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2007 Grand Prix Competition

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Supporters Grand Prix 2007 (sponsored by the British Speedway Forum)



Here we are again, ready to begin our third Grand Prix season, which runs alongside the slightly less interesting, but to be fair, rather more dangerous, 500cc version!


The rules are still pretty easy to understand. But post any questions or whatever underneath.

There’s never any money involved obviously, but it would be nice if everyone who joins-in makes a promise to themselves that they will pay a minimum of £5 into the Speedway Riders Benevolent Fund during the season. Anyone who doesn’t will suffer dire retribution. Eventually ! You have been warned….

The only real change from last year

All players start the season with 1000 Credits. (Due to a successful winter chase for sponsorship!)


You must pick TWO riders you think will make the Final of the next GP. Finishing order is of no importance.

You decide how many Credits you want to bet on each of your two riders. There’s no maximum or minimum limit to your bets, other than the amount of Credits you have, of course.

There’s also no limit to the amount of times you back the same rider.

On a separate thread, before each GP, the riders will be given points, similar to betting odds. The points will NOT change once posted.

The ‘favourites’ will carry the least points.

The more points a rider has, the more you can win by backing his successful attempt at making the Final.

Bravery, some common sense and a sharp speedway brain pure luck should be all you need. Oh, and a sense of humour for when it all goes pits-up!


If you miss a round, or join the game after the GP season has already started, approximately 10% of your Credits will be lost for each GP missed.


If you’re unlucky enough to run out of Credits, then you’re out for the season.

A couple of examples of a pre-GP bet…

500 Credits on Hans Andersen (2pts)

150 Credits on Rune Holta (7pts)

…if Hans makes the Final, you’d win 1000 (500x2) Credits plus you get your 500 Credits back.

…if Rune makes the Final, you’d win 1050 (150x7) Credits plus your 150 Credits back.

So if this was the 1st GP and you started with 1000 Credits, you’d have a new total of 3050.



500 Credits on Hans Andersen (2pts)

100 Credits on Rune Holta (7pts)

…if Hans doesn’t make the Final, you’d lose your 500 Credits.

…if Rune makes the Final, you’d win 700 (100x7) Credits, plus your 100 Credits back.

Giving you a new total of 1200.



You must place your bets before the start of each GP, but bear in mind I may place a time restriction on betting, if I won’t be online on GP day.


Post them on the GP “Place Your Bets” thread.


The information will be transferred onto the scoresheet from time to time, and your post will be removed, but you do have the option of changing your bet anytime before the deadline. Whether you change it through personal choice, being influenced by other bets, rider injuries, whatever.


Please note – if a rider pulls out of a GP on the day of the meeting without riding, all Credits placed on him will be returned.

If you bet on a rider who pulls out before midnight on the Friday, but do not change your bet, his replacement rider – as decided by the FIM/BSI – will become your chosen rider.

So don’t miss the latest news before each GP !!

(available on the British Speedway Forum )


! Enjoy !

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G,day Steve, in regards to the 5 pound being paid up front, it may be a bit hard for me being here in Oz to arrange that before the series starts, however my Ma is going back to Scotland in August so can i get her to organise it then or can you wait till i see Bryn in November when i will pay him the entry fee. Either way i'm good for it.


Or better still i can take it out of my own 'Johno's Beerneverrunout Fund' :rolleyes:

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:D ...well, at least you took notice of it !


Is there no riders charity out there then, mate ?


I guess that's a fiver Bryn will have to bring back in cash, rather than in liquid form ?! Could be tricky :P

In the meantime, raise your next pint to all the injured track boys :approve:


...and Good Luck with the comp' B)

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No riders charity out here as far as i know, well at least not in WA, however i will make sure i raise my next pint to all the injured riders mate, they at least derserve that. :approve:

I've been waiting for this years competition to start since after round 3 last year thats how woeful my tipping was, and to think ol fanta pants won the championship i should be ashamed of myself.:oops:

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  • 2 months later...

Any news on the latest leader board Steve after Cardiff !


Think I may enjoy it when it comes out :DB)

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Have a feeling I'm out as he changed how many points I put on AJ from 7 to 9. Obviously no humour in Coventry :rolleyes:

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Any news on the latest leader board Steve after Cardiff !


Think I may enjoy it when it comes out

I've just come online, first time since Cardiff...and there's a lot to do on the Game, so a.s.a.p okay ? :P



Have a feeling I'm out as he changed how many points I put on AJ from 7 to 9. Obviously no humour in Coventry

He didn't change anything. You said put 9 on AJ, then you decided that I'd got it wrong ! Charmin'

As it happens...after your second post, the bet was amended to 7...so :P

Obviously no manners in Poole


Im out... .I think :cry:

You have a bad memory young man, a bad memory :D
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