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ELRC - Change of venue

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So 3rd man you work for nothing do you ?  if not why would u expect others to ?........ So its been taken away from Sheffield,  No i dont have the figues for any Speedway matches   :(does anyone)  :D


I guess the prove of the pudding will be at the end of the season, when the other promoters get there cut and if they are happy.  If not, im sure there will be loads of People stepping forward to take it on.  ( yeah right !!!)  ;)



no i dont work for nothing but i dont understand why you ask that anyway?????


if you dont have the crowd figures why state that this this years british final was the best attended for the last 8 years, i dont know if it was or not so i cant prove your wrong, but after your statement i assume

Edited by The Third Man
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if you dont have the crowg figures why state that this this years british final was the best attended for the last 8 years, i dont know if it was or not so i cant prove your wrong, but after your statement i assume

going by what was announced at KL on wednesday

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it isn't fair that KL get 2 of the meetings, but who else could run it on a Thursday at short notice after Sheffield decided they can't have an airfence.




sheffield didnt decide the couldnt have an air fence, there was never going to be an air fence, for a midweek meeting at sheffield it is IMPOSSIBLE so lets get rid of this red herring as a reason for it being moved once and for all


so they told you all the crown figures for the last eight years at KL on wednesday did they, or was it just said by an interested party

Edited by The Third Man
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And which neutral PL track would you suggest it was held at? 

Wherever it's held there will always be unhappy bunnies because of travelling etc.  No win situation AFAIC.



The point was that no super 7 meeting has a venue north of the midlands.


fans north of the midlands have had to do more than there fair share of traveling to catch one of the individual or team events in this series' its a complete sham.


Champman might be doing a good job in parading models and baps and corporate lackie's around but a high percentage of the bread and butter fans have been dismissed. probably a 33% of the speedway fan base.


distribute the action you selfish people.

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Yes always been known that Sheffield cant erect an air fence on a Thursday, due to time and H & S problems with Sheffield Council.


So as this fact has always been known, whats the REAL reason its been switched.


What are these ' Health and Safety ' problems with the city council ?

Also it could have been put on a sunday in the first place as it was the last time. Is that what you're saying ?

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However, a proper explanation of why the original agreement was made and why it's a late change should be forthcoming.  It's about time that fans were treated as an integral part of the sport.  We are sick of being fobbed off.


Believe me the fans ARE being fobbed off at the moment. Lets just wait and see what comes out and what is said, but alas i think we'll be waiting till hell freezes over first ;)

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after the hillsborough disaster sheffield council insist on inspecting any changes to the safety fence, so that would mean an inspector looking at the fence after it was erected after the afternoon dog meeting, which aparently is not possible to do


You know this makes me so bleedin angry. I've sat in tinder dry wooden ramsackled stands at King's Lynn and Ipswich. The one at Ipswich was full of combustable material underneath. I know because i dropped a glove through the floor under the seats and had to go retrieve it. All this after the fire at Bradford City. And then i hear the excuse for closing the back straight down at Owlerton from a councillor was that it was a fire risk. The concrete steps were a frickin fire risk ! Double standards. :mad:

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The point was that no super 7 meeting has a venue north of the midlands.


fans north of the midlands have had to do more than there fair share of traveling to catch one of the individual or team events in this series' its a complete sham.


Champman might be doing a good job in parading models and baps and corporate lackie's around but a high percentage of the bread and butter fans have been dismissed. probably a 33% of the speedway fan base.


distribute the action you selfish people.



lol oh dear someone does have their pants in a twist :lol:


Seriously, point taken, but instead of protesting on here, why dont you log onto the super7 website, take down JC's contact details and complain so that something may get changed. After all, it's a learning process for him and if he does not know anything is wrong he cant fix it can he?


I once again ask you a serious question, so which PL club should host the event?

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Has terry russell got another son step forward jonathan chapman feeding his own pocket again elite league best pairs elrc and what next john postlethwaite makes a good point in the speedway star about how one promoter takes more sky money than any other track.

