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ELRC - Change of venue

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id guess quite a few will be, Crump loves sheffield as do many others


the same can be said for Kings Lynn also though ... some very good comments from the riders after the ELPairs.


a few ex-KL riders should make it interesting like Nicki Pedersen, Jason Crump, Peter Karlsson, Leigh Adams to name a few.

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football fans knew the finals were all going to be at Wembley before season started unless Wembley was not completed on time.



They were still switched, and they were major events not the pathetic effort that masquerades as the ELRC nowadays with rider withdrawls and its 2000 attendee's.

With some of the whinging on here it seems as though it is destined to remain so, if it survives at all.


I take my hat off for once to the BSPA at least they are trying something different.

(although not before time)

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Wembley is the home of English Football, Cardiff was a temp home until Wembley was ready, the plan was to have the cup finals there and that is what happend, Cardiff was just a back up last season just incase Wembley was not complete on time. It was not switched at all, it returned home.


This is a complete turn around and is a totally bad decision and more bad PR for British Speedway !

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This is a complete turn around and is a totally bad decision and more bad PR for British Speedway !



....but the original track is unavailable.


Would you rather it just be cancelled then?



I would agree that in an ideal situation that these venues/dates should not be changed, but its the first season of the re-vamp, so problems should be expected.


One thing is for sure I bet that this doesn't happen again next year.




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the original track is available though we race on Thursdays lol the air fence is a poor excuse i feel for this change and its happend for another reason and that is why BSPA are not allowing Sheffield promotion to say anything because no doubt Machin and Hoggy are more angry than ever before.

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id guess quite a few will be, Crump loves sheffield as do many others, never complain about fence as they know its probaly one of the best fences around which isn't an air fence.


Plus Air Fences in elite league are crap anyway, they either go through them and hit fence behind anyway (wolves on sky other week) or slide underneath which is dangerous !

The stadium is available im sure riders were up for riding round Owlerton as always but the powers that be seem to want to change things for no real reason and will use the Air Fence as a poor excuse.


Super 7 Series has been badly run from start and what seemed like a good attempt to sort the events out has been pretty dire so far.


Actually you've kind of ruined your own arguement there. I presume you mean the Lindgren crash (?) - If there hadn't have been an airfence and Fred had hit a chaiin fence, or worse a board fence, at that speed he may well be joining the list of serious injuries we've had this season! Yes he went through the fence but it acted like a huge cushion and made for a fairly soft landing!


I think the Sheffield fans need to get medical attention for the huge planks they appear to have on their shoulders over this issue! ;):P


Perhaps someone could explain WHY Sheffield can't have the airfence. I read on here that it's because they can't get the airfence up on a Thursday night or something. Is this a time thing? I only ask becasue the Wolverhampton Airfence can't be put up until after the dogs have finished at 6pm! Yet it's always up and ready for the start time at 7.30! :blink:

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yes that one, it still should not happen though !


Yeh with them times it has to be another lame reason for this event to be changed.


We were expecting a big event at Sheffield and were all looking forward to going to it, it has been taken away from us any fan would be gutted and with BSPA gagging our promoters we dont know why its been robbed off us.


I still feel the Air Fences in elite are not good quality anyway, riders seem to be still getting seriously injured when hitting them, yet when riders hit ours oh look they get up and carry on nearly everytime.

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I still feel the Air Fences in elite are not good quality anyway, riders seem to be still getting seriously injured when hitting them, yet when riders hit ours oh look they get up and carry on nearly everytime.




I think that with the events of the last week safety should be paramount. I've never understood why the PL (or CL for that matter) gets away with not having airfences.

The quality of them once mandatory is an entirely different issue.

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Ive never heard such a load of tosh as has been spoken about the Chapmans on here today, seems that as Ivan Mauger said many years ago, the worst thing you can do in Britain ever, is to be successful. All i can see is envy and jealousy, the Chapmans run what most people consider to be one of the most successful tracks in the country, that seems to be a problem for some of you. Bearing in mind recent events at Oxford, and the obviously precarious situation at a number of other venues, why isn't everyone delighted for any go-ahead promotion that brings in the crowds at any track in the country. I don't know why the venue has been switched, and i don't care, i am sorry for the Sheffield fans, but for whatever reason a change has been required, get over it.

As for the further widespread criticism of the Super7even series, what are those criticising hoping to achieve ? Aren't you glad that someone bothered to step in and try and revamp some of these meetings which clearly for years now have been poorly promoted ?

There are many promoters up and down the country who do not deserve the loyalty that there hard core fans give willingly, a few do try and promote the sport. Clearly we are now at a crossroads within the sport in the UK now, other tracks will close, i hope not but reality suggests they will. Therefore why do some of you choose to attack people who do care deeply about the sport, have gone through thick and thin to survive, and improve support at there track, whilst others, who should not be allowed any say, about anything, never contribute to the development of the public image of speedway racing, get off lightly ?

Ask your pl promoter whose visit is likely to attract the largest crowd - it won't be Newport Berwick Newcastle or Stoke will it ?

We are all of us shocked, and a little angry at the very poor admistration of British Speedway and our inability to have any influence to change it. But i would have to say i have more faith in Jonathon, Buster and a few others than most current members of the BSPA Management committee.


