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Kangaroos In Speedway League In Britian


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Joe Lasanga was a member of a group taken to race in Spain by Ted Gibson, an English rider.


I will have to check this out in my records and come back later. Another Australian Rusty Wainwright may have been on this tour.

Edited by speedyguy
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I think Alan Rivett is New Zealnder no Australian.

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I think Alan Rivett is New Zealnder no Australian.


Alan came from New Zealand but has resided in Australia for a number of years. He has represented both New Zealand and Australia. He is now living in South East Queensland. I have some great memories of him racing at the Brisbane Exhibition Grounds.

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We had an Aussie at Brum around 74-5 called Terry Brett. The original full throttle sheep farmer, He had sold his farm to fund a crack at speedway but was, well, hopeless. He'd coast down the straights and whack the throttle wide open on the bends. I think that Perry Barr was a bit on the tight side for him, maybe he should have joined Crewe. I don't think he rode any league matches though. Anyone else remember him?

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Craig Featherby......

Graham Stewart.

Peter Christopher.

Tony Primmer.

John Bowerman? :unsure:



2XTV Dude..... I once had a Ch7 bike from Bobby ;) ........The motor was a Lanty, via Billy B)... if you see Bobby tell him, that bike never missed the gate & then it pulled like a train. (;O)))) Anyone know of a Weslake, with magnesium crank cases?

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Craig Featherby......

Graham Stewart.

Peter Christopher.

Tony Primmer.

John Bowerman? :unsure:



2XTV Dude.....  I once had a Ch7 bike from Bobby  ;)  ........The motor was a Lanty, via Billy  B)... if you see Bobby tell him, that bike never missed the gate & then it pulled like a train. (;O))))    Anyone know of a Weslake, with magnesium crank cases?



I wasn't sure about John Bowerman, but I think you may be right. Don't know about Graham Stewart, but I've already posted Christopher and Primmer, and Craig Featherby was English.



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I have had list of australian riders who propably have never rode in Britian (leagues). However this list maybe remind you some of riders who rode in Britian.


