Herbie the Hammer Posted July 23, 2006 Report Share Posted July 23, 2006 I saw a wonderful piece by to the estimable Mr John Hyam in the 'South London Press' regarding the recent publication of a book about Fay Taylour - Mr Hyam to be a doyen of the midget car, and as such I for one can fully understand his lack of interest in the Fay Taylour’s life on the speedways of the world and why he would think speedway enthusiasts like myself should be taken with her car racing career rather than her pioneering efforts on the dirt-track. However, I must beg to revisit some of his, I do not doubt, highly considered utterances. Firstly I must implore Mr Hyam to reconsider his dismissal of Ms Taylour’s fellow female riders as ‘gimmicks’. Several of these marvellous women were accomplished riders in their own right and as the book details, one or two did, at points, got the better of Ms Taylour in track duels. I can quote names and records at length, but I would not wish to undermine Mr Hyam is such a way. But I would ask that Mr Hyam at least find it in his good and insightful heart to give these women just a little credit for what they achieved. They fought to make careers in a very unsympathetic, male dominated environment that was all too ready to pass them off as mere appendages. We hopefully live in times when we can see beyond sexist labels (usually deployed by men) that effectively dismiss women’s place in history. I’m sure Mr Hyam would go with me on that one. Now I must turn to Mr Hyam’s insistence that West Ham was not Phil Bishop’s final club (a fact citec in a footnote in the book). I, along with my family, have been associated with West Ham speedway for three generations. However, I am always glad to be put on the right track by superior knowledge such as that I know Mr Hyam to have, else why would an admirable publication like the 'South London Press' use him to review the humble efforts to record some of the history of speedway? They would not employ some nit-picking, half informed malcontent for such work! However, I do feel obliged to point out that Phil Bishop actually died, in Lokeren, Belgium, holding the post of the West Ham manager on 14th of July 1970 along with Peter Bradshaw, Martyn Piddock, Gary Everett and Malcolm Carmichael and driver Henrikus Rommoes. It was the worst disaster in the history of speedway and has been compared to the tragic fate of the Busby Babes in the context of the dirt track. West Ham, sadly, was most certainly Phil Bishop’s last club – I have no doubt that Mr Hyam would be the first to understand that to claim anything else would be an insult to the many West Ham fans who remember Phil with a affection and reverence, his family and speedway as a sport. Now to the thorny question about which days New Cross raced just after World War Two. I followed this up and was indeed perplexed to see two newspaper reports and a piece from the speedway press of the time claiming Ms Taylour’s presence at New Cross outside the club’s conventional race days. However, these reports were circa 1947, around 20 months after the end to global hostilities and the return of speedway after its wartime hibernation. Yes, the noble and wise Mr Hyam is perfectly correct that Ms Taylour had turned up on an ‘unusual’ day. But the mid-to late 1940s were unusual days for speedway and much else in Britain. For all this, the reports were probably wrong, and Mr Hyam with his huge knowledge of speedway and its ‘usual’ regularities, is no doubt right to disparage the writer; playfully hitting him on the noggin with his pig’s bladder of astuteness, cocking a snoot at his ignorance of the encyclopaedic and all encompassing awareness of the uniformity of events regardless of circumstance that My Hyam has. It is insane to reiterate reports of the time rather than assume that the ‘usual’ patterns of events remained in place regardless of the pressures on blitz ravaged, food and energy rationed London. The writer should know, like him that deviation from normal schedules would be in no way whatsoever possible or conceivable. Lastly, I must agree with Mr Hyam about the writer seeking to respect the shape and pattern of Ms Taylour’s own writing and reflect on her life beyond the track. It was mad of the writer to think that anyone in their right mind might be interested in anything other than the bare facts/stats relating to Ms Taylour’s racing career. Mr Hyam is quite right to point out the lack of curiosity about such things when it comes to celebrating the contribution of sporting personalities. We have only to look at the recorded lives of the likes of George Best, Amy Johnson, Amelia Earhart, Paul Gascoigne and many others to see that the reading public has no inclination to read anything other than the basic records of the sporting elements of such people’s lives. In conclusion I must again express my gratitude to Mr Hyam for his toil in seeking to find flaws in this work. The book contained in the region of 15,000 facts about Ms Taylour’s life and times; that he found so much to correct and pour scorn on says much for his keen eye, motivation and generosity of spirit. This is the same mr Hyman of whom Matt Shippam said on 'Short Circuit on Line' "He really has lost the plot this time...it is time to send Mr Hyam back to the pits and lock him up in a nice padded trailer. "Mr Hyam’s suggestion...is nothing short of stupid...I suggest Mr Hyam goes back to his Midget obsessed world and leaves National Hot Rods to those people who know what they are talking about." It certainly seems the great and good mr Hyam is an expert on everything Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
