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Bryan Seery


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In the post 65 era after the British League was set up-Bryan Seery was the official statistician and would have a section on stats in each week's Speedway Star-he kept extremely detailed records-not sure what he did for a living(teacher perhaps??). He came up I think with the idea of a CMA(Calculated Match Average)-which was the average points per ride(including bonus points) times 4(representing the usual number of rides). Thus the highest possible CMA could only be 12.00. Before that averages were just # of points divided by # of meetings-so someone could have an artificially high average if they rode a lot of races in a particular meeting e.g. some guys would ride 5 times and could thus get 15 points, in fact I remember a meeting at Poole where Ivan Mauger rode 7 times and scored 21 points(Under the Seery sytem this would still be 12). I'm wondering if anyone knows what happened to Bryan Seery-is he still doing these statistics-and did the CMA system as devised(I think) by him survive in to the present time??.

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I'm fairly sure that I read somewhere that Bryan sadly passed away a few years ago.


He was the pioneer of serious statistics in speedway really, and I enjoyed reading his page in the Speedway Star every week. Sadly missed, but not forgotten.

Edited by KevH
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Thanx Norbold- are you aware whether anyone has ever tried to go back before the British League era to retrospectively convert before 65 stats to the CMA system for comparison purposes? Also can anyone confirm Bryan Seery has indeed passed away and when??

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Thanx Norbold-  are  you aware whether  anyone has ever tried to go back before the British League era to retrospectively convert before 65 stats to the CMA system for comparison purposes? Also can anyone  confirm Bryan Seery has indeed passed away and when??

Peter Jackson has done a lot of work on this. He has produced Statistical Surveys covering the National League from 1934 - 1939 and 1946 to 1957 based on a 12 point CMA system.

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Thanx Norbold-do u know how I could contact Peter Jackson and does he have this material for sale?? Also what is Bryan Seery doing these days -is he still involved with Speedway I remember him writing programme notes at Swindon

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Hi Bob, glad to see you are out and about on the forums. Hope to see you at paris this year.


Canada has it's own "bryan Seery" in Duncan Luke. Without Duncan there would be no statistical history of Canadain speedway. Duncan is a retired accountant! Go figure! (no pun intended) he scores nearly all the meetings in Canada, sets up the race card, designed the race format for the Welland round of the Canadian Nationals and writes a mena article for the PAris Speddway program.


Duncan will go all red if he reads this but Canadian speedway has much to thank him for!


Tiger Tom......

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