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im in a agreement with jirout, if jagus goes and sets the world alight next season then far enough but until we see him for a full season in the gp's you cannot class him as world class or a top 10 rider or anything like that just based on league performances alone.


this tread is just getting so boring now.


bsi are going to pick scotty next season subedei whether you like it or not so theres no point in arguing any longer.

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By averages of points scored per meeting, this should tell us that Nicholls is worthy of an automatic spot


1. Crump 18.8

2. Andersen 16.8

3. Hancock 14.4

4. N.Pedersen 13.4

5. Jonsson 11.9

6. Adams 10.6

7. Zagar 9.7

8. Gollob 9.4


10. Hampel 9.1

11. Lindback 8.9

12. B.Pedersen 8.2

13. Iversen 5.1

14. Richardson 4

15. Protasiewicz 3.1


According to the stats, Nicholls would have made the Top 9 and secondly, that the Top 12 all worthy of a wild card as they have been competitive and can manage an average which is the watermark for a semi-final spot.

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In my world rankings so far just based on League


1. Crump

2. Adams

3. Pedersen

4. Andersen

5. Hancock

6. Hampel

7. Jagus

8= Jonsson

8= Karlsson

10 Holta


To add the other 5 who in the Top 15 riders are


10= Gollob

12. B.Pedersen

13. Jensen

14. Sullivan

15. Ulamek, Mr.Sub's prediction was quite right


This is just based on league averages, but it will probably be the most honest prediction of whose in the Top 15 because GPs and SWC to be added are all now to a selective board (BSI or the appropriate country's authorities)

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How can you claim Nicholls is not in the top 15 riders in the world, after he had finished well within that very criteria?


So far its only based on league averages compared to everyone elses, Nicholls ranks 23rd yet to come is the GP and SWC stuff to add on and then I will have a rough world ranking. But Nicholls average of his 3 averages from UK, Poland and Sweden in comparison to everyone's rankings.


Remember the GP series is not a true reflection on whose the best because BSI pick whose in it every year.

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im in a agreement with jirout, if jagus goes and sets the world alight next season then far enough but until we see him for a full season in the gp's you cannot class him as world class or a top 10 rider or anything like that just based on league performances alone.


this tread is just getting so boring now.


bsi are going to pick scotty next season subedei whether you like it or not so theres no point in arguing any longer.


But averages are the only comparison we have. We'd have been able to compare Jagus and Nicholls in the qualifiers, if Nicholls had bothered himself. But there lay danger for him. What if the proable happened and he hadn't qualifed from Vetlanda? Would've made it very difficult for BSI to grant him a nomination after his usual failure in the GPs. He probably realised that and decided the qualifying route was far too risky.

And you and JIROUT will probably be the first to call for Jagus' head if he doesn't cut the mustard, yet you allow Nicholls entry after entry after entry, despite his continual failure.

That BSI will nominate Nicholls is probably true, but it doesn't make it right. It just shows the corrupting, malignant influence of BSI on the sport.

The great saviours of speedway and, judging from this thread, all they've actually succeeded in doing is bringing it down to the level where it can't survive - apparently, so you keep saying - without Nicholls, a rider of such obvious limitations, in the GPs. What a sad and sorry state of affairs.

Edited by Subedei
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Obvious limitations....what you mean entertainment...perhaps if he was talentless if he missed the gate you would be entertained....We are in the entertainment business subdei.....This aint Knitting.....Scott Nicholls is 11th in the world....4 times British Champion and Golden Helmet holder...how is that a failure



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By averages of points scored per meeting, this should tell us that Nicholls is worthy of an automatic spot


1. Crump 18.8

2. Andersen 16.8

3. Hancock 14.4

4. N.Pedersen 13.4

5. Jonsson 11.9

6. Adams 10.6

7. Zagar 9.7

8. Gollob 9.4


10. Hampel 9.1

11. Lindback 8.9

12. B.Pedersen 8.2

13. Iversen 5.1

14. Richardson 4

15. Protasiewicz 3.1


According to the stats, Nicholls would have made the Top 9 and secondly, that the Top 12 all worthy of a wild card as they have been competitive and can manage an average which is the watermark for a semi-final spot.


True Hazz, but I think his average is a bit inflated due to his second place in one Final. But fair's fair, he's there on average but not in reality.


Obvious limitations....what you mean entertainment...perhaps if he was talentless if he missed the gate you would be entertained....We are in the entertainment business subdei.....This aint Knitting.....Scott Nicholls is 11th in the world....4 times British Champion and Golden Helmet holder...how is that a failure


He isn't a failure in speedway terms at all, but in terms of doing what he sets out to do (qualify for the Top Eight in the GPs) then I'm afraid that yes he is.

