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He was a tough un


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I know this is from way back when - but, how about

Jimmy Squibb

Mike Broadbanks

Ivan, Briggo and Ove !!

I suppose they are all tough really.

You don't get to be a Speedway Rider unless you are.


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  • 3 weeks later...
Phil Crump ......... ran over Uncle Teds head and knocked his teeth out :!: Does that mean TOUGH luck :P
Yeah, and never even said he was sorry I'll bet... :twisted:
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Shazzybird, dont you just hate when someone apologises when they have a grin on their face? Actual fact I was a Phil Crump fan and he was a tough racer. Ironman would be a good description. 8)

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errr....with a motorbike wheel Hullangel? :twisted: :clown

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Certainly was a bad idea when a certain "Little" girl kicked him in the shins on the orders of her grandfather :P I did apologise to Dick when I saw him @ Sittingbourne, bonus was he never remembered but he did remember me ;) once seen/heard never forgotten I guess ;)

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Certainly was a bad idea when a certain "Little" girl kicked him in the shins on the orders of her grandfather :P I did apologise to Dick when I saw him @ Sittingbourne, bonus was he never remembered but he did remember me ;) once seen/heard never forgotten I guess ;)


uncle ted had a pretty effective way of getting dick to stop shouting the nick name at the top of his voice too. :P

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Steve Magro

My, my, no offence to all of you aficionados, but Nigel Boocock is widely regarded (here in Australia at least) as amoung the toughest of men ever to ride anti-clockwise. He couldn't get out of the starts to save his life, but he so often scraped the boards, passing riders at will for something like 30 years.


You dare not ever cross him or......


He once rode with a broken bone in his left foot: I have a picture of him (wearing the Union Jack of course) sliding into a corner with his toe tied to his lower leg to hold it up.


Now that's tough.


Today, he's the nicest most unassuming chap your'e ever likely to meet. :)

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