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Polish Ekstraliga - Day 1

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Still you cannot compare it with ZG. At least drunken idiots don't run around the track here after a match.. And girls don't come home bruised..

Edited by Mateusz
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Sorry u (and rest of Bydgoszcz fans in the cage) had to experience that Mateusz. Our club will certainly face the consequences after this fiasco.


I understand your angry and you have the right to be, this meeting and espacially what happened after left a bitter taste amongst normal fans in ZG. But I think u gotta ease off comments like 'ZG f....' they aren't appropriate.

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I understand your angry and you have the right to be, this meeting and espacially what happened after left a bitter taste amongst normal fans in ZG. But I think u gotta ease off comments like 'ZG f....' they aren't appropriate.

Alright, ok. Just to make it clear - writing that I meant those hooligans of course. Not the normal audience.

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Rivalitarity between supporters of other teams are often just good, it makes a splendid athmosphere in the stadia, but what was shown from Zielona Gora wasnt nice.


Why in the heck does they put the polonia supporters in the cage? It cant be to nice to be looked in as animals and nowhere to escape.

In this case the cage wasnt doing the thing it is build for as some ZG fans was out on the track and was free to throw whatever in the cage on the poor Polonia fans.



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The idea of this so called cage is good and every stadium in Poland has its cage. Thanks to this fans of both teams are separated (usually there's also a buffer zone by both sides of the cage). The problem at ZG was that their hools could get to the track freely after the match and then head towards the cage - this is absolutely unacceptable and it changed the cage from a kind of "safety zone" to a "rifle range".

No one's forced to sit in a cage btw - you can always sit between local fans but for your own responsibility.. (incognito B))

Edited by Mateusz
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ZG f..kers  local f..kers

Excuse me? I'm live in ZG, I'm ZKZ fan but I have never thrown anything at anyone and I do not wish to be called a ZG or a local f**ker. You cannot generalise like that. It was a group of pseudofans that behaved like idiots, not us - loyal and real fans.


It's all a huge scandal and Zielona Gora club should be fined with serious financial panalties.

It should not be the club who is punished. It's not club's fault at all. Club provides the security. It's stupid young people who were brought up in a wrong way and are not taken care of that cause the riots. They should be banned from stadium but I'm still not sure if it would help to stop them.


I'd even close their country stadium.

Do you really think that real fans should be punished in such a painful way. Should I be responsible for a bunch of drunk teenagers? I'd rather stop selling of alcohol. That would definitely help. Anyway, how is it possible that they were throwing metal cans? Aren't they banned at our stadium? I rememer I couldn't even bring in a plastic bottle with water, the last time I went there.


Zielona Gora have always had a reputation.

Again, Zielona Góra is a beautiful city, very peaceful and full of friendly people. We've never had a bad reputation.

Speedway pseudofans did. Zielona Góra did not.


Zielona Gora, thank you for providing us 2 league points, now you can go back the Division 1 or 2 where your place is.

This is very harsh Mateusz and I would never ever expected YOU to write something like that. Especially having friends in Zielona Góra, friends who wish you best and would never write the same about your club. I'm shocked, disappointed and deeply hurt.

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Excuse me? I'm live in ZG, I'm ZKZ fan but I have never thrown anything at anyone and I do not wish to be called a ZG or a local f**ker. You cannot generalise like that. It was a group of pseudofans that behaved like idiots, not us - loyal and real fans.

First of all - have you read all of my posts it this topic accurately or just the first one? Secondly - have you read other reports on that Sunday or have you just come back from your holidays, read my first post and then started writing yours without knowing the facts?


Anyway, once again.. Writing this widely quoted phrase 'ZG f......' I meant ZG hooligans or generally those drunken idiots who came up to the cage. I used this phrase among the report on the after-match riots only and as for me it was obvious that my words refered to those guys who took part in it only.


It should not be the club who is punished. It's not club's fault at all. Club provides the security. It's stupid young people who were brought up in a wrong way and are not taken care of that cause the riots. They should be banned from stadium but I'm still not sure if it would help to stop them.

You contradict yourself here. You say it is the club that provides the security but also that it's not club's fault. Ewa, the point is that it is the club's fault as this security was not provided! As it turned out later, there were too few security guards because of the security agency that covers matches at ZG. But still, it is the club that takes resposibility for this. That's why I asked you above if you've read further news about the riots.