norbold Posted July 25, 2006 Report Share Posted July 25, 2006 Why have you found it necessary to say this twice on two separate threads? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
iris123 Posted July 25, 2006 Report Share Posted July 25, 2006 Think it is more than twice Norbold.Sure it was on speedway general dscussions as well.Unless it was moved Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
norbold Posted July 25, 2006 Report Share Posted July 25, 2006 Oh well it makes a change to plagiarise your own material I suppose... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Herbie the Hammer Posted August 18, 2006 Author Report Share Posted August 18, 2006 An interview with: Dr. Brian Belton The prolific Dr. Brian Belton's latest book is "Fay Taylour - Queen of Speedway". We caught up with Brian to find out more about both his work and Fay. Queen of Speedway What's your background and how did you come to be a prolific speedway author? I was born and brought up in Plaistow, East London. My dad, his dad and mum, had worked at West Ham stadium (which was about a mile down the road from where I was born – they had lived in Churchill Road that backed onto the stadium) the home of the 'speedway Hammers'. So I was kind of raised with 'tales of the dirt-track'. Dad, Granddad and Nan all knew the riders, but particularly my Nan and Granddad; their house in Churchill Road was often a stopping off point for tea and cake (sometimes something stronger) and a sing song after events - my Grandfather and later my father would 'get gear' (hey! they lived near the docks! But also later were market traders) and sell stuff on to the riders…that is how my Nan built up something of a relationship with Fay. She'd pop round every now and then to buy 'American slacks', but sometimes just for a cup of tea. I can't say I had a huge passion for bikes as a boy, but as a student at Burke Secondary Modern School (that boasted some of the worst educational results in western Europe) they were amongst other things good for thrills. However, bikes took up a deal of my young life. Up to West Ham closing down in 1971 I attended speedway matches along with my mates; it was a social meeting place as much as anything, and so vast that you could have some adventures just being there. We built a number of 'monster machines' that we put to trial on what was know locally as 'Beckton Dumps' – I was more of a 'part-getter' (I had lots of 'contacts') than a committed mechanic, but it was fun and I've got lots of stories about the consequences of our 'experiments' - later I got involved in 'informal' road racing – wagered races around the A406 or to Southend Pier. However, I once went for a trial at West Ham and was told in the dulcet Scottish tones of Ken McKinley, the Hammers skipper, that he couldn't make up his mind if I was more of a danger to myself or others (his actual words were a bit more colourful than this). So, I was never going to be a professional rider, however, after some 'social mishaps' resulting from 'internecine' japes resulting from youthful district rivalries, the docklands constabulary gave me the opportunity for some 'focused thought' and that's when I first started jotted down bits and pieces about speedway. It became a sort of aside from growing up. I was never an 'anorak', and could go months on end never thinking about speedway, but I began to write Hammerin Round whist I was in Thailand (this was in 1980 – I used a 1970 Bultaco Metralla 250 to get about on). I was in the country teaching. I became a youth worker and through my time firstly getting a degree, then an MA and finally my doctorate, I always went back to speedway (I wrote a paper on the speedway bike as social icon!). Even now, as a senior lecturer in higher education, the ethos of the track informs what I do. I train people to work with some of the most challenging members of our youth population. This often needs courage, integrity and a sense of fun but with purpose – that to me represents the best of the qualities found in speedway. It was whilst trying to finish HR that I first met my great friend and 'metal guru' Reg Fearman. His memories and insights became a motivator for me to organise my scribbles into working books that I've always tried to make readable stories rather than blunt instruments akin to telephone books. For me if you are going to write about sporting history it has got to be about people and for people, not just a few specialists. It provides the sport with a wider heritage and something with a broader future. I have a fascination for all things East London, particularly sport. I have now written 11 books on West Ham United Football Club, one on West Ham dogs and another telling the story of West Ham baseball team, who played at West Ham stadium in the 1930s. I have three speedway themed books under my belt. For many years very few speedway books were published, in recent years quite a number have come onto the market. Why do you think this is? The sport is getting popular again, but that's just part of the explanation. A lot of clubs have disappeared and the records of speedway were never kept as well as some other sports. So I think people feel a drive to make sure the history of the sport is known. However, it was part of a lot of people's youth and it is a means of looking back on that for many – like all sport, speedway offers an escape from everyday life but it was its place in industrial/working class areas that made it a focus of fantasy for many young men and some women. Hence it has a magic allure for many and memories of the track can bring back echoes of the