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Swedish Elitserien Fixture List 2006 Confirmed

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The Swedish Elitserien fixture list 2006


Round 1

2 May2006


VMS Elit - Vargarna

Bajen Speedway - Piraterna

Västervik - Masarna

Indianerna - Rospiggarna

Smederna - Luxo Stars


Round 2

9 May 2006


Vargarna - VMS Elit

Piraterna - Bajen Speedway

Masarna - Västervik

Rospiggarna - Indianerna

Luxo Stars - Smederna


Round 3

16 May 2006


Luxo Stars - Piraterna

Indianerna - VMS Elit

Bajen Speedway - Smederna

Vargarna - Masarna

Rospiggarna - Västervik


Round 4

23 May 2006


Piraterna - Luxo Stars

VMS Elit - Indianerna

Smederna - Bajen Speedway

Masarna - Vargarna

Västervik - Rospiggarna


Round 5

30 May 2006


Luxo Stars - Masarna

Piraterna - VMS Elit

Rospiggarna - Bajen Speedway

Vargarna - Västervik

Smederna - Indianerna


Round 6

6 June 2006


Masarna - Luxo Stars

VMS Elit - Piraterna

Bajen Speedway - Rospiggarna

Västervik - Vargarna

Indianerna - Smederna


Round 7

13 June 2006


Piraterna - Västervik

Rospiggarna - VMS Elit

Masarna - Smederna

Luxo Stars - Vargarna

Bajen Speedway - Indianerna


Round 8

20 June 2006


VMS Elit - Rospiggarna

Vargarna - Luxo Stars

Indianerna - Bajen Speedway

Smederna - Masarna

Västervik - Piraterna


Round 9

27 June 2006


Indianerna - Luxo Stars

Västervik - Bajen Speedway

VMS Elit - Smederna

Rospiggarna - Masarna

Piraterna - Vargarna


Round 10

4 July 2006


Luxo Stars - Indianerna

Bajen Speedway - Västervik

Smederna - VMS Elit

Masarna - Rospiggarna

Vargarna - Piraterna


Round 11

11 July 2006


Smederna - Vargarna

Masarna - Piraterna

Rospiggarna - Luxo Stars

Indianerna - Västervik

VMS Elit - Bajen Speedway


July 18 2006

Break for WTC


Round 12

25 July 2006


Vargarna - Smederna

Piraterna - Masarna

Luxo Stars - Rospiggarna

Västervik - Indianerna

Bajen Speedway - VMS Elit


Round 13

1 August 2006


Masarna - VMS Elit

Rospiggarna - Smederna

Luxo Stars - Västervik

Indianerna - Piraterna

Vargarna - Bajen Speedway


Round 14

8 August 2006


VMS Elit - Masarna

Smederna - Rospiggarna

Västervik - Luxo Stars

Piraterna - Indianerna

Bajen Speedway - Vargarna


Round 15

15 August 2006


Vargarna - Rospiggarna

Piraterna - Smederna

Masarna - Indianerna

VMS Elit - Västervik

Bajen Speedway - Luxo Stars


Round 16

22 August 2006


Rospiggarna - Vargarna

Smederna - Piraterna

Indianerna - Masarna

Västervik - VMS Elit

Luxo Stars - Bajen Speedway


Round 17

29 August 2006


Vargarna - Indianerna

Rospiggarna - Piraterna

Bajen Speedway - Masarna

Smederna - Västervik

VMS Elit - Luxo Stars


Round 18

5 September 2006


Indianerna - Vargarna

Piraterna - Rospiggarna

Masarna - Bajen Speedway

Västervik - Smederna

Luxo Stars - VMS Elit

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Tarabanko,any news on the financial situation in the Swedish leagues,particularly with Smederna? But how is the situation generally :unsure:



All Elitclubs included has a debt of 10 millions crownes, dont know how bad it is for each club though.

For Smederna it says that they are: - over 1 millions Swedish Crownes.


I think VMS Elit is the only club that has + in their economy.


I think most clubs has counted wrong then layed their budgetplans, in terms of attendance and to expensive contracts for riders.


Smederna for instance has cut down their wages for riders contracts with about 10% said Smedernas chairman yesterday. Smederna sold Nicki Pedersen and Jesper B Jensen to Bajen Speedway for 2006. I have heard Nicki Pedersen had 5000:- Crownes for each point so if he did take a heat win he cashed in : 15000:- Swedish Crownes and Nicki took many heatvictorys! So he was expensive very expensive. I think Smederna gave him a too good contract then he got World Champ, and has heard that he had the same the year after which I think is wrong. Ok for beeing good paid the beeing World Champ but then he left over the title he should have gone down in money. But this is just my thoughts.



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