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British Selection For 2007

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to be perdantic, i never said scott was a world beater, because he isnt, his simply (by miles and miles) the best british rider we have at the moment.


the gp is run by bsi who take orders from sky who get there viewing figures mainly from Britain, hence the odds that there wont be any brits in the GP next year is nill!



no brits in the gp, lower viewing figures, less money from sky, bsi get less, no GP!



so basically scott is the only reason the GP's will continue!


its a bit extreme but thats the basic point.


i dont watch the gps to watch "johny foreigner" sorry but when aj rode for bees i supported sick note above him

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Do I believe Kolodziej deserves a place ahead of Nicholls? Yes. How many people would've placed Zagar ahead of Nicholls in the pecking order when nominations were announced last season? How many cried that Zagar was just a PL rider and could only perform around his home track in Krsko? But didn't Zagar finish well ahead of Nicholls in the GP standings? Nicholls has had chance after chance after chance and has blown most of them. How will we ever find out in the likes of Kolodziej are good enough if they can't get past serial failures like Nicholls and into the series.

Nicholls in the GPs next season will bring shame on him and shame on speedway.

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Nothing to do with integrity, he will be there because we, British Speedway, have no one better or more deserving and comercially BSI need him.


So, let me see if I understand this. The whole GP series will collapse if Nicholls isn't in the series, regardless of his constant, dismal failure? Is that what you're telling us? What does that say about BSI and the GP series, when a rider of such limits is essential to the series, that his absence will bring about a collapse. well done BSI, you're worse than I thought you were. Shocking.

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Do I believe Kolodziej deserves a place ahead of Nicholls? Yes. How many people would've placed Zagar ahead of Nicholls in the pecking order when nominations were announced last season? How many cried that Zagar was just a PL rider and could only perform around his home track in Krsko? But didn't Zagar finish well ahead of Nicholls in the GP standings? Nicholls has had chance after chance after chance and has blown most of them. How will we ever find out in the likes of Kolodziej are good enough if they can't get past serial failures like Nicholls and into the series.

Nicholls in the GPs next season will bring shame on him and shame on speedway.


Dont agree with that comment Subedei. I would regard (and i mean this with the greatest of respect) Lee Richardson or Piotr Proteseiwicz as failures in the Grand Prixs this season. Scott has been there competing with the best for the past couple of seasons and deserves a place next season - regardless of any comments he may have made previously.


As much as id like to see him included, bringing in Chris Harris next season would be a mistake also. Chris, in my opinion, should try the qualifying process again next season. I dont think he would be able to compete - hed give it a go but i think his gating would let him down.


The logical choice would be Loram/Karlsson for next season who will compete with the top 8.

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I am astonished that nobody has mentioned the huge disadvantage the British riders have in the GP.


Due to the UK being the most important and biggest speedway nation the demand for tickets for the British GP is such that a regular league venue is inappropriate. I am unaware of a league venue able to hold around 50,000 fans.


The neutral track provides no advantage to any of the riders whatsoever.


Notwithstanding most riders ride regularly in Poland and Sweden, riders from these two countries have a huge advantage. Not only do they have the opportunity to ride tracks they ride and have ridden more regularly that the rest of the GP field, they actually have home advantage TWICE!!


BSI will no doubt take this into account particularly when they realise that if you take out one of the extra Swedish and Polish GPs Nicholls actually finishes in 9th place and qualifies.


Of course without said advantage neither of the Poles qualify.


Obviously the lower position the Poles find themselves in has no bearing whatsoever on the personal improvement or otherwise and should not automatically disbar them from a wildcard next season.


Only an idiot would disagree with that?


The desperate measures the terminally deluded will turn to never ceases to amaze. Eskilstuna, home to one of the Swedish GPs, has been Nicholls' home track in Sweden for 8-9 years. But he didn't do much in the GP there, did he? But Tomasz Gollob made the final and finished 3rd - whoops, there goes your theory.

I guess it all depends on what Swedish and Polish GP you take out - take out Bydgoszcz and Eskilstuna and I guess Gollob wouldn't qualify, however, take out Wroclaw and Malilla and I can't see how Gollob would fail to qualify, since he finished 3rd in both Eskilstuna and Bydgoszcz.

Sorry, you theory - not surprisingly - doesn't hold water.

I repeat, Nicholls didn't qualify, said if he didn't qualify he wouldn't deserve a place, didn't bother to get off his backside and enter the qualifiers and in no way, shape or form deserves to contaminate the GPs with his serial failure presence next season.




And, while I remember, which rider was it that spurned the chance to practice at Wroclaw prior to last season's SWC final because he already "knew" the track well enough. I'll give you a big clue, initials were SN.

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So the same self deluded individual is still going on about Nicholls being a serial failure. One question everyone has to ask is "What is the aim of every rider who competes in the Grand Prix". The answer is I reckon "To be World Champion".

Therefore everyone with the exception of Crump can be put in that category. Even Nikki P is a 3yr failure and Hancock a 9yr failure. Even Adams and his beloved Gollob have been a serial failure for a lot longer than Nicholls and neither of them will ever be World Champion.