most wonderful times in folk's lives. However, I suppose, like myself, there is something about identity there too. Many of the speedway clubs reflected the character of the areas in which they existed and, as organisations, said a lot about the people who supported them. This, to me, is a subject of constant fascination, much more than lap times or track conditions etc. This said, probably the biggest factor in the growth in writing about speedway is the participation of Tempus Books, that publish most speedway related material. The company has made a bit of a niche for itself in speedway and in doing so has made a market. That is positive overall, but it is good to see that a publisher like Panther (who are responsible for Queen of Speedway) is interested in getting involved. It brings the chance of doing things a bit differently and to a very high production excellence that in truth has rarely been achieved by Tempus. I'm not complaining about Tempus, they have done and are doing some sterling work and I'm grateful that they published two of my books; it is just good for our sport that an alternative in terms of content, style and quality has been shown to be possible. Your latest book is "Queen of Speedway", a biography of Fay Taylour. What was your inspiration for the book? As I say, I've always known about Fay...I think the stories my Nan and Granddad told me about her really inspired me to find out more. There's a lot of material that there just wasn't room for. I liked the fact that she did something that was seemingly impossible. It's hard for us to put ourselves in her shoes. Realistically her immediate family were really at a not so well off middle-class level and she was fated to become a housekeeper, probably in her father's home, taking the place of the servants her family had called upon in better days for them. But she broke the barriers made for her as a woman by society and broke track records while she was at it. That was impressive to say the least. But it had a cost and I guess that in the end that is what the book is about; the price. At the start of my work on Fay I wanted to find out and then to show others what it takes to do what she did. I'm not sure a speedway book has tried that before – it is a big ask I suppose. In many ways my book on Bluey Wilkinson prepared me for it though (I'd been collecting material of Fay for about 8 years prior to the publication of Bluey Wilkinson). Displaying the records and saying what happened and where are good to know, and I hope that's all in the book, but knowing how and why a rider like Fay did what she did is what makes the likes of her really interesting to me. It is also something that anyone who reads the book can take into their own lives. In the end, that has got to be the underlying meaning and purpose of sport; sheer admiration has its limits – if we can grow from the knowing something about the lives of others that is a true gift from them to us. But for that to happen we needed to try to get to know Fay as a person and not only as a rider – I think we were lucky that she left so much material to enable us to do this; that is a lasting generousity. What was the most surprising discovery you made when researching Fay's story? There are so many. I think how good she was hit home. I'm not saying she was a great rider, but in a way it was amazing that she became a rider that was so good. Her first tour of Australia was remarkable. For sure, her machine was technically close to the best of its type of the planet, but I don't think that diminishes her achievement. My research into other female riders was also quite revealing. They have as a group for so long been passed off as 'gimmicks' or 'side-shows' but some were very good and their stories of how they developed their skills are heartening. That is probably another book though. Of course, Fay's family background is intriguing. At one time or another she claimed to be Irish, English, British and she would also work hard to get American citizenship later on. But her background is almost archetypal ex-pat; she was a child of Empire and I think struggled with that. The way her politics formed is also a bit staggering from where we are now. Some of her writing is enough to make anyone with any kind of sensitivity to anti-racism cringe. Do you think Fay's success was something that could only have happened in that era, or could she have enjoyed similar success if she'd come along a few decades later? I think what made her impressive is that she did what she did in the era she did it in. Literally everything was against her. To say society was sexist at that time is to state the obvious. That she is not given the credit she deserves now probably tells us that we have not gone as far as we might think, but it is something of a pity for her and women riders in general that females were banned from the speedways so early in the sport's history. She was an example to others and women were coming through the ranks to challenge her, all over the world. Fay matched men like Ron Johnson and others in the late 1920s, some of these blokes were still around in the 1950s. That being the case it is hard to make an argument that she couldn't have stayed with them. However, if women had made a history for themselves on the dirt-track up to the 1950s, I think it is a pretty safe bet that there would have been women around as good as Fay and probably better. World War II put a lot of women on bikes and there is little doubt a fair few liked to go fast. I think Fay, to have gained or maintained a standing in speedway, would have had to become a better rider had women