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Czech Gp Prague 26/08/06

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Thought it was one of the poorer GP's this season. Lacked atmosphere and racing wasn't that good. Maybe something to do with not having Nicholls to support. As much as I don't mind Rico I can't get behind him in GP's.


Referee was dreadful. Where do they get these fat, hairy Polish refs from? They are awful. They are on a par with our awful women referees.


Nicki Pedersen does exact same thing as Crump did to Lindback and Pedersen excluded. You couldn't make it up. How he didn't stop the Rico and Zagar coming together just shows how incompetent he is. Crump should have been chucked out of the race where he came off behind Bjarne. He roared in too fast and although Bjarne lost control for a split second it was Crumps fault. No one touched him and he was the cause of the stoppage. Crump has had everything go his way this year in terms of ref decisions.


Good old Nicki reared his head again. Thank god as I thought he had gone into his shell abit this season. Certainly gave old Hans a brown pants moment when putting him in the backstraight fence. Good old Nicki.


Millard comment on the Millard thread.


All in all abit disappointing. Don't think the rain helped the track.

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Well I watched this one altho my mind was not exactly on it so forgive any bloopers.

First massive congrats to Crumpy - fully deserved, the perfect role model for any young rider to aspire to. As has been said before he not only wins the GP series but he fulfils all his league engagements, never hold back coming up to a GP and always gives value for money. Oh for a few more like him.

Was I the only one that thought certain riders were playing to the cameras?Nicki seemed perfectly happy following his exclusion when they showed him in his pit, laughing etc , sees cameras and then stomps to the conveniently glass walled booth to ring his "friend" the Polish ref. Bjarne likewise seemed happy enough, then went to give salutory greetings to everyones fav referee :P I must admit tho it did cross my mind that he did it more to allow more time for the fallen rider to get his bike together for the rerun.

Loved the after race discussion between Nicki and Hans. Now a few non Danish riders could do well to watch this over a few times. A hard racing incident which could have been very nasty, followed by hand shakes and arms round shoulders, no sign of any agressive reaction. Great sportsmanship IMHO.

Millard - crap no other word for him- get rid of him. Thought some of the camera work was a bit dodgy couldn't keep up with the racing. Great to see Ales Dryml so fit and well considering all that's happened. As for Sullivans tyre - so what? It was made of rubber wasn't it? I really cannot get excited over minor technical changes to engines, tyres etc. Seems to me when the racing is boring, and sometimes when it's not, Sky try to make it interesting by discussing set ups etc. Am I the only fan that doesn't giving a flying fart what the timing is, how long the frame is and if they go up or down a tooth? I want to see good racing not discuss the finer points of tyre pressures etc :mad: Put em all on standard machinery I say, let's see what Ermolenko and co find to talk about then :wink:

Finally it was great to see some of the younger riders in the final.

Edited by Star Lady
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A hard racing incident which could have been very nasty, followed by hand shakes and arms round shoulders, no sign of any agressive reaction. Great sportsmanship IMHO.

Only cos it WAS a racing incident and they are both danes probably, no aggro there in the first place :lol:

Millard - crap no other word for him- get rid of him.

Poor old bloke, I've only watched from heat 18, dunno which heat it was but he thought it was Hancock in front saying he'd got the position he needed when all the time it was Andersen, oops. Is it a possibility that nobody wants or has time to take on his role full time hence they overlook his booboos and stick with him?


Hugely disappointed for Mr Adams, how unlucky can you get!!!!!

Edited by Trees
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I'm surprised that the referee is getting such a bashing, because it was an incident pached GP and he called just about all the decisions right.


His big blunder was not to bring the race back after Lee Richardson had the spokes taken out of his wheel.




Heat 4 - Greg excluded for tapes, correct

Heat 6 - Nicki excluded for tapes, correct

Heat 7 - Richardson excluded for falling, correct

Heat 10 - Nicki excluded for bringing down Sullivan, correct

Heat 11 - Bjarne Pedersen excluded for causing Crump to fall, correct

Heat 13 - Sullivan excluded for two minutes, correct - the riders know the GP rules regarding two minutes, Sullivan was there a second too late. Very harsh, but those are the rules. Notice how Sullivan wasn't blaming the ref, but his mechanics. So he knows what the rules are.

Heat 17 - Bjarne Pedersen excluded for two minutes, correct - see above.

Heat 19 - Adrian Rymel excluded after locking up bang in front of Jonsson, causing Jonsson to run into him and Rymel to fall, correct


One bad decision during the whole night. I think the ref wasn't bad at all.


All the best


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Is there anymore news on Lee Richardson?


Havent heard how he is ,but apparently Davey Watt is guesting in his place tomorrow.


Get well soon Lee. :cry:


Hopeful of being fit for Thursday v Eastie

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Up my what?  :blink:


He's a talented rider - I don't think anyone's denying that. I still reckon his morning ritual involves knocking one out while gazing lovingly at his reflection. Er... not that I think about that sort of thing... *goes to hide in corner*

Wish I could gaze lovingly at his reflection!!!m LOL :oops: :oops:

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I'm surprised that the referee is getting such a bashing, because it was an incident pached GP and he called just about all the decisions right.


His big blunder was not to bring the race back after Lee Richardson had the spokes taken out of his wheel.


One bad decision during the whole night.  I think the ref wasn't bad at all.


All the best




Spot on that Rob - I thought that the referee only made the one wrong decision concerning Lee Richardson too

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