However as BSI run the GPs, BSI rules state that the top 8(which include 7 failures) automatically go through - incl Gollob. But as BSI rules state they can nominate 4 other failures of their own choice, and as I have posted before, that WILL depend on the representations of the 4 leading speedway countries (Den/Swe/Pol/Eng), whether anyone likes it or not. It is their rules and their choice - simply put.

So the continual boredom of one individual going on about "integrity","shame","begging bowl" and other insults will continue I am sure.

Just remember - Tomasz Gollob, is one of, if not the greatest serial failure in the history of the Grand Prixs - FACT.

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You're just talking nonsense now.

I haven't accepted the theory that the Poles and Swedes have an advantage. That is utter tosh and nonsense. As I've already shown, Eskilstuna is Nicholls' home track in Sweden, while neither Bydgoszcz, nor Wroclaw are Gollob's home track in Poland. In fact, Bydgoszcz is home to PePe and Andreas Jonsson.

The Danes also have the supposed, theoretical, according to your bizarre thoughts, disadvantage to the British. But remind me who won the Danish GP this season. Would it be the Dane Hans Andersen?

And if Britain chooses to race its GP around an abortion of a track in Cardiff, who exactly is to blame for that? Race it on a proper track and then we might see some decent racing. After the last couple of Cardiff GPs I doubt I'll walk to the front room to watch the next one.

Now, let's see, three to four riders all racing for places in the top eight at Bydgoszcz and which of those thought it best to go for a binge drinking session on the night before - such professionalism?

Please stop talking nonsense, difficult I know for someone advocating Simon Stead in the GPs, but please try.

Nicholls failed and that's all there is to it. Tomasz Gollob and Jaroslaw Hampel didn't fail, end of story. Nicholls failed for the third time running. How many more times is this serial failure to be allowed to stand in the way of progress?

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Due to the UK being the most important and biggest speedway nation the demand for tickets for the British GP is such that a regular league venue is inappropriate. I am unaware of a league venue able to hold around 50,000 fans.


Think the Poles might disagree with that .

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You're just talking nonsense now


Something you know all about Subedei!!


You don't think Nicholls deserves his place in the GP - WE KNOW!!!!!


Please for the sake of our mongolian friend can we let this thread die because poor subedei's keyboard is getting worn out.


Subedei - do you type your responses or just cut and paste the previous posts?

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Do I believe Kolodziej deserves a place ahead of Nicholls? Yes. How many people would've placed Zagar ahead of Nicholls in the pecking order when nominations were announced last season? How many cried that Zagar was just a PL rider and could only perform around his home track in Krsko? But didn't Zagar finish well ahead of Nicholls in the GP standings? Nicholls has had chance after chance after chance and has blown most of them. How will we ever find out in the likes of Kolodziej are good enough if they can't get past serial failures like Nicholls and into the series.

Nicholls in the GPs next season will bring shame on him and shame on speedway.



Believe all you want Subedei, but as much as I like Kolodziej he's not GP material yet and head to head over the course of a season with Nicholls would imo come out 2nd best. He may have more talent on a bike than Nicholls, but it's not fine tuned yet, and throwing him or any other young rider of the same ilk into the GP at this stage of his career would do him no favours at all.


Zagar on the other hand has improved each season he's ridden in the UK, and whilst it may have come as a shock to some, it certainly didn't come as a shock to those who have watched him race week in week out for the past few years that he had the ability to maintain a top 8 place in the 2006 GP.


Your constant banging on about Nicholls being undeserving and lacking integrity which by my reckoning has been going on for, oooh about 2 years now and seems to crop up at some point in any discussion you have, is doing you no favours at all though, it's making you look just a little obsessed.


I those of us who haven't hit the "ignore" button yet know what your opinion on the situation is, how about giving it a rest for a month or two. :blink:

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I don't care what others think: I'm right, I know I'm right and anyone who disagrees with me is wrong and needs correcting.

Mike Lee was world champion at around 20-21, Kolodziej is older than that now. He deserves a chance in the GPs - Nicholls has had his chances and blown each and every single one. I'm not obsessed, just seeking integrity and justice.

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Perhaps the reading fan (who has probably watched Kolodziej) a few more times than yourself perhaps is in a better position to judge on that one  :rolleyes:


And maybe Tarnow fans, who've witnessed Nicholls race to a stunning 5.60 average in Poland, scoring a memorable 2+1 from 5 at Rybnik and an astonishing 0 from 1 in the following home meeting, and Kolodziej would be in an even better position.

Face facts, Mr Reading fan, if it wasn't for Jagus, Gollob and Hampel being already qualified (remind me how many British riders qualified) for 2007, your promoter BSI would've placed Kolodziej in the series, regardless of your qualms.

Anyway, I fully expect Postlethwaite to announce at Peterborough on Monday that Scott Nicholls has chosen to shame this nation by accepting a nomination, together with Lindback. And the final descent into irrelevance will begin.

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I know who my money is on.Unless they get banned first B)


The odds may be against me. I may be outnumbered millions to one. But I have right on my side. And that's all I need to persevere through the ridicule and disdain into the sunshine of the New Jerusalem, where all shapely female legs will be adorned with an anklet and speedway will have recovered its integrity.

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