been racing post-war. The book makes use of Fay's personal letters and memoirs. Did you ever feel uncomfortable reading them and did you consciously leave out incidents or details that you felt should be kept out of the public domain? There is always going to be a feeling of 'should I be doing this?' looking through the letter of others. Her own writing was something she wanted published; it was a huge disappointment to her that it never happened in her lifetime. But overall, I think she would have approved of my work. Writing about a time that is foreign to most of us is a bit like an aetiological exercise. You dig up something and not to show it is a type of censorship; how would I know what Fay wanted to be seen and what she wouldn't? How can I tell what the reader will think if I hold something back on purpose? You can't please all the people all of the time, so in the end I wrote the book I wanted to write. Critics will say I used the material badly or well, but for me the point was to use it with an honest intent and consider the reader; in the end they are the most important person. I tried very hard to make the book reflect Fay's own writing and style and give a feeling of the time she was expressing herself in, but there is also a duty to the reader as well as the subject in these things. It is important that history gets a realistic view of Fay, certainly if we are to learn anything from her life. Having said that, I made a determined effort to be as sensitive as possible in terms of Fay's personal life. This was particularly hard for me given her political views. I had a close relative who suffered terribly in a Japanese prisoner of war camp, my family saw out the blitz in London, my uncle, himself a Gypsy, played a part in the liberation of the concentration camps, my grandfather was one of those that was sent to destroy the hard water producing capacity of Germany in Norway. I'm a life-long anti-racist and have written books on the dangers and evil of racial and ethnic categorisation. For all this, we all speak strongly with the aid of insight and in retrospect. There are strong reasons, to do with so many considerations, why Fay felt an affinity and sympathy for Germany. Some of these I hope are explained in Queen of Speedway and that my future work will also help in this respect. Your book hints that a second volume of Fay's story may follow. Do you have any firm plans to progress that? Yes, I am in the process of writing it. It includes the legend of Fay's last speedway encounter – not in Southampton, and after 1930 – in Germany...characters like Baroness Fern Andra and Ilse Thouret, the Nazi secret weapon, and what was billed as the women's world championship are involved. The book covers the years from 1930 to 1945 and includes details of Fay's car racing career and unpublished details of her Fascist connections as well as her consequent committal to internment alongside the likes of Diane Mosley – wife of Oswald, mother of Max. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
speedyguy Posted August 18, 2006 Report Share Posted August 18, 2006 I don't know what to make of the Herbie the Hammer - Brian Belton interview. Another book on Fay Taylour on the way...threat or promise? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blackbird Posted August 18, 2006 Report Share Posted August 18, 2006 Herbie the Hammer said: An interview with: Dr. Brian Belton What's your background and how did you come to be a prolific speedway author? I was born and brought up in Plaistow, East London. and was a student at Burke Secondary Modern School (that boasted some of the worst educational results in western Europe) Hmm, am I the only one not surprised to hear that the good doctor attended 'Burke Secondary School'..??!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shazzybird Posted August 19, 2006 Report Share Posted August 19, 2006 Norbold has anyone ever interviewed you or John Chaplin on "a bit about the author" ?? Both written books with regard to speedway, must admit have read two of Norbolds and Ove Fundin by John, two completely different writers but both with a passion for speedway in the way they write. Chris Fenns Hackney Friday at Eight book also an excellent read, made me feel like I was back at Waterden Road Come on then Norbold and John you can write your own bit on here about being the author tell us a bit about yourselves. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
norbold Posted August 19, 2006 Report Share Posted August 19, 2006 Some people (naming no names of course) might find it easy to talk to themselves but I don't think I would find it so easy. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
salty Posted August 19, 2006 Report Share Posted August 19, 2006 Come on Norbold it's easy. Just think of some easy questions, look earlier in the thread for some tips on how it's done. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Herbie the Hammer Posted August 19, 2006 Author Report Share Posted August 19, 2006 Yes..same school as Mr Reg Fearman...are we in the company of Eton Men?? Blackbird said: Hmm, am I the only one not surprised to hear that the good doctor attended 'Burke Secondary School'..??!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
norbold Posted August 20, 2006 Report Share Posted August 20, 2006 Yes, I believe the vast majority of speedway supporters came up through Eton, Cambridge and the Guards. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Parsloes 1928 nearly Posted August 20, 2006 Report Share Posted August 20, 2006 norbold said: Some people (naming no names of course) might find it easy to talk to themselves but I don't think I would find it so easy. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well, what'd I say about norbold (to fill in some personal details..) is that he is a rather nervous car passenger...!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
