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Lukas Dryml Injury

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Like you say, he is very lucky after that crash, but with respect, will those injuries really keep him out for three weeks?


With respect Kevin, are you serious ?? Don't know about you but I feared ther very worst...........and you question how long he is going to be out !!


Get real !

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Well i can't state enough how grave i thought the situation was tonight.I was at Odsal a few feet away when Erik Gundersen had his career ending accident and i've seen a few other bad ones.When i saw the crash and saw his legs twitching like that i thought he was in pain from a broken leg or something,but when i saw the replay and saw how he went in face first over the handlebars,i was sickened.I was even more worried when i saw the track guys frantic efforts,i think he was trying to turn him on his side,then when they put him in the ambulance so quickly and whisked him off like that i was REALLY worried.After that i wasn't at all interested who won the GP to be honest,but it was great when they told us the extent of his injuries,thanks for that Sky.On the cause of the crash,it's pretty obvious he got the footrest caught in the airfence.I for the life of me can not understand why the hell they cant attach an 18 inch high kickboard of plywood or something just down the main straights,that way riders can still catch it but not get snagged in but brush or bounce off it.Tonight should serve as a warning.All that matters for now though is that we are not looking at another tragedy and Lukas is going to be ok.

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Kevin & Addict - I see no justification for flippant & humorous remarks in this context. :-(


These guys put their lives on the line every time they race and all deserve to be admired for their courage - wonder if you would like to swap places with them in such circumstances :?: .


No doubt you will reply with the standard "lighten up" reply to which I would say to you pair : "Grow Up" and think more carefully before considering uttering such insensitive comments :!:

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Kevin & Addict - I see no justification for flippant & humorous remarks in this context. :-(


These guys put their lives on the line every time they race and all deserve to be admired for their courage - wonder if you would like to swap places with them in such circumstances :?: .


No doubt you will reply with the standard "lighten up" reply to which I would say to you pair : "Grow Up" and think more carefully before considering uttering such insensitive comments :!:


Cyclone, couldn't agree more... didn't see the crash, (dont think I want to now...) The reason I try never to criticise riders is that they may not have the right of reply after their next meeting. Sorry if thisd sounds brutal, but our Sport is!!

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So sorry to offend you ...

just glad it isn't serious.


Yep it's rough out there -

but that is half the fun.


They choose their lifestyle and know the consequences - and most of it is enjoyable .


Tomorrow I go to watch grasstracking with my dad,

he used to love it - despite all the rough and tumble ...



see been there ....



No offence Mr. Dryml :)

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To put things in perspective ...



asked on another thread:


Anyone reckon Nicki P. will do the right thing and offer to donate one of his teeth to Lukas It is good to see Lukas should be O.K.


Perhaps some of us deal with things in a humourous manner - not realising how inappropriate it may appear to others .

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I don't even want to look at the crash again even though I taped it for my dad. Will put a warning in with the tape about the crash and will tell him the rider is OK. Just glad they didn't show the crash at the end like they did with the Loram crash last year.


I wouldn't be offended with what Kev and Addict said. They said it AFTER we knew he was OK. I suppose Lukas will be very very sore all over today and will have to take it easy for a couple of weeks. Get well soon, Lukas.

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Best wishes to Lukas - Get Well Soon!!! :D


Kevin - With regards to the three weeks out thing - I would have thought, considering he was knocked out for quite a while, that at the very least Lukas will have some concussion - not as 'simple' an injury as some people think, it is , after all, bruising to the brain. That in itself would keep him out for a couple of weeks if he's sensible!

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It is a shame when people, namely Cyclone in this instance, look at the post and not the person behind the post. I've only met you once Addict but I've read enough of you on here to know what character/type of lady you are..........one big softy, with an even bigger liking for one Belle-Vue aussie who ain't got ginger hair. Oh yeah, you have also been known to be up to all hours destoying a few bottles of the old vino, with partner in crime LW :D ;-)


I know we are all just pleased Lukas is 'alright.' I'm pretty sure there won't be more jokes/smiles being cracked anywhere, than around Lukas's bed. Although I think Lukas may refrain from the smiling, unless Nicki P. has already been in touch :D

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speedway is a dangerous sport and everyone who does it knows the possible consequences.

i don't think there is anyone here that would laugh at the expense of someone badly injured.

remarks are made after the extent of the injuries are published....


i think Kevin saying Dryml will be out for 3 weeks with a couple of broken teeth and questioning that maybe points to speedway rider mentality of riding when you have broken bones in your back, or a broken arm, or broken leg.... just putting it into context


you know the saying that people always wait for something bad to happen before sorting something out... maybe this will make Ole Olsen look at why solid board can't be placed on the straight in front of the air fence.

this is GP...riders take more of a chance.

it was only a matter of time

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Was going out for and anniversary meal with hubby last night (after the GP - must get my priorities right :lol: ) but after Lukas's fall was feeling so sick I didn't think I would have been able to eat a thing, so was very glad Sky were able to alleviate our worst fears.

Would like to send my Best Wishes to Lukas this morning. Am so relieved that he is relatively OK. :)

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Guest cheetahhawk

I haven't got SKY extra but a friend was at Kidlington Green watching it with the rest of the Oxford crowd and she texted a message to Scorpio who then rang me to tell me about Lukas's awful crash. I spent a very worried few hours just wondering if he was ok. When I saw the later SKY broadcast I felt sick when I saw Lukas go down.I am only glad things weren't worse,although a broken nose is no joke(I know I've had a broken nose),just hope Lukas has a good dentist too.Get better soon Lukas ,I'm thinking of you.

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It seems ironic to me that no so long ago 'Airfences' were described as the best thing to happen in the sport as far as rider safety is concerned.


I think they are crucial on the bends where a vast majority of accidents happen,but pehaps are not necessary along the straights.


Lukas was very fortunate last night and i am very relieved that he is relatively ok.


After the recent bad injury to Cegielski,i have to admit to fearing the worst when i saw him lying on the track.


Get well soon Lukas.

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I only watched the GP this morning &, like many others I feared the worst after Lukas's horrific crash, especially when they said he had been taken straight to hospital. Thank God he's OK. Get well soon mate.


Well done to all the riders for providing some first class racing.



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Well I too feared the worst for Lucas and genuinely felt sick. :-( I really was not too interested in the match after that but to hear from Keith Huewen that he'd only chipped a tooth made me laugh out in relief and happiness that he wasn't (as many of us feared) dead.


It is not often that you see an horrific accident like that where you "just know" that the guy ain't well. The way his legs were twithcing and the frantic efforts of track staff made me feel sick from the pit of my stomach. The way the TV cameras focused on the pit crews for what seemed like an eternity afterwards made me think that something was going on out there on the track that we should not see. I think he was off in the ambulance quicker than any rider I have seen fall.


Anyway, tough boys these speedway riders are so lets all thank whoever our God is that Lucas is now okay after that nasty scare. :)



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Am so glad that Lukas is reletively unharmed bar a few minor(in comparison to what was expected) injuries!!


That was a horrific looking crash and judging by all the terrible injuries this year he was a VERY lucky lad!


Best wishes to him for a speedy recovery!


To those questioning why he would be out 3 weeks..............You ever tried putting on a helmet with a broken nose????


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