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An Open Letter To The Riders At The Elrc

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  godess said:
British Elite League Speedway, the worlds top riders, the worlds top racing, oh just so long as it's dry, sunny and an A1 track in tip top DRY conditions  :mad:
Not too bothered it was called off tbh, it was still raining 20mins after the

call off and the water was coming through the sky studio pretty consistently.


The meeting wouldnt have been off in Poland and Sweden as they would have ripped the wet stuff off and relaid the surface as in manilla, as was said in SKY studio why did the bspa not ensure that there was suitable resource in place like 3 heavy duty graders ready just to take the shale off???


At the end of the day the polish leagues pay top whack and thats the riders focus, maybe the bspa will wake up to that and promote the sport over here.


BTW was the ELRC sponsored??? Didnt seem to see anything being promoted on Sky??

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  rusky said:
I have to say that I agree with you 100% on that one HenryW. If the levels of rain had been as described, and if there had been no watering past 15:30, the ONLY explanation was that once again we were going to be presented with an Ole Olsen track. The equipment on display whilst they were trying to repair the damage to the track, suggested that available equipment was basic in the extreme - not really a good reflection on Poole/BSPA (delete as appropriate).


As far as blaming the riders, I think that is plain daft. The discussions between the riders/ Clerk of the Course / Referee on SKY showed quite clearly that the riders were coming out to race (not ride) on the proviso that it didn't start raining again. We all saw what happened, and I can't believe that the riders can be held responsible for the meeting being abandoned. The clerk of the course intimated that everything possible (with limited resources ?) had been done on the track. (By the way, I am intrigued what H&S would make of the guy's tryong to manhandle the bag of sawdust - a definite lack of appropriate equipmet, and hence a risk assessment)


IF blame has to be aportioned to what was yet another fiasco really, then I would say  it should be Weather 20%, Riders 20%, organisers 60%.


Does anybody think that we should have another topic entitled ' An open letter to the organisers of the 2006 ELRC' ?  :D



The Poole promotion have a full set of track equipment, from heavy duty track graders through to two tractors with various attachments. The track was in excellent condition when the meeting was called off. As Paul Aplin said, there was nothing more he could do, because the track was there ready to race!


The fact that not one rider even came out to "test" whether it was suitable or not shows that they had made their mind up that they were not going to race regardless of whether the track was OK or not.


Catching the flights to Poland were far more important than the fans in the stadium or watching on Sky.

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  Steve Shovlar said:
The Poole promotion have a full set of track equipment, from heavy duty track graders through to two tractors with various attachments. The track was in excellent condition when the meeting was called off. As Paul Aplin said, there was nothing more he could do, because the track was there ready to race!


The fact that not one rider even came out to "test" whether it was suitable or not shows that they had made their mind up that they were not going to race regardless of whether the track was OK or not.


Catching the flights to Poland were far more important than the fans in the stadium or watching on Sky.


A bit of astretch there Steve! ;) He so obvioulsy meant that the track was irrepairable rather than that it was fine! :rolleyes:


That said there appeared to be 2 groups of riders (from what I saw on SKY anyway) stood around discussing the track - one group included Crump, Nicholls and Nicki P the other group included PK, Andersen and Loram. One group were shaking their heads with faces like thunder and the other group were smiling and laughing......no wtoday's quiz question - Which of these two groups of riders are in the GP's? :blink::P:rolleyes:

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answer the ones who are earning big pay days in poland today. i think you can add adams to the crump group you could see they had no intention of carrying on.the wry sarcastic smile on mark lorams face said it all you could tell he knew what the big? boys were trying to do .they didnt want to hang about . some riders think there bigger than the sport there not

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  lupus said:
A bit of astretch there Steve!  ;) He so obvioulsy meant that the track was irrepairable rather than that it was fine!  :rolleyes:




Quite right Lupus, If the track had been in a good ( Not Slick, not over watered) condition at 15:29 then the situation would have been recoverable to a satisfactory degree, and the ELRC would have stood a chance. If there was a heavy duty grader available, why wasn't it used ? Maybe there was a Grader, but no new shale to put down ?

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  Subedei said:
Everyone getting on at the riders and how bad it looked. But, seriously, throwing half the Amazon rainforest onto the track's hardly that professional to Sky viewers, is it? Especially if they're regular Sky watchers and see the heavy duty gear that they have in Sweden (Malilla last year) and Poland - seems British tracks have raided a tractor museum for their equipment.

In my view, Jason Crump did precious little wrong today. He gave his opinion. People saying Crump, Nicki P and Adams were the "ring leaders" - well, let me see, that's the world's No 2, No 3 and No 4. I think their opinion carries more weight than anyone here, myself included. Crump, obviously, as the highest-profile rider in the meeting is always going to draw the most attention.

But let's not climb all over Poole's back either. They're no better and no worse than any other EL track. In the prevalent weather conditions the same thing would've happened at Oxford, Eastbourne, Peterborough, Ipswich, wherever.

Want to have an ELRC held? Take it to Sweden or Poland and there'll be no trouble.


WEHAYYY !! Some common sense at last. Trawling through post after post no one picked up on the 1830 Tractor Derby scene we saw. And its the same all over Britain. I posted about how bikes and equipment have moved on but track prep has stood still since Noah's days but no one picked up on it. Too many people scoring points against this rider or that rider that they dont particularly like. I'll say it again for those in blinkers. WHY CAN'T WE DO TRACK PREP LIKE THE SWEDES ?

