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Rickardsons Farewell

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Yep he had two rides and pulled out of the meeting.



Something to think about.


Either....1) Rickardsson is genuinely sick/injured (presumably from a previous incident) or 2) he is perfectly fine to ride but for his own reasons chooses not to.

Whichever way you look at it Rickardsson cannot fail to emerge from this looking bad, because if this a reoccurence of an old injury/illness then he quite clearly should not be riding anyway. It only serves to jepoardise the safety of his fellow riders.

The other reason is as mentioned, and if this is the case he's, let's face it, being somewhat economical with the truth.

The outcome of all this is however the same, an expensive let down for all those who attended and sadly question marks over a rider that should be above any reproach.

It will be interesting to see what the 'full story' is tommorow when the obviously very important 24 hour wait brings us the 'full facts'.

My breath is baited.

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Very strange meeting to be honest, and you're right Sube - it was a whimper. Decent crowd in spite of the rumbles from many saying they'd stay away, but certainly not a huge crowd - no more than a good EL meeting turnout.


Tacey broke down on the M25 so ended up by replaced by Marc Andrews - he will no doubt have enjoyed it, but was a little out of his depth to say the least...


Rickardsson pulled out after 2 races citing double vision and that he had been unwell all day. For a rider whose benefit it was, he kept a very low profile for much of it.


Positives included a fitter looker KK (although his first heat was a real worry looking very slow); a 'Tony' v Rosco match race...which turned out to be Crumpy in full Tony kevlars, helmet and bike...even changed his riding style to mimic TR - no-one guessed until the helmet came off - brilliant :approve: ; and finally Nikolai Klindt. Whilst the Danes have guys like this coming through we have no hope - at 17 he is awesome and riding the track like an expert, winding it on around the outside, cutting back and never settling for a place. Started riding at 5 years old and has worked his way up - it shows. If he was British, I have no hesitation in saying he'd have been in that SWC 5 for us - forget your Lewis Bridgers and the ilk (with no disrespect intended to them), this guy missed the gate every time and passed the likes of Adams and Lindback in some pretty fast race times - the last time I saw someone like this it was Antonio and I think this lad is smoother in his style. A great talent just a shame he's holding off riding in the UK for a couple of years.


Basically the whole thing felt kinda flat. A shame but that seems to be Tony's epitaph this season.

Edited by rabbit
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Just got in from a good afternoons entertainment at Wimborne Road. A very big crowd turned out to see the greatest speedway rider in the history of the sport give his final bow to the British public, and his rapturous reception just goes to show that the few TRick haters on here are really in the minority. He got two long standing ovations from the fans who had turned out in force to say goodbye to a glittering career.


Some good racing in hot conditions, and not a blue groove in sight all afternoon. Goes to show a well prepared track can be made no matter what the weather is like. yes conditions started to get a bit dusty towards the end but it didn't matter as the racing continued to be top notch. Step forward Pooles new rider for the future, Klindt, who showed that passing is easy if you have the skill to do it and are not scared of the fence!!!!


As for TRicks pulling out, well it didn't matter and the public were not robbed at all, regardless of what some on hear think. He said he didn't feel great but was determined to ride, and ride he did, scoring 5 from 2.


He said everyone should come and say hello in the bar afterwards, and many did as he was mobbed with fans wanting to have their picture taken with him and chat.


Sp a great afternoon for those that made the effort to go along, and not listen to all the moaners and groaners on this forum, who are in a tiny minority.


Bye TRick. Your legions of fans will certainly miss you. Au revoir to the greatest speedway rider the sport has ever known.

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You two could not have timed those posts better. :D


So we have a whimper and a rapturous reception. :o


A fair crowd (an EL league size) and A Very Big Crowd. :o



Were you two at the same meeting and like you Iris - I know which one gives me more confidence in truthful posting! :wink:

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How so Iris? :rolleyes: Honestly - Klindt was class today. The highlight of the riders on track imo and that takes some doing with the calibre of Crumpy and Adams, Anton and Bjarne on display. He really was awesome to watch for one so young.


Hehe i'm ging to be in trouble with Steve...does look like we were at different meetings. :P Agree some of the racing was good, but it just didn't have that testimonial / benefit meeting buzz about it and apart from Tony's interview in front of the grandstand he didn't really appear at all other than for his 2 races and final 4 laps. There were no interviews with riders , snippets about memories riding with tony etc... I don't know, maybe I've been spoilt watching the likes of Shane Parkers testimonial in the last year or so and expected too much.

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Yup.In the last few meetings i have seen him give Puk on hell of a race and then beat Nicki at Holsted.Which is a very rare thing indeed.I did say before the 1st part of the Danish Championship i expected him to beat a few big names.Unfortunately he had a bad crash,which affected him.Do think he would have done well in the World U21 and Euro U19's this year,but the DMU have a hard and fast policy of entering according to last years Danish U21/U19 Final.

Would have been a great reserve pairing next year with Holder for sure

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I was at the meeting and Rabbits version is certainly nearer the mark. A very low key meeting. I have now seen with my own eyes what Shovlar calls a 'very big' crowd. Cetainly a lot lower than Coventry get on a Friday night for an average league meeting and about a quarter of the number of supporters that attended Scott Nicholls testemonial a couple of years ago. Perhaps this meeting should have been held at Ipswch!

