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British Selection For 2007

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This is surely a wind up??


Nicholls definately is worthy of a GP place. If it wasnt for injury he would of been in the top 8? But as usual Sub ignores this fact and continues to lick the Pole's arses.


Looks like Iversen will be out for the year, but hopefully he will improve on his league form in 07 and come back into the series in 08. He certainly has not disgraced himself this year, and finished some way ahead of Pepe and Richardson.


No doubting Richardson and Protasawicz will be out next year. Both been absoloutely pathetic this year.


I cant see Jagus, or Holta for that matter, being anything special next year. I think people think that Jagus is some up and coming under 21 rider, where infact he is in his late twenties!!!! be very stunned if he does anything in the series.


Nicholls has to be in. BSI will pick him, no doubt. Only him or Loram will be competitive at GP level, Harris needs another year where as Stead would be worse than Richardson to be honest as he cannot hack it on the world stage whereas Harris has showed he can.

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Yes, all very interesting and I'm sure you'll find some poor souls to wear it. But I'll stick with Armani, Gucci and Prada, if it's all the same to you.

And that's about the difference, isn't it. Nicholls is the Cotton Traders type rider, not Gucci or Prada.

Having a go at people who wear Nicholls merchandise now. Your hatred of Nicholls and anything to do with him is so pathetic, along with your boasting that you can afford to wear that expensive crap. Plus it is getting very very boring.

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Subedei is just upset that his main man has not won the individual world title yet. As this goes to prove, GP wins are totally irrelevant - it's the title that counts.

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This is surely a wind up??


Trust me, I think the same each and everytime someone tries toi justify the unjustifiable, i.e., the inclusion of serial failure Nicholls in the 2007 GPs.


Nicholls definately is worthy of a GP place. If it wasnt for injury he would of been in the top 8? But as usual Sub ignores this fact and continues to lick the Pole's arses.


And everyone else completely ignores the fact that Nicholls himself has stated that if he couldn't qualify on merit he doesn't deserve to be there. Did he qualify? No. Did he enter the qualifiers? No. Why not? Beneath his princely status? Or the realisation that flopping in the qualifiers as well as the GPs (one final in three years, lest we forget) would give his own personal charity BSI a headache.


No doubting Richardson and Protasawicz will be out next year. Both been absoloutely pathetic this year.


No arguement, in fact pathetic seems rather a generous assessment of Protasiewicz's and Richardson's GP seasons. It's more appropriate for Nicholls' GP season.


I cant see Jagus, or Holta for that matter, being anything special next year. I think people think that Jagus is some up and coming under 21 rider, where infact he is in his late twenties!!!! be very stunned if he does anything in the series.


Check your facts and I think you'll find that Jagus is in his thirties. But what does his age matter? He qualified, unlike Nicholls. He's there on merit. Nicholls hasn't been in the GPs on merit for years now.


Nicholls has to be in. BSI will pick him, no doubt. Only him or Loram will be competitive at GP level, Harris needs another year where as Stead would be worse than Richardson to be honest as he cannot hack it on the world stage whereas Harris has showed he can.


Nicholls doesn't have to be in the GPs and if he has a single shred of integrity and decency he won't be in them.

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Subedei is just upset that his main man has not won the individual world title yet.  As this goes to prove, GP wins are totally irrelevant - it's the title that counts.


Subedei is just offended that it looks as if the world speedway title is going to be corrupted, sullied and rendered pointless via the inclusion of a serial failure who regards qualifying for as something for the proletariat.

At the end of the day, you can't argue that Hampel, Gollob and Jagus have qualified on merit, while no British rider has. Scandalous, if you ask me. It should get people thinking about the sorry plight of the sport. But instead you cling, with no sense or reason, to some bizarre idea that Nicholls is a world class rider. He's not. In 46 GPs, he's made a miserable 4 finals. The Gollob you are so quick to deride has won 10 GPs and only Jason Crump and Tony Rickardsson can beat that.

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Subedei is just upset that his main man has not won the individual world title yet.  As this goes to prove, GP wins are totally irrelevant - it's the title that counts.


