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Speedway Memorobilia

Leg Trailer

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Hi folks,


My first post on this site so forgive me if I have posted this amongst an incorrect forum but 'Years Gone By' seemed the most appropriate!


My late grandfather was a pro speedway rider from the 1930's through to the 1950's. He rode for a number of teams throughout his career including Middlesbrough, Cradley, Glasgow and Dagenham.


We have an awful lot of speedway memorobilia up in the attic as I'm sure you can imagine! Amongst the hoardes of ancient programes lies an England racing jacket from when my grandfather was in the England team (I believe he was once a reserve). It's in reasonable nick considering it's age (possibly 1930's).


I was wondering if any of you guys and gals know if this sort of thing is collectable. As far as I'm aware my family has no plans to sell any of the memorobilia we have but it never hurts to find out interest levels in this sort of thing.


If anyone is interested in the stuff we have (once again, we DO NOT intend to sell the artefacts!) drop a line below and I'll fill you in.


We have old speedway gazettes, match programes, badges, photos, garage recipts and a few autographs including Johnny Hoskins sig.


All the best and thanks for reading,


LT. :)

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Welcome to the forum. :D

Sounds like you have a little gold mine up in your attic, unlike mine which is full of junk. :-(

If ever you do want to sell anything I'm sure there will be lots of people interested. I think e-bay is is what most Speedway fans seem to use for buying and selling stuff.

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Welcome Leg Trailer. :D Or should we call you Aladdin?


Gem is dead right. That's a gold mine you have up there. Speedway certainly has its share of collectors, check e-bay - you'll be amazed at the speedway stuff on there. And priceless as it is to you - that England jacket would certainly fetch a tidy sum.

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Hi folks,


Well thanks for your replies! Tidy sum eh? That sounds nice. ;)


My grandfather was Geoff Godwin who won their league with Middlesbrough back in 1946 or 47'. We have quite a few programes from Middlesbrough at that time. I really must have a look up in the attic and get a more detailed list of stuff we have as I am going from memory here!


We have quite a few old speedway gazettes and other smaller publications from the 1940's and early 50's. The photo's we have are obviously mainly of my grandfather but there are a few of other riders such as Ivor Brown from Cradley and a fair amount of shots from the grasstrack scene at that time.


Geoff broke his neck racing at Glasgow (I think!) sometime during his career but was back in the saddle racing again 3 months later (as one does!). He left the speedway scene whilst he went off to do his bit in WWII as an officer in the reserve royal navy.


After the war he was back racing again but retired in the early 1950's as far as I can ascertain from the papers upstairs. He kept an interest in speedway and even helped construct one of the first teams to race at Kings Lynns when they opened. Sadly my grandfather passed away after a short illness in 1982.


I hope to grab time to get up in the attic again one afternoon soon and give you the full SP.


Thanks for your time,



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Hi LT, let me know where you live 'cos I'd love to come round & have a rummage round your loft.

It sounds as though you've got a few quids worth up there mate, all except the race jackets of course, which aren't worth anything, however if you'd like to send them to me I'd be happy to dispose of them for you. :approve:

Seriously, E-bay is probably the best place to sell items if you did ever decide to.

Lt 8)

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all except the race jackets of course, which aren't worth anything, however if you'd like to send them to me I'd be happy to dispose of them for you.  :approve:  


LT I was telling my Dad about your posting @ the weekend ;) he thought it was hilarious :D

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all except the race jackets of course, which aren't worth anything, however if you'd like to send them to me I'd be happy to dispose of them for you.  :approve:  


LT I was telling my Dad about your posting @ the weekend ;) he thought it was hilarious :D


Actually you really should pay LT to take them off you

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If your grandfather wore the stripes (Glasgow) then the museum at the National Football Stadium (Hampden to you and me) have asked for any Speedway memorablia to be donated since the Tigers rode at Hampden from 1969 - 1972.


Otherwise, I'm sure that there would be some old tiggers would give any glasgow racejacket a good home!

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Hope this is of some interest.



1946: 17m, 108pts, 6.35ave, Middlesbrough, Northern Lge

1947: 28m, 165pts, 5.89ave, Div 2, Middlesbrough

1948: 32m. 201pts, 6.28ave, Div 2, Middlesbrough

1949: 21m, 96pts, 4.57ave, Div 2, Cradley Heath

1950: 8m, 10pts, 1.25ave, Div 2, Glasgow (Ashfield)

Appeared for Birmingham during 1937, followed by a stint at Leeds in ’38 and Middlesbrough a year later. Suffered a broken neck at Odsal in 1945, recovering rapidly to help Middlesbrough take the Northern League in 1946. A bad crash at Edinburgh during 1948 restricted his contributions for the side, even though he did pick up four maximums. Cradley Heath paid £1000 for him at the start of 1949.

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  • 2 weeks later...
If your grandfather wore the stripes (Glasgow) then the museum at the National Football Stadium (Hampden to you and me) have asked for any Speedway memorablia to be donated since the Tigers rode at Hampden from 1969 - 1972.


Otherwise, I'm sure that there would be some old tiggers would give any glasgow racejacket a good home!


I have a spare programme from a World Championship Intercontinental Final held at Hampden in 1971 (I think) if they are interested


Even an Ashfield one?

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