A good post Subedei.

Edited by Philip Addison
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  Steve Shovlar said:
Rusky do I have to spell it out to you?


T-H-E-R-E W-A-S N-O-T-H-I-N-G W-R-O-N-G W-I-T-H T-H-E T-R-A-C-K.

Sorry Steve, we are going to have to disagree on this one. From where I was sitting, the track did not look at all good, and the way the riders were 'spinning up' in the turns, suggested that it had been made with a very hard base so that the water couldn't soak in, and any water applied (naturally or otherwise) just sat on the top, and effectively turned to ice, as commernted on by numerous riders in the interviews.

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  rainbow said:
Well what a sham!!! Does it not rain in OZ or what????? Agree with all Steve posted(and that doesn't happen often!!)Maybe Mr Prima was worried that a certain Danish rider was going to win - cos it rains in Denmark and they are used to it !!And to all the stupid fans that were banging on the Sky sports vehicle blaming them - they were the last people that wanted it called off - cost them thousands !!!

And yes the sun did come out again! B) And yes it is me Shazz!! Long time since I've been on here - but I'm back !!! :mad:



Welcome back Rainbow, long time no see. Cheers, "ZETTERS",3,9^

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  Philip Addison said:
WEHAYYY !! Some common sense at last. Trawling through post after post no one picked up on the 1830 Tractor Derby scene we saw. And its the same all over Britain. 

A good post Subedei.

Must say that it does seem investment in proper kit seems a problem at lots of tracks around Europe.Here it seems the same as at lots of British tracks.Ask local farmers to come with tractors.It does the job most of the time.The recent Ice Final in Berlin was a case in point as well.They had 2 tractors to take the top layer of broken ice off.One was great,the other skidded all over the place as soon as it had half a shovel full of ice in front of it.

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I too was very disappointed & was only watching on tv, but I had rearranged my whole day to be able to watch it between 5 & 8pm (stupid time).


All I'll say about the riders is that I bet they would not have stopped racing IF IT HAD BEEN A GP.


Why not ditch the GP riders for the next time the competition is run? Let every club be represented by it's non-GP stars. We'd see the likes of Charlie Gjedde, Simon Stead, Mark Loram, Hans Andersen & Seba Ullamek. I think they'd try much harder to win it & be more entertaining than a load of guys who only really care about the GPs.

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I think those who are blaming the riders are wrong, and this is why. Two clips from last night's meeting.


First one. I'm guessing this is the Clerk of the Course on the phone to the ref. It sounds to me as though he is basically of the opinion the meeting should be off.




This is the ref with the riders on the centre green. It's difficult to hear properly, but listen closely to what Chris Louis is saying. It sounds to me like he's telling the ref that if he tells them to get on with it then they'll ride and if he says it's off then they'll go home. Ref says get on with it. Riders return to the pits. No complaints whatsoever.




The ref then called it off of his own accord when a further shower started, just as he said he would.


(Edit - Clips now removed. Head being banged against brick wall instead.)

Edited by Grachan
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  Subedei said:
Must say, I thought Louis was suggesting a show of hands - those in favour of continuing and those against.


Yeah, he says that too after the ref asks him for an opinion. Listen closely to the first 8 seconds.

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The BSPA could soften the blow by offering fans their admission money back. As for sky throwing out of the deal - haven't they got 5 years to do?


As for the GP riders getting the meeting abandoned ; well difficult to say, at the end of the day they're the ones taking the risks and such they probably know best if they 'feel' the track is safe to ride or not rather than some odd joe stood on the terrace. Counter side of this is they should have called it off earlier - ie before race 6 if there was a doubt so not to rob the paying public ; now who's responsibility is that.


At the end of the day, such a high profile meeting shouldn't be held on the Easter Bank Holiday weekend ; the weather is always poor.

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  Kevin Hammond said:
Ban them for six months - that would do the trick - and I'm serious for once.

Look out of your windows folks and witness the blue moon - for once I agree with  :Shovlar, and in fact would take it a stage further........ as I posted above I would ban them and also fine them......... no rider is bigger than the sport...... especially The Ginger Whinger!!!!

I agree that this meeting could of gone on but one rider can not call off a meeting.

All you people belive that one man can are dreamer's ,if JC did not have the balls to risk it & all the other's had bigger balls why not tell jason to grow a pair or go home,We will stay & put a show on.What ur telling everybody is everyone that was there are a pack of sheep- including the strewards the promotion . :wink:

Edited by dirtflap45
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If it rains in F1 the drivers slow down from the top speeds of around 200mph to more like 160mph (depending on the track). Sure they would all like to go at full racing speed, but it's not safe to do so. Visibility in the rain during an F1 race is virtualy zero, as 80 hi-tech tyres throw thousands of gallons of water into the air quite apart from the rain falling. The speeds are frightening with almost no vision.


If the track (speedway) is not safe to ride at 70-80mph because of rain, then the riders have to adapt to that like riders have done in the past. Turn the throttle the other way and ride at 60-70mph.


Simple as really, but they seem increasing less prepared to even try. The meeting could have gone ahead with those prepared to give it a go, and the others could just bu££er off.

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