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He was a tough un


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Following the most naturally gifted, the best British rider, the best this and that.

How about the toughest rider (on and off track), and I don't mean toughest to beat I mean tough as in "hard case.

The few that instantly spring to mind are;

Bruce Cribb (Although he's got a reputation as being a nice bloke)

Arthur Browning

Alan Wilkinson

The late Billy Sanders

Mitch Shirra

Aramando Castagna

Roman Matousek

and the modern day tough nuts like Nicki Pedersen and the pocket bombshell Sean Wilson.

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couple spring to mind from Canterbury...

Alan Mogridge

Paul Evitts


don't know why but they struck me as being nutters if required

they were both good blokes though ;) think moggo is a top geezer

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I think most teams over the years have probably had what could be termed a 'tough one' in their line up.


At Coventry. No question for me was Les Owen. A long time Bee who was tragically very badly injured in 1973 v Cradley Utd along with John Harrhy.


Also at Coventry of course in more recent years Mitch Shirra and Gary Gugliemi both in the same team! And Roman Matousek.... Who remebers his long awaited debut, when he turned up late, wheelied all the way to the tapes, and then got excluded for touching them.


Others I can think of at this point. Ove Fundin - He was hard as well as good. Jack Millen & Kelvin Mullarkey but like I said just about every team most years could point to a rider and say he was a tough one.... Dirty and tough may not always go hand in hand by the way.

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Another tough as teak: Colin "Joe" Goody

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Guest cheetahhawk

The late Chris Pusey always come across as being pretty tough.

Another tough guy from the 70's in my opinion is Dave Kennett(Eddie's Dad)and of course Garry Middleton was another tough guy from the 60's and 70's. :)

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