norbold Posted August 20, 2006 Report Share Posted August 20, 2006 It depends who the driver is, Parsloes... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TonyMac Posted August 22, 2006 Report Share Posted August 22, 2006 shazzybird said: Come on then Norbold and John you can write your own bit on here about being the author tell us a bit about yourselves. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Please spare us, unless you want this to turn into a cure for insomnia. And, needless to say, the 'we' used before the start of the self-serving, so-called 'interview' in question on this thread was most definitely NOT VSM. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RobMcCaffery Posted August 22, 2006 Report Share Posted August 22, 2006 tmc said: Please spare us, unless you want this to turn into a cure for insomnia. And, needless to say, the 'we' used before the start of the self-serving, so-called 'interview' in question on this thread was most definitely NOT VSM. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Given Ms.Taylour's recently-revealed politics I'd expect she'd have had Herbie shot... Greetings ex-employer Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
norbold Posted August 23, 2006 Report Share Posted August 23, 2006 tmc said: Please spare us, unless you want this to turn into a cure for insomnia.Thanks Tony! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
speedyguy Posted February 12, 2010 Report Share Posted February 12, 2010 (edited) Herbie the Hammer said: An interview with: Dr. Brian Belton The prolific Dr. Brian Belton's latest book is "Fay Taylour - Queen of Speedway". We caught up with Brian to find out more about both his work and Fay. Queen of Speedway What's your background and how did you come to be a prolific speedway author? I was born and brought up in Plaistow, East London. My dad, his dad and mum, had worked at West Ham stadium (which was about a mile down the road from where I was born – they had lived in Churchill Road that backed onto the stadium) the home of the 'speedway Hammers'. So I was kind of raised with 'tales of the dirt-track'. Dad, Granddad and Nan all knew the riders, but particularly my Nan and Granddad; their house in Churchill Road was often a stopping off point for tea and cake (sometimes something stronger) and a sing song after events - my Grandfather and later my father would 'get gear' (hey! they lived near the docks! But also later were market traders) and sell stuff on to the riders…that is how my Nan built up something of a relationship with Fay. She'd pop round every now and then to buy 'American slacks', but sometimes just for a cup of tea. I can't say I had a huge passion for bikes as a boy, but as a student at Burke Secondary Modern School (that boasted some of the worst educational results in western Europe) they were amongst other things good for thrills. However, bikes took up a deal of my young life. Up to West Ham closing down in 1971 I attended speedway matches along with my mates; it was a social meeting place as much as anything, and so vast that you could have some adventures just being there. We built a number of 'monster machines' that we put to trial on what was know locally as 'Beckton Dumps' – I was more of a 'part-getter' (I had lots of 'contacts') than a committed mechanic, but it was fun and I've got lots of stories about the consequences of our 'experiments' - later I got involved in 'informal' road racing – wagered races around the A406 or to Southend Pier. However, I once went for a trial at West Ham and was told in the dulcet Scottish tones of Ken McKinley, the Hammers skipper, that he couldn't make up his mind if I was more of a danger to myself or others (his actual words were a bit more colourful than this). So, I was never going to be a professional rider, however, after some 'social mishaps' resulting from 'internecine' japes resulting from youthful district rivalries, the docklands constabulary gave me the opportunity for some 'focused thought' and that's when I first started jotted down bits and pieces about speedway. It became a sort of aside from growing up. I was never an 'anorak', and could go months on end never thinking about speedway, but I began to write Hammerin Round whist I was in Thailand (this was in 1980 – I used a 1970 Bultaco Metralla 250 to get about on). I was in the country teaching. I became a youth worker and through my time firstly getting a degree, then an MA and finally my doctorate, I always went back to speedway (I wrote a paper on the speedway bike as social icon!). Even now, as a senior lecturer in higher education, the ethos of the track informs what I do. I train people to work with some of the most challenging members of our youth population. This often needs courage, integrity and a sense of fun but with purpose – that to me represents the best of the qualities found in speedway. It was whilst trying to finish HR that I first met my great friend and 'metal guru' Reg Fearman. His memories and insights became a motivator for me to organise my scribbles into working books that I've always tried to make readable stories rather than blunt instruments akin to telephone books. For me if you are going to write about sporting history it has got to be about people and for people, not just a few specialists. It provides the sport with a wider