Cory Alderton

Ricky Barney

Andy Barrett

Wayne Baxter

Jamie Bell

Lionel Benson

Tommy Benstead

Paul Bogdanowicz

M. Bond

Chris Boonstopel

Dave Booth

Glen Bowles

Danny Branford

Bill Braund

Mick Brennan

Jack Briggs

Bill Bryden

Arlo Bugeja

Arthur Bush

Troy Butchelor

Scan Bysouth

Dennis Carter

Michael Carter

Shane Chappell

D. Cheetam

Paul Chevy

Brent Collyer

Lloyd Cross

Lionel Davey

Debe Davis

Reece Davison

Paddy Dean

Sam Dore

Mick Dorman

H. Down

Craig Drennen

Tim Drust

Frank Duckett

Bill Dunne

Chris Ferguson

Leigh Fernance

Scott Fisher

b.d. Fletcher

Brock Gaates

Mick Gardiner

Brock Gates

Corey Gathercole

b.d. Gibbs

Matt Gibson

Jack Gorman

Luke Gough

Steve Graetz

Shane Gromball

Todd Groves

Perry Gunner Sutton

Dennis Hall

Pat Hamilton

Jack Hanson

Tony Hart

Robert Harvey

Nathan Hawkes

Warren Hawkins

Rod Heathcote

Darren Hedington

Nathan Hedley

Tom Hedley

Jay Herne

Colin Higgs

Roy Hindle

Scott Hislop

Bob Hitchcock

James Holder

Alex Hunter

Tim Hunter

R. Hyde

Dean Johnson

M. Johnson

Matthew Johnson

Shane Johnson

P. Johnstone

b.d. Jones

Mark Jones

Matt Jones

Ford Keane

Kris Keast

Mark Keast

Anthony Keys

R. King

B. Kluske

Bill Landels

Craig Landrigan

Lionel Lecy

Chris Lee

Clinton Leitch

Harley Liersch

Simon Lock

Alan Lorymer

W. Maddern

b.d. Malouf

Shane McCabe

Bill Melluish

Roy Miller

S. Moffat

Brendan Moore

Michael Moores

Rob Moores

Harold Murdoch

Louis Myers

Troy Norvill

Brent Nott

Bob O’Leary

Terry O’Leary

Brian Paltridge

Dennis Parker

Sid Parsons

Tony Pattel

Frank Pearce

Mark Pearce

Ben Peck

Anthony Perks

Jan Phillips

Dean Pierce

Luke Pinkerton

Ty Platt

Jamie Plumb

Matthew Poole

Don Prettejohn

Tyron Proctor

Ted Rees

John Reid

W. Reynolds

Damon Richardson

Bob Roger

Tony Rose

Hayden Sandford

P. Scanlon

Paul Schievenin

Sig Schlam

C. Schmidt

Abe Schneider

Grant Schooling

Lee Schooling

David Scott

Dick Seers

Ray Sharp

B. Shields

Luke Slade

Michael Slade

Jarrod South

Jamie Stauffer

Lucas Sterry

Daine Stevens

Jaye Stevens

James Stewart

Jason Stewart

Paul Stewart

Troy Stojakovic

Dick Sulway

Aaron Summers

Chris Szauter

Harold Tapscott

Alby Taylor

Peter Tillett

Brett Tomkins

Ross Townson

Roy Trigg

Ben Turner

Dean Van Bibra

Barry Van Praag

Steven Viner

Darren Wade

Cecil Walker

Allan Wall

Colin Wallace

Rick Wallace

Danny Wark

Ashley Watson

Chris Watson

Dave Watt

Shanan Wearne

Bruce Webb

Neil Webb

Reg West

Brian Whaley

Paul Wheatland

Shane Whitaker

Jack White

Jonathan White

Corey Williams

Kelvin Willis

Matt Winsor

Dean Wiseman

Cameron Wrate

Keith Wright

Troy Wyten

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thx norbold and iris123

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Bob Kilby is English

Bob Sharp is an Australian. He rode for Ipswich in the old National League.

Dick Wise was an Australian. He rode for - and managed - Norwich.

I don't think Triss Sharp was an Australian, though I am not 100% sure. He was Crystal Palace captain in 1929 and continued to ride for them until 1933. He owned a motor business in South London.

Sig Schlam rode in Britain, but I'm not sure if he was attached to any league teams.

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I have had list of australian riders who propably have never rode in Britian (leagues). However this list maybe remind you some of riders who rode in Britian.



OK Puma, here we go again...


Ted Agall is already listed as TED ARGALL.


Greg Barlett is GREG BARTLETT, already listed.


Unless there is a Danny, Danny Branford is DARREL BRANFORD.


Troy Butchelor is actually TROY BATCHELOR, already listed.


Coventry's Bryan Elliot (spelt ELLIOTT) was English.


Bob Foy is probably ROBBIE FOY, already listed.


Hec Heslinger is really HEC HASLINGER, who was an Austrian (already listed) who rode on an Australian license.


Bob Hunphrey MUST be BOB HUMPHREYS, already listed.


We've had arguments about Bill Landels, but he did actually represent Australia.


Tony Landgon has got to be TONY LANGDON, already listed.


Brent Nott is indeed an Australian, but I'm sure he never rode league in Britain.


Paul O'Neil, did ride in Britain, but as a New Zealander, and is listed as such.


Kevin O'Connell was actually an Englishman living in Australia, but as far as I know, never rode league in Britain. Kevin died after a crash at Adelaide in 1985.


The late, great Dent Oliver was most definitely English.


1936 World Finalist Bill Pitcher was also English.


Bob Roger, one of the famous brothers, was English. Incidentally, Bob won the Wimbledon Christmas Vase at Plough Lane, staged on Boxing Day (December 26 for the uninitiated), 1956.


Sean Willmott (Weymouth, Hackney, Bradford etc) is English.






Warren Hawkins is correct; he rode for Crewe.


H. Tapscott is HAROLD TAPSCOTT, already mentioned here without being confirmed. I can confirm that, being born in Melbourne in 1917, he should be on the list. For further information, check out www.haroldtapscott.com.


West Ham's Cliff Watson should be listed.


Dave (Davey) Watt should also be listed, because I personally submitted him!


Despite being born in Yorkshire, Guy Wilson is a West Australian who spent several seasons in British league speedway.



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...and some more...


Triss Sharp was indeed English.


Russell Hrrison is listed under RUSSELL (RUSTY) HARRISON.


Lionel Lecy should be LIONEL LEVY (already listed).


Buck Ryan is already listed under KEITH RYAN.