Of course hools have to be punished but the consequences have to faced by the club as well (to avoid such incidents in the future).


At this point (a few days after the match) I must admit I'm positively surprised by the action undertaken by the local police and the club management. Many times such incidents had been downplayed (e.g. Tarnow v Rzeszow last year) and that's what I was afraid about this time.


Do you really think that real fans should be punished in such a painful way. Should I be responsible for a bunch of drunk teenagers? I'd rather stop selling of alcohol. That would definitely help. Anyway, how is it possible that they were throwing metal cans? Aren't they banned at our stadium? I rememer I couldn't even bring in a plastic bottle with water, the last time I went there.

Closing a stadium is the most radical answer obviously. Personally I don't wish it to any club - to any normal fans. But some action have to be undetaken to prevend from such incidents in the future. Closing the stadium is a kind of punishment that figures in the league regulations. However, as we can see now, the police have started working, your club as well and I think that results of their action satisfy all people that had to 'experience' that mess.

And by the way, it's not the problem with the alcohol, it's just problem with some people. If someone wants to get p!ssed they'll always find a method.. There just should have been a better control of what people carried into a stadium and later on when some cans started flying around - those idiots should have been immediately pacified.

I know it sounds simple in theory and is much harder to do but the fact is there were too few security guards so these so called security factors just didn't work properly...


Again, Zielona Góra is a beautiful city, very peaceful and full of friendly people. We've never had a bad reputation. Speedway pseudofans did. Zielona Góra did not.

Do you misinterpret my words on purpose?

Zielona Gora as a speedway club or even more precisily - some of ZG 'fans' have always had a bad reputation. Well, at least one of the worst in Poland. And this is a sad fact you cannot disagree.. Same as the fact that Zielona is quite a nice place indeed :)


This is very harsh Mateusz and I would never ever expected YOU to write something like that. Especially having friends in Zielona Góra, friends who wish you best and would never write the same about your club. I'm shocked, disappointed and deeply hurt.

Still, I don't know if you wanted to misinterpret my post or what but nevermind.

I began it as follows - "A great match, lots of '5-1 kick answers'. The stadium totally overcrowded, people sitting/standing everywhere - trees, ad banners, ticket booths etc. - truly amazing. But tho' I have some mates in ZG and I have a great respect for shows made by their Net Fans" - and all really harsh words I wrote were about ZG hooligans and sh!tie safety at the stadium. Had a full right to be angry with it and to dose a bit cynism in the last sentence.


Didn't mean to offend all normal fans at all, especially you and Tommy. Anyway, sorry for shocking, disappointing and deeply hurting you if I really did so.

Edited by Mateusz
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After seeing some of the coverage, overcrowded? It was super overcrowded, kids off trees, hang off perimeter fences, sitting on overhanging balconies overlooking the stadium.


All which made it extremely hard to police and steward correctly and from that came the opportunity for some very dim-minded idiots to run across the track and cause abuse. The stadium from television pictures, it never looked a dangerous atmosphere.


The punishment seems about right IMO. But any repeat offending should be taken more seriously.


Just a question, whats the ticketing policy within reference to Polish speedway and also their policy towards stewarding. It seem to be that this area is particularly grey.

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Just read on Speedway World that one of the Polish teams is tracking Hancock, Lindback, Ulamek, Drabik,Richardson, Kennett & Szczepaniak. Not a bad team is it ? I make it a 50/51 pts team. :o

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Not a bad team indeed and I can add their name is Wlokniarz Czestochowa. This Sunday we're riding against them at home :) This match will be broadcast live on Polsat.


50-40 for Polonia.

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The Czestochowa team look strong on the paper, and on the pre-season calculations...


We`ll see their potential at Polonia stadium on Sunday...


Look at the latest performances of Czestochowa riders in Bydgoszcz:


Greg Hancock - almost double figures whenewer he rode here


Lee Richardsson - just only once good appearance - 2nd in Polish GP 2005. Last time for Czestochowa - 1 point of 4 rides


Antonio Lindback - just 2 appearances and...3 points of 10 heats [no point during polish GP 2005, and 3 pts a year later]


Edward Kenneth - had never ridden before in Bydgoszcz


Seb Ulamek - up and down`s - he is able to score double figures, and he can also fail to score enough points...


Drabik and Szczepaniak - something about 1 or 2 points to score not more...

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