heritage and something with a broader future. I have a fascination for all things East London, particularly sport. I have now written 11 books on West Ham United Football Club, one on West Ham dogs and another telling the story of West Ham baseball team, who played at West Ham stadium in the 1930s. I have three speedway themed books under my belt. For many years very few speedway books were published, in recent years quite a number have come onto the market. Why do you think this is? The sport is getting popular again, but that's just part of the explanation. A lot of clubs have disappeared and the records of speedway were never kept as well as some other sports. So I think people feel a drive to make sure the history of the sport is known. However, it was part of a lot of people's youth and it is a means of looking back on that for many – like all sport, speedway offers an escape from everyday life but it was its place in industrial/working class areas that made it a focus of fantasy for many young men and some women. Hence it has a magic allure for many and memories of the track can bring back echoes of the most wonderful times in folk's lives. However, I suppose, like myself, there is something about identity there too. Many of the speedway clubs reflected the character of the areas in which they existed and, as organisations, said a lot about the people who supported them. This, to me, is a subject of constant fascination, much more than lap times or track conditions etc. This said, probably the biggest factor in the growth in writing about speedway is the participation of Tempus Books, that publish most speedway related material. The company has made a bit of a niche for itself in speedway and in doing so has made a market. That is positive overall, but it is good to see that a publisher like Panther (who are responsible for Queen of Speedway) is interested in getting involved. It brings the chance of doing things a bit differently and to a very high production excellence that in truth has rarely been achieved by Tempus. I'm not complaining about Tempus, they have done and are doing some sterling work and I'm grateful that they published two of my books; it is just good for our sport that an alternative in terms of content, style and quality has been shown to be possible. Your latest book is "Queen of Speedway", a biography of Fay Taylour. What was your inspiration for the book? As I say, I've always known about Fay...I think the stories my Nan and Granddad told me about her really inspired me to find out more. There's a lot of material that there just wasn't room for. I liked the fact that she did something that was seemingly impossible. It's hard for us to put ourselves in her shoes. Realistically her immediate family were really at a not so well off middle-class level and she was fated to become a housekeeper, probably in her father's home, taking the place of the servants her family had called upon in better days for them. But she broke the barriers made for her as a woman by society and broke track records while she was at it. That was impressive to say the least. But it had a cost and I guess that in the end that is what the book is about; the price. At the start of my work on Fay I wanted to find out and then to show others what it takes to do what she did. I'm not sure a speedway book has tried that before – it is a big ask I suppose. In many ways my book on Bluey Wilkinson prepared me for it though (I'd been collecting material of Fay for about 8 years prior to the publication of Bluey Wilkinson). Displaying the records and saying what happened and where are good to know, and I hope that's all in the book, but knowing how and why a rider like Fay did what she did is what makes the likes of her really interesting to me. It is also something that anyone who reads the book can take into their own lives. In the end, that has got to be the underlying meaning and purpose of sport; sheer admiration has its limits – if we can grow from the knowing something about the lives of others that is a true gift from them to us. But for that to happen we needed to try to get to know Fay as a person and not only as a rider – I think we were lucky that she left so much material to enable us to do this; that is a lasting generousity. What was the most surprising discovery you made when researching Fay's story? There are so many. I think how good she was hit home. I'm not saying she was a great rider, but in a way it was amazing that she became a rider that was so good. Her first tour of Australia was remarkable. For sure, her machine was technically close to the best of its type of the planet, but I don't think that diminishes her achievement. My research into other female riders was also quite revealing. They have as a group for so long been passed off as 'gimmicks' or 'side-shows' but some were very good and their stories of how they developed their skills are heartening. That is probably another book though. Of course, Fay's family background is intriguing. At one time or another she claimed to be Irish, English, British and she would also work hard to get American citizenship later on. But her background is almost archetypal ex-pat; she was a child of Empire and I think struggled with that. The way her politics formed is also a bit staggering from where we are now. Some of her writing is enough to make anyone with any kind of sensitivity to anti-racism cringe. Do you think Fay's success was something that could only have happened in that era, or could she have enjoyed similar success if she'd come along a few decades later? I think what made her impressive is that she did