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Jesper B Jensen Testimonial

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Yes I can give you the line up:






















Bjarne Pedersen


Ryan Sullivan

Adam Skornicki

Eric Andersen


There will also be match races between 3 Peterborough favouites, Ronni Pedersen, Jan Andersen & Hans Clausen.


Should be a fantastic day.

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Is there anyone going to this who would be able to text updates to the updates site? If so, could you please either leave a message here or send me an email or pm.




* I would go myself but it is my youngest sons birthday and we are having a mini party for him.......although I may try to work on things so we can go! (Result not likely though)

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There will also be match races between 3 Peterborough favouites, Ronni Pedersen, Jan Andersen & Hans Clausen.


Should be a fantastic day.


Well firstly can I concur with your last comment - it should indeed be a fantastic day. And let's hope for a big turn out for Jesper B and warmer weather than right now! :wink:


Would dearly love to be there but, alas can't be. I would have loved to see Ronni Pedersen race again. There was a time when he and Nicki both rode together for King's Lynn. I can always remember one race (although not the opposition alas!) when the two of them hit the front and, if they team rode sensibly, were on for a cert 5-1. Ride sensibly? Those two together? :rolleyes: They proceeded to knock seven bells of hell out of each other at every bend, returning to the pits laughing their heads off! Oh - they got the 5-1 because the two opposing riders, quite wisely, just cruised at a safe distance behind the two brothers for the full four laps! :lol:


Anyway have a great day Jesper B - you deserve it!

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weather is good dry slight breeze but may still be bit on the chilly side at the EOES


roll on 1 o'clock as ill be leaving me house for this meeting it means so much to me to see Jesper having a testimonial as he's a GREAT bloke even when drunk lol


and to see an old family friend will make my day


see you all there come and say hello if you see me !!


Sarah x

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Just got back from an enjoyable afternoon at Jespers testimonial.

A good format I thought with 5 riders in each heat with the team that was not in the race having a spoiler starting at the back on 15 metres. It made every heat interesting and I would now expect this to be the format for the Craven Shield.

Peterborough won the meeting quite comfortably and Hans won the individual final after a great race with PK, Bjarne and Freddie.

I was impressed with Bjarne today and Freddie Lindgren. Adam Skorniki battled hard and it was also nice to see Ryan back at the showground. Like all testimonials I do not take who has won too seriously.

It was nice to meet Shooting Star for the first time.

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Texter: Shooting Star.

Updater: Judy


Teams confirmed from trackside.


From Bryn Williams: The “main event” as it were will be a three team tourney involving Oxford, Peterborough and Wolverhampton using a revolutionary formula involving FIVE riders per race – Two riders from two of the competing teams will line-up at the gate, with another one from the remaining side starting from behind the others on a second grid. The conventional 3-2-1 points format will be used, with the riders finishing fourth and fifth both failing to score. There is a packed programme of events for fans, as there are also races featuring Danish under-16 riders and the return of some former Peterborough legends for a special series of races.



Many thanks Bryn.



Referee: Jim Lawrence


Weather: Sunny, nice and warn with keen breeze.


Track: Watered several times and looks quiet grippy.


There are set gates for this meeting.


Rider off 15mtrs wearing black/white helmet cover.


Riders off 15mtrs in Italics


Peterborough: 42 Points. Team Manager: Trevor Swales.


1) Niels-Kristian Iversen...3...1...0..2...1*... = 7+1

2) Daniel King.................0...2...0...2...0... = 4

3) Hans Andersen............3...1...3...2..2... = 11

4) Adam Skornicki...........2*...2*...0...0...1*... = 5 + 3

5) Kenneth Bjerre............0...2...1*...3...3... = 9 + 1

6) Richard Hall................1...2...2*...0...1... = 6 + 1



Oxford: 35 Points Team Manager: Colin Horton

1) Jesper B Jensen....2...0...2...2...3... = 9

2) Eric Andersson......1*...0...1*...0...0... = 2 + 2

3) Ryan Sullivan........3...0...3...0...2... = 8

4) Steve Johnston.....0...3...0...0...1*... = 4 + 1

5) Bjarne Pedersen....3...0...2...3...3... = 11

6) Ulrich Ostergaard...0...0...0...0...1... = 1


Wolverhampton 31 Points Manager: Peter Adams


1) Peter Karlsson......1...3...3...1...0... = 8

2) David Howe..........ef...0...0...0...3... = 3

3) Billy Hamill............1*...1...2...0...2... = 6 + 1

4) Magnus Karlsson...2...0...0...0...0... = 2

5) Freddie Lindgren...3...3...1...1...3... = 11

6)Theo Pijper ..........0...0...1...0...0... = 1


Heat Details:

..Heat 1: Iversen. Jensen. Andersson. King. Howe EF (Lap4) 59.9

PB: 3. OX: 3. Wolves: 0


..Heat 2: Sullivan. M Karlsson. Hamill. Bjerre. Johnston. 60.2

PB: 0. OX: 3. Wolves 3.


