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Conference League 4tt Draw Announced

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My first visit to Plymouth on friday and must say they have an excellent set up down there, perfec t for CL racing. No bar though :(


The racing was pretty good although the track was rather bumpy and the line ups left you in no doubt from the start that the final would be a two horse race between Plymouth & Scunny.


Going into the last race level everything looked set for an exciting finale until, in my opinion, the ref got it totally wrong excluding Glanz. Glanz to my eyes was in front of Bekker when he bailed out. The situation not being helped by 'child star' Auty leaping over the fence waving his arms at the referee then goading the Plymouth fans once hte decision went Scunny's way. I wonder how brave he would have been if that large fence had not been there???


Tai Woofinden looked untouchable breaking the track record in his opening ride, I wonder how long before he decides he doesnt need the CL anymore? Lee Smart was very competitive throughout as was Glanz, Roynon and Bekker.


Hell of a long way to go, so dont know when I'll be back, but a good trip and well done to Plymouth for keeping the meeting moving along a pace and for putting on an excellent nights racing.


Can recommend the Novotel acroos the road from the track for any future visitors too.

Edited by PhilK
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My first visit to Plymouth on friday and must say they have an excellent set up down there, perfect for CL racing. No bar though  :(


Ah, that's why I didn't see you in the bar, Phil..!! ;)


Seriously, though, sadly I reasoned that the weather was just that little bit too dodgy to go that many miles to see Sittingbourne score a handful of points; and misplaced discretion proved the better part of valor..!!! :neutral:


As it happened, the forecast was wrong really and the weather okay but it IS a long way to go when doubts hover like rain clouds; and so am grateful that the Crusaders' league visit is in late August..!!


One thing puzzles me from the reports.. : whose Testimonial meeting was this..??!!!! :D;)

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My first visit to Plymouth on friday and must say they have an excellent set up down there, perfec t for CL racing. No bar though  :(


The racing was pretty good although the track was rather bumpy and the line ups left you in no doubt from the start that the final would be a two horse race between Plymouth & Scunny.


Going into the last race level everything looked set for an exciting finale until, in my opinion, the ref got it totally wrong excluding Glanz. Glanz to my eyes was in front of Bekker when he bailed out. The situation not being helped by 'child star' Auty leaping over the fence waving his arms at the referee then goading the Plymouth fans once hte decision went Scunny's way. I wonder how brave he would have been if that large fence had not been there???


Tai Woofinden looked untouchable breaking the track record in his opening ride, I wonder how long before he decides he doesnt need the CL anymore? Lee Smart was very competitive throughout as was Glanz, Roynon and Bekker.


Hell of a long way to go, so dont know when I'll be back, but a good trip and well done to Plymouth for keeping the meeting moving along a pace and for putting on an excellent nights racing.


Can recommend the Novotel acroos the road from the track for any future visitors too.


Hi Philk i am glad you enjoyed your visit to plymouth.


we hope to see you again soon next time come over and say hello.


the pace was pretty much set by myself the clerk of the course and he ref before the meeting.....again i must thank the riders which made my job one hell of alot easier as the pit marshall by getting ready quickly..


it was nice to meet a few new faces from around the teams.


i would like to comment over the last heat but i dont want another war of words on this forum like i have had with a certain team's forum user's on my own. but if you would like to read the weymouth site it seems they see there CL clash in very much the same vein..


see you all in the league..



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Just like to say that Mike and his team did a fantastic job in running the meeting. Everything ran smoothly with no hitches thanks to Honey, Darren and the chap who was making sure that the riders knew when they were due out (sorry don't know his name) and no doubt numerous other members of staff.

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That was me Jayne !! I have to say the riders, managers and team promoters were right on the ball on Friday. Full marks and more to everyone, made my job and everyone else's that much easier. The riders were exemplary in their getting to the tapes; at one stage we averaging a heat every 4.5 minutes.

Look forward to seeing one and all throughout the season,



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