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Wojaczek is just awful no question he should of seen the tapes did not go up properly and also Nicki had nothing to do with Gollob going down. But there was no need for Nicki to have a baby tantrum and say i am going to withdraw. Maybe Hans did bad as it was raining as know what he is like when there is a drop  :P

It's like a couple of months ago when he got excluded in a GP (can't remember which), he got on the phone to the ref and said summat along the lines of...

"If you don't put me back in I wil not be your friend..."!



FWIW, i thought the ref made the wrong decision regards the Nicki/Gollob incident. Compared to Cardiff he had a brilliant meeting though! And that's saying something! He really ought to be banned from refereeing in these competitions.


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Having had a great time with a group of Polish supporters at the Cardiff GP; similarly a good laugh with some Poles at the Swindon SWC round; and been served by a charming, friendly Polish girl at a (Chinese!) restaurant tonight, just to hear someone say that 'Poles are cheats' is something I find deeply offensive.

OK, you might have a gripe about a referee's decisions, or a rider's tactics, but don't equate that with the person's nationality. That's how Hitler started out.

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