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Sgp Qualification Rounds 2006 - Mercier's Letter

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Ladies & Gents,


The letter below has just landed in my inbox, courtesy of "SpeedwayA-Z" (http://www.speedwaya-z.cz/)








Dear Sir or Madam,


Following the approval from the FIM Management Council, the CCP is very pleased

to announce the reintroduction of the Qualification system for the Speedway

Grand Prix. In order to be able to start already in 2006, we would need your

kind co-operation.


We kindly request you to return to us the attached form duly completed and

signed. Please ensure that this information reaches the FIM Secretariat at the

latest by 18 November 2005.


This Qualifying system will consist of at least 2 Qualifying Rounds and a Grand

Final. We strongly suggest that you give priority to talented riders with SGP

capabilities and be realistic in the number of riders requested, because the

number of Qualifying Rounds is limited.


Full details and the exact number of meetings of this Championship will be

announced as soon as we know the exact numbers or riders requested by each

Federation as well as the interest shown by the organisers. The first three

riders from the Grand Final will be qualified for the 2007 Individual Speedway

World Championship Grand Prix (SGP).


You will also find attached the “Candidature for the Organisation of FIM

Championship or Prize without a promoter” form which has to be used if your

Federation is interested in organising a Qualifying Round or the Grand Final.

Please be aware that the dates for the Qualifying Rounds are 8 or 9 July 2006

and the date for the Grand Final is 19 or 20 August 2006. These dates are fixed

and cannot be modified. The deadline to send this document is also 18 November

2005 at the latest.


Thanking you in advance for your co-operation,


With our best regards,


Yours sincerely,




Christian MERCIER

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