SPOT ON !!!!!!!!! I'm actually embarrassed and getting sick of the petty whinging and moaning of the Sheffield fans on here. You are getting us a bad reputation. Grow up for.....sake.

People are ASSUMING far too much. And i could say a lot more but i am not going to. This is about an air fence true. The reasons being peddled out now about lack of time to erect it on a thursday are baloney and an excuse. Why assume Chapman or King's Lynn are pulling a fast one ?????????

I will say two things are making me mad, one the lack of understanding on here but that is DUE entirely to the shoddy incompetence of the BSPA,and two, the edict to clam up and order people to say nothing is showing total disregard for the fans. But thats simply because they dont want to wash their dirty laundry in public.


Beware promoters people are getting sick of the way the sort is being mis-run


But to simply blame the Chapmans and King's Lynn is WRONG.

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The point was that no super 7 meeting has a venue north of the midlands.


fans north of the midlands have had to do more than there fair share of traveling to catch one of the individual or team events in this series' its a complete sham.


Champman might be doing a good job in parading models and baps and corporate lackie's around but a high percentage of the bread and butter fans have been dismissed. probably a 33% of the speedway fan base.


distribute the action you selfish people.


id be happy with Birmingham, 1hr 30 travel as opposed to 4hr trek to norfolk midweek!! :P

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I have read the first couple of pages on this thread and I am dissapointed its not at Sheffield as the journey is easier. Getting to Kings Lynn is certainly not a easy journey from here but what will be will be!!


But my observations are that those arguing / dicussing are not the elite League fans but the Sheffield fans with the Eastern club fans.


Everyone has an opinion and all 3 leagues fans attend these meetings but it just makes me laugh that there are very few Elite league fans arguing about the change of venue. (Apart from a couple of Poole fans and although the journey time is similar, the actually route is a horrid one compared to the gentleness of the M40 and M1)


Just thought I would throw in that observation. :D

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Thats a good and fair point Sandie, i hadn't noticed myself the lack of EL fans opinion. Probably doesn't affect them too much personally so not as bothered.


A more pertinant question about this whole issue is not the fact that Sheffield have lost one single meeting but this question............


The Premier League riders expressed an opinion at the last AGM that they would like air fences at all PL tracks, similar to EL as it is now. What will happen then this winter at the next conference ?????. If Sheffield cant put up a fence on a thursday

for the ELRC because of the time constraints what will Neil Machin and other promoters at venues that share with greyhounds have to say on the matter ? Will there be tracks threatening closure if we go with air fences ??? Or will they have to change race night, for instance at Sheffield do they have dogs on a monday ???


I think theres a bigger picture than just the loss of the ELRC.

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There is always going to be a debate wherever the event is held and understandably so !!!


What next, is there a danger of one of the other events planned changing venue or is it just the ELRC?


What about the ELRC being held over 4 meetings to keep everyone happy....



Sheffield/Kings Lynn


Isle of Wight/Somerset


This way the Premier League fans would get a chance to see the Elite guys live in action.


Of course this would never happen but seems fair to everyone (Apart from PL tracks I have not mentioned !!!!)


I'm not happy, you left out Rye House.

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Look I like JC, as fans of Kings Lynn who are regulars on this forum will know, I also have time for Sheffield's own promoter's Neil Machin and Dave Hoggart.

The thing that galls me is that this appears to have done flippantly, surely betwen the three they should have known about Sheffield and a air fence, what ever the problems are, and the fact that nobody is allow to talk about it gives the impression that they are guilty.

Its alright everybody telling me stop complaining, but when you got a youngster , who has been waiting to see the likes of Crumpie, Pedersen, Nicholls, Adams and many more riders, because somebody somewhere has cock up, this is what gets to me.

They could arrange it to run at Outer Mongola, I would still be angry, I don't care where its been arranged for, Kings Lynn can have it for.

Maybe JC and Neil would like to tell my son why this riders could ride Sean Wilson's testimonial without an air fence, I can explain it, but it would be nice for them just to take the time and effort to explain to fans what the problems are, that is all ask.

Rant over now, I wish Kings Lynn all the success, with the ELRC, and congratulate JC, on the way he has revamped these meetings, but please JC next season can we have the PL fours at Sheffield.

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Actually you've kind of ruined your own arguement there.  I presume you mean the Lindgren crash (?) - If there hadn't have been an airfence and Fred had hit a chaiin fence, or worse a board fence, at that speed he may well be joining the list of serious injuries we've had this season!  Yes he went through the fence but it acted like a huge cushion and made for a fairly soft landing!


I think the Sheffield fans need to get medical attention for the huge planks they appear to have on their shoulders over this issue!    ;)  :P


Perhaps someone could explain WHY Sheffield can't have the airfence.  I read on here that it's because they can't get the airfence up on a Thursday night or something.  Is this a time thing?  I only ask becasue the Wolverhampton Airfence can't be put up until after the dogs have finished at 6pm!  Yet it's always up and ready for the start time at 7.30!  :blink:


Yeah but have you seen the size of ouur bends.

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yeah i've no problem what so ever with the kings lynn set up, im just bemused as to why this decision has been taken now, surely all the requirements for staging this meeting had been known about before they decided who staged it, so why the turn around now?


it just shows the lack of professionalism in the way our sport is being run

Edited by DanTheMan
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