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as has already been mentioned, the Chapman's own their stadium so are in a good position to say what happens in that stadium on any particular day.


if another stadium was to be found for that Thursday night who could accomodate?

so many tracks have to consider other events ... i would love to see it at Peterborough, but as it's a showground they have to fit in with everything else, hence no meetings for a couple of weeks.

Birmingham ... they would have to get the stadium for the Thursday, and by all accounts it's bad enough getting it for a Wednesday.


how many promoters own their stadium and could seriously put on the ELRC at fairly short notice?


with regards to Neil Machin, he's part of the BSPA so did he not realise that all EL meetings have to have an airfence?

i know people are saying that this meeting and that meeting didn't have one, but as this is an EL meeting, it would surely have to.

you'd think he might have spoke up at the time it was agreed, after all, i bet he wasn't just told he was having the ELRC and there were no discussions.


when Kings Lynn put on the EL Pairs, they had to go down to Eastbourne the night before to collect their air fence to borrow, i expect something like this will have to happen again.

airfences are not generic, they do not fit all types of fence, these have to be the right type, so it's not always just a case of saying they could have just gone and got Oxford's.


I was informed on wednesday night that Kings Lynn had recieved an airfence, on the tues, now weather its was going to be for this season, or they are waiting to use it next season, but i dont know weather the chapmans have borrowed it or brought it.


As for people saying they have been robbed, get a grip for crying out loud, untill the BSPA have released a statment saying what the problem was at sheffield, i think you should lay off the chapmans, just because JC is head of SSS people will start on him, saying its all his fault just think what it would be like if it was on the other hand!!!

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If it was a case of someone wanting to line their own pockets then surely the event would have been given to Kings Lynn in the first place.


Puzzling why Sheffield had it taken away.


Still no definitive answer........ will we ever get one other than the Speedway Politicians, "No further comment" ?!!

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no offence, but people going on about it not being northern track... all the premier league "big" meetings were up there last season... PL pairs and the 4's. being at glasgow and workington respectively.


Also, as its an elite league meeting, theres only 1 northern based team, while most of the others are midlands - southern. At least its still on a neutral track for the riders, else you'll be moaning about that too :blink:


in the end sheffield supporters would moan about it being taken from them... but if their H&S doesnt help then...

Edited by hardtobeat
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Agree with you and Kings Lynn is a heck of an outlandish place to get to from Bournemouth!


Remember the organiser of these events is one Jonathan Chapman, co-promoter of .......Kings Lynn!


1. Believe it or not there are a lot more tracks in the country than Poole :wink: Considering their are only two Elite League tracks on the South Coast it probably makes sense to have the meeting at Kings Lynn :wink:


2. If Matt Ford was organiser are you saying that he wouldn't want the meeting at his home track :rolleyes:

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Has terry russell got another son step forward jonathan chapman feeding his own pocket again elite league best pairs elrc and what next john postlethwaite makes a good point in the speedway star about how one promoter takes more sky money than any other track.

its Terry R that takes more of the sky money. from the last deal i was told he got 250K.

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Since the fans have not been kept informed (yet again!!!) of the circumstances of Sheffield losing the ELRC, I cannot complain, however:


a. The fans should have been kept informed, and

b. In no circumstances should KL have received a second series meeting.


The whole north/south argument is valid (and people are wrong if they say it isn't) not specifically for the ELRC but for the series as a whole.


Yes...I'm happy to admit to being a Workington fan and we have been more than fortunate to have hosted championship meetings in recent years....my argument is not that Workington are not hosting a meeting but that because the meetings have all now been set down south I will not get to see any of them now. (I was going to be going to the ELRC, but KL is too far! and I'm sure there are others in the same boat)

Edited by adam_1282
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Overlooking all the complaints, purely and simply because this now means I will be able to go, I'm pleased of the change. :D


Also, if the reasons for it not being held at Sheffield are genuine, holding it at KL is somewhat logical - its the easiest track to organise at short notice, and as to tickets.. Well, I'd hope super7 will reimburse those unable to make the journey. They are usually quite good about that, eg the PL4TT and such.

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