what she did in the era she did it in. Literally everything was against her. To say society was sexist at that time is to state the obvious. That she is not given the credit she deserves now probably tells us that we have not gone as far as we might think, but it is something of a pity for her and women riders in general that females were banned from the speedways so early in the sport's history. She was an example to others and women were coming through the ranks to challenge her, all over the world. Fay matched men like Ron Johnson and others in the late 1920s, some of these blokes were still around in the 1950s. That being the case it is hard to make an argument that she couldn't have stayed with them. However, if women had made a history for themselves on the dirt-track up to the 1950s, I think it is a pretty safe bet that there would have been women around as good as Fay and probably better. World War II put a lot of women on bikes and there is little doubt a fair few liked to go fast. I think Fay, to have gained or maintained a standing in speedway, would have had to become a better rider had women been racing post-war. The book makes use of Fay's personal letters and memoirs. Did you ever feel uncomfortable reading them and did you consciously leave out incidents or details that you felt should be kept out of the public domain? There is always going to be a feeling of 'should I be doing this?' looking through the letter of others. Her own writing was something she wanted published; it was a huge disappointment to her that it never happened in her lifetime. But overall, I think she would have approved of my work. Writing about a time that is foreign to most of us is a bit like an aetiological exercise. You dig up something and not to show it is a type of censorship; how would I know what Fay wanted to be seen and what she wouldn't? How can I tell what the reader will think if I hold something back on purpose? You can't please all the people all of the time, so in the end I wrote the book I wanted to write. Critics will say I used the material badly or well, but for me the point was to use it with an honest intent and consider the reader; in the end they are the most important person. I tried very hard to make the book reflect Fay's own writing and style and give a feeling of the time she was expressing herself in, but there is also a duty to the reader as well as the subject in these things. It is important that history gets a realistic view of Fay, certainly if we are to learn anything from her life. Having said that, I made a determined effort to be as sensitive as possible in terms of Fay's personal life. This was particularly hard for me given her political views. I had a close relative who suffered terribly in a Japanese prisoner of war camp, my family saw out the blitz in London, my uncle, himself a Gypsy, played a part in the liberation of the concentration camps, my grandfather was one of those that was sent to destroy the hard water producing capacity of Germany in Norway. I'm a life-long anti-racist and have written books on the dangers and evil of racial and ethnic categorisation. For all this, we all speak strongly with the aid of insight and in retrospect. There are strong reasons, to do with so many considerations, why Fay felt an affinity and sympathy for Germany. Some of these I hope are explained in Queen of Speedway and that my future work will also help in this respect. Your book hints that a second volume of Fay's story may follow. Do you have any firm plans to progress that? Yes, I am in the process of writing it. It includes the legend of Fay's last speedway encounter – not in Southampton, and after 1930 – in Germany...characters like Baroness Fern Andra and Ilse Thouret, the Nazi secret weapon, and what was billed as the women's world championship are involved. The book covers the years from 1930 to 1945 and includes details of Fay's car racing career and unpublished details of her Fascist connections as well as her consequent committal to internment alongside the likes of Diane Mosley – wife of Oswald, mother of Max. Who actually conducted this interview? I'm still waiting to find out. By the way, we haven't seen anything about Fay Taylour anywhere over the past four weeks! Edited February 12, 2010 by speedyguy Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
speedyguy Posted February 12, 2010 Report Share Posted February 12, 2010 Herbie the Hammer said: An interview with: Dr. Brian Belton The prolific Dr. Brian Belton's latest book is "Fay Taylour - Queen of Speedway". We caught up with Brian to find out more about both his work and Fay. EDITED INTERVIEW: Queen of Speedway Your book hints that a second volume of Fay's story may follow. Do you have any firm plans to progress that? Yes, I am in the process of writing it. It includes the legend of Fay's last speedway encounter – not in Southampton, and after 1930 – in Germany...characters like Baroness Fern Andra and Ilse Thouret, the Nazi secret weapon, and what was billed as the women's world championship are involved. The book covers the years from 1930 to 1945 and includes details of Fay's car racing career and unpublished details of her Fascist connections as well as her consequent committal to internment alongside the likes of Diane Mosley – wife of Oswald, mother of Max. Any news as yet on the second volume about Fay Taylour? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bavarian Posted February 14, 2010 Report Share Posted February 14, 2010 Did she ever ride in Germany? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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