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15. Ulamek, Mr.Sub's prediction was quite right - maybe on league from only but were's kolodziej sub?!


jirout you are spot on again mate. :D


if you combined scott's league and international meetings together i think you would probably find that he would be one of the top 15 riders in the world. remember he had a good world cup, doesn't that come into it.


come on guys lets just get behind our own riders whether we like them or not.


rico isn't one of my favourite riders but i get behind him 100% when he rides for team gb or when he was in the gp's.

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At least Scott is willing to show his displeasure unlike some muppets who blindly forgive people, the guy has some integrity, you have to give him that!


We'll soon see if he's any integrity. If he turns down the charity wild card for the GPs that BSI seem certain to offer, then he's got integrity. If, as I expect, he almost takes their hand off in his haste to accept, then he's got none. Not a single iota of it.

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15. Ulamek, Mr.Sub's prediction was quite right - maybe on league from only but were's kolodziej sub?!


I thought you were bored with this whole thread, yet back you come with more spurious nonsense.


if you combined scott's league and international meetings together i think you would probably find that he would be one of the top 15 riders in the world. remember he had a good world cup, doesn't that come into it.


And Nicholls was hopeless in the 2005 SWC, but that made no difference. He got a charity nomination all the same. As far as I remember it, Richardson and Harris and Stead had higher SWC averages than Nicholls in 2005. But you'd still proclaim Nicholls among the greatest. The simple truth, sorry to say, is that Nicholls is a second rate rider for a second rate speedway nation that relies on the GP organisors being domiciled here to get riders into the GPs. And as long as we're prepared to accept living the life a speedway's aristocratic pauper, filled with false pride and arrogance, nothing's going to change.

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I am not combining averages or any such other thing, I am however looking at the one thing that counts, his overall position after completing the gp's.


Scott now has failed to qualify on 3 sepearte occasions however what people do not remember was his injury ravaged season which was the first of those 3 seasons. So that makes it 2 out of 3 seasons where an injury has hampered his efforts.


He is one of the best riders in the world whether anybody likes it or not and will surely be offered a place ny BSI in next years series whether anybody likes it or not.


Plus they have the small matter of his "rivalry with Andersen.

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Injury ravaged season? When was that then? He missed one GP in 2004 as I remember and one this season.

He's had more than enough chances and has failed on each and every single occasion. And he has even said himself that if he couldn't qualify he has no business being there. If he accepts the inevitable charity invitation from the malignant BSI then he has no integrity at all. And that's on top of not being a quarter the rider he believes (and far too many people are far too eager to fuel this belief) he is.

Edited by Subedei
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Mr Nicholls had a blood clot on his leg in 2004...which in fact was life threatening and took some time to get over this....Think that is a little bit more important than Speedway


In all fairness im not sure many people on here dont give a toss what you think any more....you have a chip on your shoulder bigger than Poland.....As i have stated i dare say Scott once upon a time rattled your cage in some way by knocking off Gollob or refusing to sign an autograph......


If you are interested i have some lovely Scott Nicholls merchandise......its all the rage this season




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In all fairness im not sure many people on here dont give a toss what you think any more....you have a chip on your shoulder bigger than Poland.....As i have stated i dare say Scott once upon a time rattled your cage in some way by knocking off Gollob or refusing to sign an autograph......


If you are interested i have some lovely Scott Nicholls merchandise......its all the rage this season



Yes, all very interesting and I'm sure you'll find some poor souls to wear it. But I'll stick with Armani, Gucci and Prada, if it's all the same to you.

And that's about the difference, isn't it. Nicholls is the Cotton Traders type rider, not Gucci or Prada.

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We'll soon see if he's any integrity. If he turns down the charity wild card for the GPs that BSI seem certain to offer, then he's got integrity. If, as I expect, he almost takes their hand off in his haste to accept, then he's got none. Not a single iota of it.



I know Scott wanted to qualify by right, which he would have done without his injury anyway, but were does he say he would not except the wild card if he had to? A G.P. without a Brit, I don't think so, do you? We have a shortage of top class British riders, so why leave out our undisputed number 1?

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I know Scott wanted to qualify by right.


But he didn't. End of story. No more excuses. And he said if he couldn't qualify via the GPs - remember he spurned the opportunity to qualify via the qualifiers (probably thought them beneath the princely status you so easily allocate to him) - he didn't deserve to be in the GPs. So, now we'll find out how much integrity Nicholls has. If he turns around and says "thanks, but no thanks, I don't deserve it", then great: he's got integrity.

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