Checking the last full list:


Brett Woodfield is WOODIFIELD and Steve Reinki is REINKE.


Jimmy Ryman was usually known as JIM.



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I wasn't sure about John Bowerman, but I think you may be right.  Don't know about Graham Stewart, but I've already posted Christopher and Primmer, and Craig Featherby was English.





Sorry Steve, I was going by the list "Puma23 Posted Today, 04:42 PM" .........Graham Stewart is a name that Steve Regeling put up B).... I bet he's right ;)

Craig Featherby who rode for the KLstars in the 80's.. Who is not Clive from the 60's KLteam, although the 60's Clive moved to aussie in the 70's....Clive of the 80's was killed at Peterborough in 83, his brother is a promotor over here Clive, but it's not Clive of the 60's ;) ..... I thought they were from aussieland ...... would they be the son's on the 60's Clive? :rolleyes: ..........



Glenn McDonald. B)

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Nigel Alderton definitely did ride for Edinburgh - he started in the UK , the same time as Jason Lyons first rode for Glasgow.


Has anyone mentioned Brian Nixon who rode for Glasgow at Shawfield in the 90s. ?

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372 riders


Leigh Adams

Jim Airey

Brett Alderton

Nigel Alderton

Gary Allan

Rob Allen

Kym Amundson

Robin Amundson

Eddie Argall

Ted Argall

Jack Arnfield

Frank Arthur

Rob Ashton

Carl Askew

Ron Bainbridge

Bobby Baker

Robert Baker

Steve Baker

Ed Baldi

Peter Baldock

Stephen Barr

Bill Barrett

Greg Bartlett

Chris Bass

Phil Bass

Steve Bass

Troy Batchelor

Glenn Baxter

Jack Baxter

Stan Bear

Jack Bedkober

Mal Bedkober

Les Bentzen

Jack Bibby

Jack Biggs

Jack Bishop

Robbie Blackadder

Corey Blackman

Ken Blair

John Board

John Boulger

Shane Bowes

Craig Boyce

Danny Boyle

Tony Boyle

Pete Bradshaw

Darrel Branford

Tracy Bray

Ern Brecknel

Wayne Bridgeford

Hilary Buchanan (Frank Richards)

Harold Bull

Mark Bullivant

Jimmy Burdfield

Clinton Butler

Troy Butler

Peter Byrne

Bernard Byrnes

Phil Cain

Ken Cameron

Neil Cameron

Con Cantwell

Mark Carlson

Mal Carmichael

Dicky Case

Terry Casserly

Stan Catlett

John Chadwick

Reg Challanger

John Chamberlain

Jack Chapman

Dave Cheshire

Rod Chessell

Jack Chignell

Peter Christopher

Norman Clay

Neil Coddington

David Coles

Brian Collins

Mark Collins

Rod Colqhoun

Roger Commerford

Mick Conroy

Maurice Conway

Noel Conway

Ron Cooper

Andy Cowan

Keith Cox

Ray Cresp

Jim Crowhurst

Jason Crump

Phil Crump

Geoff Curtis

Tom Davie

Dene Davies

Geoff Davies

Stephen Davies

Ricky Day

John Dewhurst

Frank Dolan

Rob Dole

Roy Dole

Kevin Doolan

Corey Dore

Glenn Doyle

Jason Doyle

Ray Duggan

Vic Duggan

Roy Eather

Dave Edwards

Ernie Evans

Karlis Ezergailis

Jamie Fagg

Mick Farrell

Lex Fielding

Huck Finn (George)

