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British GP - An honest opinion

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So all those who thought this grand prix wasnt as good as last year, means that you wont be going next year. At the end of the day you make it as good as you want it to be. If there wasnt as good as an atmosphere as last you wasnt the fault of the stadium but all the boring people that went along. Perhaps you all need to lighten up and enjoy yourself more. :twisted: :twisted:

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If there wasnt as good as an atmosphere as last you wasnt the fault of the stadium but all the boring people that went along. Perhaps you all need to lighten up and enjoy yourself more. :twisted:  :twisted:


The noise was great but as said before not as noisy last year, perhaps the mistake was leaving the roof open.


Whatever anybodies opinion is I defy anyone to find a better atmosphere at any other GP. Poland is loud when the Poles are on track, but at least at Cardiff fans from all over the world made a noise for their chosen rider.


Still undecided about the attendance, maybe about the same as last year, perhaps a little higher.

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Was my first grand prix, and I really enjoyed it, from what I can remember!!! mental note - must drink slower next year, even the good lady had a hot dog and shes a veggie( she was really pissed),


Thought the band were alright, racing was pi$s poor and the atmosphere both inside and outside was brill.


Will definently go for a cheap seat next year, as I will be back. :)

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The fans were definitely up for it, the trouble lay with the organisers and presenters. There was no encouragement from them for audience participation. Where was "Who let the dogs out", "hey baby" and "Rocking all over the World"? I'm no Nicki fan but I felt he was short changed on the winners presentation compared to the last few years.


I had a great time, I thought the racing was pretty good and I was determined to enjoy it no matter what. Scotty was obviously my star of the evening and I wonder how he must have felt having the backing of the majority of the Stadium. We're proud of you Scott. :)


Glad I'm typing this as my voice isn't back to full strength yet!

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Last years musis was a lot better, Let me entertain you , who let the dogs out ect ect before the meeting started got everyone going and the cameras panning round the crowd and putting them up on the big screens was missing this year :-( Maybe as this was the third running at Cardiff we are expecting more and more, however I did drive home thinking the meeting lacked that little bit on last year, saying that it is still a totally unique occasion which no other GP will equal.

Why did the riders all come out together on the trucks rather than out of the tunnel one at a time like previous years :?: This also left the pre meeting parade insignificant

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my first time ae well and thou the raceing was poor enjoy myself as well but the crowd going to drop year by year if they don't watch out


the band or before the blues brothers played down my local pub the other week fo two pints of lager out a packet of peanuts talk about about cuting costs :oops: :oops:

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Opinions ..


1) Racing was poor due to track. Too dry, no grip ; probably due to leaving the roof open on a hot, sunny day (says Sloop the track man ;-) ). I thought the reason for having the roof closed was so that there were no outside influence on the state of the track :?:


2) Music not as good as previous years. Sorry, but the band was pants. Still thought the atmosphere is unrivalled at any sporting event, including football Cup Finals and Internationals. Millenium Stadium is the perfect setting for the British GP. Fireworks were good. (So Sons of Sloop and Friend of Sons of Sloop tell me !)


3) I thought the attendance was pretty much the same (or more ?) than last year. Guessing at 36,000. Were there really more last year :?:


4) Access to and from Cardiff and the stadium was excellent. Not staying in Cardiff itself, and having resigned myself to an alcohol-free weekend, with 3 youngsters in tow, we used the Park & Ride. No problem.


5 ) Overall opinion ; yes, something was missing. But we can't always expect every meeting we attend to be better than the previous one. We'll be back next year. (And hope to meet some Forum Members next time, if I can put up with the sore head on Sunday morning :D )

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I agree with the majority..........

Track held up better than usual.

As little passing as there is at Rye House!.

(A little bit of banking might help.)

Poor announcer & presentation. (There is better presentation at some Premier & Elite matches.)

The only time he got excitable was when Nicholls was on track.

I would have liked some more dialogue to go with the big screen shots, particularly in the pits, etc. And some public interviews with the riders.

Also, I would like at least another 30 seconds between races to fill in the programme more neatly!

I thought the ref was ok - the decisions were reasonable - could have gone the other way sometimes, but reasonable. (I though Gollob was unlucky to be excluded but not unreasonable.)

But the roof had to be open - it would have been like a sauna otherwise.

The music wasn't good and their should have been a more obvious interval and entertainment.

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stadium - superb

atmosphere - superb

track - CRAP - S**T


How the hell can any one expect speedway to enhance and imporve and encourage more people to watch and get invoved with the sport when we are watching racing on tracks like cardif.


Actually I watched 25 heats of RIDING because their wasnt any racing after the first bend apart form Sullivans superb blast round the fence, purly down to a fast motor and nothing else. Speedway has become a farce and racing in the GP and EL is crap - tracks need to be prepared correctly first and have consistency throughout.


Its is of no surprise to me that both Screeny and Stoney have said no to the GPS and it wouldnt suprise me if Loram went the same way. Britain seems to produce SPEEDWAY RACERS not RIDES who need the track to be deep and gippy to have a chance, NOT SLICK WITH A ONE LINE RUBBER/CONCRETE STRIP ROUND THE BENDS.


PILE THE DIRT UP BY THE FENCE and then we might see some reall speedway - with the boys who have got all the skill in riding a bike winning rather than the ones who just hang on to a £4,000 a meeting speedway rocket.

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In agreement with everyone above. Had a great weekend, loved the atmosphere, loved mingling with speedway fans from everywhere, but the racing was poor. In a way I think the track was probably too good from a rider's point of view.


Apart from the 4th bend which cut up later on in the meeting, each rider could blast round quite comfortably at full throttle all the way, making it virtually impossible to overtake.


A good speedway track has to be banked and deep in dirt around the outside. Meaning at every bend the rider has the option of going on the speedier route (outside) or shorter route (inside). At Cardiff on Saturday the kerb was the only place to be.

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Atmosphere wasn't AS good as 2001 (last time I went) and do wish people would make more noise from their mouths and stop relying on their airhorns, yeh sure it sounds great to a certain extent but after a while it just makes your ears numb!! :roll:


Great atmosphere before and after, it's great seeing so many speedway fans all converging for one event, and it's great knowing 99% for certain that the police wouldn't be needed for any trouble, in the eyes of the Cardiff organisors and Cardiff police Speedway must get top marks 8)


Racing wasn't great but although there wasn't much passing there were some pretty close battles and I give full credit to Scott, Nicki and Jason for "not giving up" until the checquered flag was waved! :approve:


I agree about the parade, coming out through the tunnel is a much better way to do it, we can see the riders on the trucks any old time up and down the country :?


2001 marks>:>:8 out of 10

2003 marks>:>:6 out of 10

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Guest Becki

i didnt go this year but it looked rather dissapointing on last years which i did go to it just didnt seem as good and less people seemed to be there too

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