Almost as boring as watching an out of his depth Nicholls in the GPs? Sure, he sneaks into the semis, but then he bombs out. If you ask me, that's rather boring.

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Sub your talking bollocks.


Nicholls deserves to be in there. He is amongst the top 10 in the world IMO, and in most other peoples views. But not yours of course, as you very rarely rate a British rider. You would prefer the GP series to be full of Poles!

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I find it hard to believe that you can sit there talking bout the corrupt GPs...the shame of Nicholls being picked and yet your country won the 2005 World Cup by tracking a rider from Norway in there team which made the whole World Cup a joke...Your country made the World of Speedway a joke and as a Pole you should hang your head in shame


You think your country are the Kings of Speedway and have a god given right to be in the GPs even if you go in ahead of someone else who deserves it.....Last year Hampel failed to qualify because of Injury.....This year the same happened to Nicholls...you just cannot accept it...


Yes you will have 4 poles in the Gp...2 over 30...1 an out and out gater and the other a Norweigan.........At least with them in it will make it easier for Scott to Qualify next year


Come on Sube ...what you got against Scott....spill it......



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Sub your talking bollocks.


You're the expert on that front.




I find it hard to believe that you can sit there talking bout the corrupt GPs...the shame of Nicholls being picked and yet your country won the 2005 World Cup by tracking a rider from Norway in there team which made the whole World Cup a joke...Your country made the World of Speedway a joke and as a Pole you should hang your head in shame


My country? My country? I wasn't aware that Mongolia had won the 2005 SWC. I'm a Mongol and proud of it.

And, as far as it goes, you can actually subtract not only Holta's score but also Tomasz Gollob's score from Poland's total in the 2005 SWC final and the Poles would still have won. I don't happen to agree with Holta having ridden for Poland in 2005, before - it seems - reverting back to being Norwegian for the GP qualifiers. But Holta is a Polish citizen, so he was well within his rights to ride for Poland.

Nicholls' presence in next season's GP will bring shame on Britain, shame on Nicholls (who has already said he doesn't deserve to be there) and shame on the GPs as a whole.




And I never argued for Hampel's inclusion for 2006 on the grounds of missed GPs, but on the grounds that he qualified for the 2005 series (guess who didn't, I wonder if you can?) and therefore deserved a second chance. You see, unlike you people who drift with the tide, I'm as constant as the Northern Star.

Edited by Subedei
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Different thread, but the same old rubbish. Somebody with too much time on their hands, obviously.


I agree. You'd think everyone would be able to tell the difference between right and wrong. Nicholls not being in the GPs is right and him being there is wrong. That should be the end of the discussion. Nicholls himself has already stated that failure to qualify means he shouldn't be there. I don't see how people can argue the point.

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Well if Nicholls brings shame on the UK then so be it...guess we will have to live with it......I will support him and will enjoy him slamming your words down your throat.....As for being from Mongolia....nuff said




I remember people looking forward to Nicholls ramming words down my throat this season. Didn't happen, did it? He was going to be top three in the world, according to some here. What happened to that? Oh, that's right, he failed AGAIN. Well, if you're happy with failure and living on charity, good luck to you. Nicholls is the equivalent of that family down the street larging it up on state handouts and with no incentive to get out and work. But you're satisfied with that. Good luck to you, but if you accept it nothing changes.

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Sub has not got a thing of Nicholls though increasingly for saying the actual words 'If I dont get a seeded spot, I dont deserve to be there.'


As much as I like Nicholls and hope doesnt do well. The stats say and BSI's previous judgement on other riders that Nicholls doesnt deserve a place for the GPs. Forgot injuries, other riders get injuries and still reach two finals a year. Some are even injured and win GPs.


The actual record books dont lie, injures dont count in the results, Nicholls has been out of the seeded spots three times in a row and if BSI's previous selction policy of Sullivan and Andersen, he should be out.

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As has been stated on here before, if Scott had not missed the Czech GP through injury there is every chance that he would have scored enough points to have kept him in the top 8!


No doubt Lindback will get another wildcard! and I don't think he deserves one but BSI and Sky will decide that he is good publicity! :blink: I am sure there is something morally wrong with that one.

Edited by SuzieQ
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