..Heat 3: Andersen. Skornicki. P Karlsson. Howe. Jensen. 61.4

PB: 5. OX: 0. Wolves: 1.


..Heat 4: Pedersen. bjerre. Hall. Pjiper. Ostergaard (ef L3) 60.5

PB: 3. OX: 3. Wolves 0.


..Heat 5: Lindgren. Jensen. Andersen. Andersson. Pijper. 61.4

PB: 1. OX: 2. Wolves 3.


..Heat 6: P Karlsson. King. Iversen. Howe. Pedersen. 61.0

PB: 3. OX: 0. Wolves: 3.


Match Race: Hans Clausen 4th. Ronni Pedersen 2nd. Sam Ermolenko 1st. Jan Andersen 3rd. 64.5


..Heat 7:Johnston. Hall. Bjerre. Sullivan. M Karlsson. 62.1

PB:3. OX:3. Wolves: 0


..Heat 8: Lindgren. Pedersen. Pijper. Iversen. Ostergaard (ef L4). 62.0

PB: 0 OX: 1 Wolves: 4


..Heat 9: Andersen. Skornicki. Hamill. Johnston. M Karlsson. 62.5

PB: 5. OX: 0. Wolves: 1.


Heat 10: Pedersen. Iversen. Lindgren. King. Ostergaard. 61.7

PB: 2. OX: 3. Wolves: 0.


Heat 11: P Karlsson. Jensen. Andersson. Skornicki. Howe. 62.0

PB: 0. OX: 3 Wolves: 3.


Heat 12: Bjerre. Hall. Lindgren. Ostergaard. Pijper (ef L3) 62.1

PB: 5. OX: 1. Wolves: 0.




Heat 13: Sullivan. Andersen. P Karlsson. Skornicki. Johnston. 62.6

PB: 2. OX: 3. Wolves: 1.

The first time all three teams have scored in the same race today

Heat 14: Pedersen. Hamill Ostergaard. Hall. M Karlsson. 63.3

PB: 0. OX: 4. Wolves: 2.


Heat 15: Lindgren. King. Iversen. Pijper. Sullivan. 63.4

PB: 3 OX: 0. Wolves: 3.


Heat 16: Jensen. Andersen. Skornicki. Andersson. Hamill. (ef) 62.4

PB: 3. OX: 3. Wolves: 0


Heat 17: Howe. Sullivan. Johnston. P Karlsson. King. 62.6

PB: 0 OX: 3. Wolves: 3.


Heat 18: Bjerre. Hamill. Hall. M Karlsson. Andersson. 62.9

PB: 4. OX: 0. Wolves: 2.


Match Race: Hans Clausen 3rd. Ronni Pedersen 2nd. Sam Ermolenko 1st . Jan Andersen ef. 63.9




Semi-Final: Red: P Karlsson. Blue: Jensen. Green: Bjerre.

Result: P Karlsson. Bjerre. Jensen (ef Last lap) 63.0


Final: Red: Pedersen. Blue: Lindgren. Green: P Karlsson. Black & White: Andersen.

Result: Andersen. P Karlsson. Pedersen. Lindgren. 63.3


PK pushed Hans all of the way.


Referee for final: Jesper B. Jensen.


Due to the nature of this event comments will be kept to exclusions etc.


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Fantastic weather for a fantastic days racing for a fantastic guy! Hope Jesper enjoyed his day - i know i did! Meeting report and photos can be found @ http://www.panthers-speedway.co.uk/site/in...ask=view&id=138


Not to sure on the scorecard - trying to cobble together the results from live updates and my dust covered half-filled out programme!


James :D

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Unfortunately imo Jesper was not deserving of the size of the crowd this afternoon. For someone who has served this sport for the last ten years he certainly deserved better. At least he had the weather on his side today and he did look to be having a good time and rightly so. :approve:


An interesting new format was tried out today with the five rider thing, not sure how it would work out on some of the other tracks with Boro being nice and roomy.


Good to see the young Danish lads having a skid on their 80cc machines, such a shame this kind of thing can't be implemented in British speedway. Wonder if Bjerre jr is a future star in Danish speedway.


Nice to meet you Stiltonpanther, and Mrs SP too. :D


And finally, of course, well done to the Individual winner little Hans. :P:approve:

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