knows his attempts at wind-ups.Just who is he winding up? :blink:

Same with his Nicki P blaming the track thread.You can see through the guy straight away B)

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  Steve Shovlar said:
In these times of political corretness, is it time for Chris Harris to drop his nickname?


The final GP this year is in Germany, and I am sure many Germans still have memories of the tactics used by Bomber Harris in the second world war. Carpet bombing of cities, causing fire storms and the deaths of thousands of women and children.


Whilst in this country Bomber Harris is a popular wartime figure, using the same strategy oday would surely see him up for war crimes.


Imagine if there was a German rider called Herman "SS" Himmler?


Here we go the PC Brigade are here. :rolleyes:

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