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Brighton Bonanza 2006

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Good to see the usual reprobates  ;) from Coventry during the afternoon



Didn't realise myself, James and Leigh had been sent to Coventry!!! :P


Maybe i'm missing something , but it doesn't look anything remotely like speedway .


It isn't, and its not meant to be. Its a fun day out. If you just want Speedway as you know it, its not for you. :)


As far as I'm concerned it was another brilliant day out, with wonderful company and some speedway thrown in as a bonus!

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Thank you Sandie, it was nice to see you too! :wink: And a few others too, LW, Leighsterr, WvH and met Shale Eater. And that's the last time I ever vote for you as favourite score board operator Rabs! lol


I'm not sure if i'll go next year either. The day itself was good, catching up with people and having a pizza.. but the racing was just boring if i'm honest. I thought the highlight was Superman!! I bet he's a bit sore this morning! :wink: LMAO

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INteresting comments by Rob B and PhilK.


I was one of those empty seats. After attending the last 8 Brighton Bonanzas, I just didn't bother this year, and for several reasons. It was absolutely no supriose to me that it was a small attendance. the writing was on the wall weeks ago and I said at the time what the hell was happening.


Yesterday had the look of "doing it on the cheap", and speedway fans are no fools. The lineup was abysmal from the start. As soon as it was announced I thought to myself, I don't think I will bother, and yesterday I didn't regret not going for one minute.


People have said that you don't need big names in an event like this. Oh yes you do! Whether they are rubbish at it or not, they need a few of the big names of the sport to race, whether they make a fool of themselves or not. In the past we had Hancock, PK, Nicholls, Loram, Boyce, Zorro, etc and they brought an extra dimension to the event.


A meaningless pairs event in the afternoon is not good way to start the show. Surely get riders signed up nice and early so that they are in club teams. eastbourne V poole, Coventry V Swindon etc Much better and the fans can relate to them better.


I noticed last year the flashing lights on the parade to build up an atmosphere was missing and it seems to have been the case yesterday. Great presentation is a must if the product is slightly lacking.


So to get many fans back in 2007, Team pairs from CLUBs, and get some top riders in there, not premier league and conference league riders. And the place would be full.

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I was one of those empty seats. After attending the last 8 Brighton Bonanzas, I just didn't bother this year, and for several reasons.


The missus said you couldn't go huh? :P:lol::wink:

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Craig Boyce and Zorro big names ??:oops you moan about only Premier and Conference riders on show!! What are them two then::oops:

If the big names are asked and dont appear its not the organisers fault .

Its more a day for socialising with the speedway fraternity and not to stay away because your beloved Poole didnt have anyone at all there.

Why dont you get Matt Fraud to do one down Dorset way instead of moaning.

you dont have to go Shovlar

Edited by Eastie
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So to get many fans back in 2007, Team pairs from CLUBs, and get some top riders in there, not premier league and conference league riders. And the place would be full.


That's a bit unfair Steve, While i'm a Coventry fan, I think the PL teams could give the EL teams a run for their money on that sort of track. I agree they need to attract some more top riders, but only having Elite League riders could still mean a drop in crowds.


The Isle of Wight bring at least a coach load over, and I saw a lot of Rye fans, and if none of the PL boys are going to be there, that's more people you could lose.

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Not the point. They don't have to have all elite. Just 4-5 elite riders like Loram, Nicholls, Richardson, PK, etc. They might not win it but it gives the event more credibility.


As for Boyce and zorro, when they rode they were elite league riders, Boyce in particular was top liner at the time. Zorro should be included just for the entertainment he brings.


The teams don't have to be all elite, Poole, Eastbourne, IOW, Rye House, Arena, Cov, Kins Lynn, Weymouth even. It would work a treat compared to having odd pairings which they do at the mo.


I am only giving reasons why it is dying on its feet. If folks just want to go to Brighton to socialise, forget the speedway and hire a beer hall for the day!

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Confirmed as I thought - Steve's missus wouldn't let him go! :D:wink:

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Oh for crying out loud...it's supposed to be a fun event and not for the speedway purist!


I took someone who had never been to the Bonanza before and they loved every minute of it, from the silliness with the colours to the meal at the pizza hut.


A great day out for socialising, to get that wonderful smell again and just to have that little feel of speedway.

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Fair enough, but he's only 17, it's all part of the learning curve and to me he obviously just wants to win. What's wrong with that?  A lot of the British riders get slated on here for supposedly not being agressive enough or not having enough ambition... Lewis Bridger isn't the first rider to throw a bit of a tantrum after a disappointing result and he wont be the last.  Plenty of older riders are just as bad. 


Lewis is a telented lad whatever sport he has done he has been a champion at, I see speedway being no different, it's not like spitting his dummy out, he's probably more angry with himself, he is a lad that likes to win, he's a lad that has to win .............. Win is what that 17 year old has written all over him :approve: just a shame he didn't yesterday


Maybe if they hadn't thrown in the "master" as as a reserve the result may have been different :unsure::wink:



you dont have to go Shovlar


I'm sure Steve was with us on here yesterday Eastie, so obviously to some of us :P he didn't go and by all accounts apart from meeting up with fellow forum members he didn't miss much either :wink:

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Had to rush off straight after the meeting! Got blown to bits! Blimey... That wind was really bad!


that'll teach you going into Wetherspoons twice in one day ...

stay away from the sprouts next time

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He seemed pretty certain it was broken yesterday, but you always live in hope that it's worst case scenario. A real shame for him and I wish him well for a speedy recovery - I hope all the other Academy riders who also fell yesterday are OK today with nothing worse than a few bumps and bruises.


I've got to say how impressed I was with how friendly, polite and eager all the lads were who I saw there yesterday both before and after the meeting - I knew Brendan and Matt already and know what good guys they are, but it was great to see such a buzz amongst them all. :) Gave me some hope for the future and I keep my fingers crossed that they keep getting the opportunities to progress.

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Guest Jim Blanchard
Totally shattered this morning.
Flippin amateurs. 520 mile around trip for us. Put up a stand, sell - stand all day, no breaks, take a stand down etc. This morning first thing - unload the car, then get into the mail order stuff. I don’t know……. ;):D


I agree with Crazysue, and LW it is a nice event from the social point of view and we both enjoy it from that perspective, and for me it was nice to meet some familiar forum members again, plus some others - for the first time, Sandy, 21st CH, Nikki, Leigh. Some are still giving us a wide both though, I wonder why that is? :D


I also have to agree though with Steve/S and one or two others. Its not going to stand alone as ‘social event’ as in the real world it will only have that aspect to it providing it is a viable commercial venture. Having only been twice, we noticed yesterday that it did not have the same buzz as last year. Attendance, must have been down and from the stall holders point of view that was reflected in most being down on sales.


Of course, it cannot be compared with speedway racing as we know it - but for it to survive and it to be all things to all people, it must evolve and adapt otherwise it could be lost.


(Sorry, to hear about Titch breaking his arm Steve, hope he is sorted out soon and be back on his bike…)

Edited by Jim Blanchard
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