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Very strange meeting to be honest, and you're right Sube - it was a whimper. Decent crowd in spite of the rumbles from many saying they'd stay away, but certainly not a huge crowd - no more than a good EL meeting turnout.


Rickardsson pulled out after 2 races citing double vision and that he had been unwell all day. For a rider whose benefit it was, he kept a very low profile for much of it.


Basically the whole thing felt kinda flat. A shame but that seems to be Tony's epitaph this season.



Thing is Rabbit, Testimonials never get the blood rushing or adrenelin flowing. They are a celebration of a rider and because of that it doesn't matter if your fav gets beaten. There is nothing at stake.


I thought the crowd was very good. Much better than a standard league meeting. Perhaps 500 more than usual?


As for Klindt, he was pretty sensational. but we have to temper that with it being a testimonial and perhaps some riders were not at full throttle all of the time, if you get my meaning.


The TRick/Crump/Rosco "trick", was well done and fooled everyone. Well done to Crump for being part of it. Even gave him a clap myself. One thing with Crump is that if he says he will be there at a testimonial, he is, as is Adams. Top plaudits for that.


By the way the program was £6, and well worth owning. Its very similar to the British GP program, except it's cover to cover Trick. Certainly a collectors item.

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Well done to Crump for being part of it. Even gave him a clap myself. One thing with Crump is that if he says he will be there at a testimonial, he is, as is Adams. Top plaudits for that.


I've got to say, it's a pleasure to finally read positive comments regarding Crump from you Steve - I surrender to you.

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Yes, sorry young Shovlar, but I'm inclined to side with the rabbit as well - you do yourself no favours with such blind faith in TR. To be honest, the man doesn't deserve such unconditional support from you.


And we continue to get venemous posts from you on anything to do with TRick. Shame you coudn't be bothered to come along and witness the event yourself so that you would have a first hand account.


As you have no interest in Trick it's quite remarkable that you are in this thread all the time slagging him off. I suggest if you have nothing better to say just don't post in this thread. You so obviously wanted the event to fail miserably. Shame for you it was a success! :rolleyes:


Rabbit no offense but you sit behind glass doing the scorechart and that's not the best place to watch and feel the action. Come and sit in the grandstand and enjoy the buzz! It was really good this afternoon. Honest!


As for no reminiscing, well what were they talking about on the centre green? Poole fabulous win at Brandon in the KO Cup in 2003 when all was won at the death!

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I was at the meeting and Rabbits version is certainly nearer the mark.  A very low key meeting.  I have now seen with my own eyes what Shovlar calls a 'very big' crowd.  Cetainly a lot lower than Coventry get on a Friday night for an average league meeting and about a quarter of the number of supporters that attended Scott Nicholls testemonial a couple of years ago.  Perhaps this meeting should have been held at Ipswch!


Coventry have never had a crowd that big in all the times I have been to Brandon for league meetings. Bull sh*t in the extreme. Don't believe you were there.

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Rabbit no offense but you sit behind glass doing the scorechart and that's not the best place to watch and feel the action. Come and sit in the grandstand and enjoy the buzz! It was really good this afternoon. Honest!


True but you can still get the feel of a meeting and see the reaction of the crowd. If anything you see it better because you're watching it straight on. I'll come back outside sure, but you won't get any race details on the scoreboard. :P Let's face it, everyone gets different things from a meeting - I just didn't get much from this arvo. No criticism of anyone, it just left me feeling flat when it ought to have been a buzzing celebration of a true great.


As for reminiscing I meant from the other riders. Other than Tony, Holder and Klindt (where there last two were talking about their own careers) there were no comments from the Poole riders and fellow GP competitors about Tony.

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Rabs! I am with you on this one! Although I was really busy to start with, I coped with the programme sells and sorting out money fine before the start of the meeting!


Although I thought maybe the turn out would not be so good, I expected to be proved wrong and have the place packed like it was for Boycey's Testimonal!


The racing was good and despite what some may feel, the boys (well the majority of them) were actually trying to win races, and like you I think that Nicolai was AWESOME........ He did exactly what I told him to do last night, he had two jobs today and that was to beat Bjarne and Antonio, he did not let me down. I just hope that when Nicolai decides to come over to Britain and race that he comes to Poole, he has certainly made many friends down here, he is such a lovely lad and so polite!

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True but you can still get the feel of a meeting and see the reaction of the crowd. If anything you see it better because you're watching it straight on. I'll come back outside sure, but you won't get any race details on the scoreboard.  :P Let's face it, everyone gets different things from a meeting - I just didn't get much from this arvo. No criticism of anyone, it just left me feeling flat when it ought to have been a buzzing celebration of a true great.


As for reminiscing I meant from the other riders. Other than Tony, Holder and Klindt (where there last two were talking about their own careers) there were no comments from the Poole riders and fellow GP competitors about Tony.


Well for that you have only one person to blame. Clive Fisher. It's his job to talk and interview riders, and if doesn't do it no one else will. Can't blame TRick for that.


Remember, there is never any tension at testimonials. No pressure about getting the points or whether our unbeaten run will end.


I estimated the crowd at around the 4000-4500 mark. Grandstand packed, 4 deep in places along the front of the grandstand. Both bends busy and the usual load behind the glass. Equivelent to a big league meeting I guess.


By the way nice to see Zetters and Anders Nilsson enjoying the speedway. They are off to Wolverhampton tomorrow before heading back to sweden on Tuesday morning.

Edited by Steve Shovlar
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