Mark Fiora

Gary Flood

Bernie Foot

Wayne Forrest

Robbie Foy

Billy Galloway

Tony Garard

Gruff Garland

Les Garside

Jack Gates

Dannis Gavros

Hugh Geddes

Jack Geran

John Glass

Vic Gollagher

Kerry Gray

Johnnie Gronow

Max Grosskreutz

Darren Groves

Gordon Guasco

Gary Guglielmi

Keith Gurtner

Owen Gyles

Dave Hamnett

Arnie Hansen

Daniel Harding

Merve Harding

Trevor Harding

Trevor Harding II

Bill Harris

Gundy Harris

Russel Harrison

Harold Hastings

Guy Hawkes

Jason Hawkes

Gary Hay

Ron Henderson

Christian Henry

Graham Henry

Les Herne

Phil Herne

Les Hewitt

Buzz Hibberd

Craig Hodson

Chris Holder

Cecil Hookham

John Howell

Bob Humphreys

Scott Humphries

Alec Hunter

Rod Hunter

Vic Huxley

Craig Hyde

Jack Hyland

Doug Ibles

Peter Ingram

Clayton Isbel

Dave Jackson

Scott James

Bob Jameson

Merve Janke

Noel Johnson

Ron Johnson

Steve Johnston

Ashley Jones

Robin Jones

Danny Kennedy

Greg Kentwell

Jack Kidd

Bert Kingston

Ken Kirkman

Steve Koppe

Robert Ksiezak

Roger Lambert

Billy Lamont

Steve Langdon

Tony Langdon

John Langfield

Brenton Langlois

Steve Langton

Bluey Langtry

Joel Lasagna

Aub Lawson

Don Lawson

Ken Le Breton

Gordon Leigh

Les Leisk

Mark Lemon

Bob Leverenz

Trent Leverington

Lionel Levy

Norman Lindsay

Wally Little

Syd Littlewood

Bryan Loakes

Bill Longley

Wayne Lorymer

Jason Lyons

Malcolm Mackay

Doug MacLachlan

George MacPherson

Arthur Malm

Andy Margarson

Jack Martin

Mark Martin

Sam Martin

Bob Maxfield

Kym McConnell

Mick McCoy

Glenn McDonald

Travis McGowan

Brendon McKay

Keith McKay

Dud Mckeon

Mick Mckeon

Greg McNeill

John McNeill

Derrol Melbin

Andy Menzies

Bob Meyer

Peter Michelides

Gary Middleton

Dave Mills

Jack Millward

Clem, Mitchell

Lindsay Mitchell

Charlie Monk

Peter Moore

Stuart Mountford

Geoff Mudge

Mick Murphy

Ken Murray

Skippy Newman

Ross Nickisson

Peter Nightingale

Brian Nixon

Scott Norman

Rod North

Ashley Norton

Tim Nunan

Trevor O'Brien

Dave O'Connor

John Oliver

Johnny Oram

Laurie Packer

Ray Palmer

Shane Parker

Joel Parsons

Arthur Payne

Steve Payne

Alan Paynter

Max Pearce

Jimmy Phillips

Doug Poole

Mick Poole

Mick Powell

Tony Primmer

Justin Pryor

Chris Quigley

Allan Quinn

Lee Redmond

Steve Regeling

Steve Reinke

Alan Rivett

Bill Rogers

Kevin Russell

Buck Ryan

Keith Ryan

Jim Ryman

Nigel Sadler

Billy Sanders

Lou Sansom

Brett Saunders

Les Sawyer

Rory Schlein

Ron Schliebs

Shorty Schrimer

Bluey Scott

Jack Scott

Dicky Seers

Bob Sharp

Jack Sharp

Les Sharpe

Adam Shields

Ben Shields

Carl Shields

David Shields

Bob Shrap

Darryl Simpson

Nathan Simpson

Neville Slee

Paul Sly

Frank Smart

Scott Smith

Dicky Smythe

Geoff Snider

Alan Sorensen

Bob Spelta

Bert Spencer

John Spilsbury

Charlie Spinks

Col Stewart

Bill Sticpewich

Neil Street

Ryan Sullivan

Terry Sutherland

Bob Tabet

Chum Taylor

Glyn Taylor

Ray Taylor

Peter Thompson

Bluey Thorpe

John Titman

Kevin Torpie

Nigel Tremeling

Terry Tulloch

Doug Underwood

Bob Valentine

Piet Van Den Berg

Lionel Van Pragg

Keith Veal

Bonnie Waddell

Ken Walsh

Rob Walters

Graham Warren

Cliff Watson

Craig Watson

Dale Watson

Noel Watson

Dave Watt

Barry Weaver

Ian Wedgwood

Charlie Wellis

Matthew Wethers

Buck Whitby

Doug White

Steve Widt

Mick Wild

Mick Wilde

John Wilkins

Bluey Wilkinson

John Williams

Mark Williams

Dave Wills

Guy Wilson

Todd Wiltshire

Darren Winkler

Dick Wise

Tai Woffinden

Ray Wood

Brett Woodfield

Frank Woodroofe

Cameron Woodward

Bob Young

Danny Young

Frank Young

Jack Young

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