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power corrupts.

Isn't the whole saying something like "Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely"?


Out on the track the riders all have the same opportunities and make split-second decisions. Similarly the referee doesn't have much time to deliberate over a decision. In many instances the referee must weigh-up each rider's proportion of the blame in a matter of seconds, even with the assistance of television replays (which aren't as conclusive as some portray them). It's not an exact science - the rider on the inside isn't always to blame, nor vice versa. The rider who is inches ahead can't simply do what he likes as some say - he still has to ride fairly and under control. I'm not saying I agree with the ref's decisions last night, but someone has to arbitrate, and it comes down to that person's opinion. The GP series was always intended to minimise the impact of a controversial exclusion or an engine failure. Pedersen can hardly claim to be persistently treated unfairly, and he'll get the third place in the championship that he deserves.

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The way I see it, he could have called both the Gollob/Pedersen incident and the Adams/Pedersen incident either way. Adams was perhaps a bit fortunate that it was on the first bend and could get away with all four back. But Pedersen was perhaps slightly unfortunate to be excluded but someone has to go, and in my opinion it was a 50/50 decision. There was clearly contact, but whether it was Nicki hitting Gollob or Gollob hitting Nicki I don't know.


What is it with Nicki and that fan thing anyway? He seems obsessed with it. :blink:


Err, back on track, the tapes incident I'm not going to blame the ref for as he is looking straight down the line of the tapes and I suppose cannot see them go up. I'm probably wrong, but still. Therefore, I assume that he just thought the two inside riders got a bad start. But, on that note, perhaps he should have consulted someone as to why that was the case and put on the red light. But there you go.


Just seems to me as though this bloke receives a lot of criticism for decisions when it could quite easily go either way. Yes, he's made a couple of wrong decisions but who hasn't? It's not like he's cheating.

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Everyone is entitled to his/her opinion, but it makes me feel sick when someone declares that "Poles are the ultimate cheats". What a disgusting, racist thing to say.

Then someone else calls Pedersen "the posing midget" - pathetic!

While it is a bit naff to make these sweeping statements, I am pretty sure Racism is about RACE, not nationality.

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While it is a bit naff to make these sweeping statements, I am pretty sure Racism is about RACE, not nationality.


It's actually an interesting point. Are the Poles the same "race" as the majority of members on this forum. Certainly Hitler and his cronies would have said not. The Poles, like the Czechs, Russians, Serbs and so on are Slavs while we are Germanic.

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Do you remember Frank Ebdon?? He was an cheat too - sometimes....


I read an article about Mr Ebdon some months ago. Apparently he was unpopular with some people, but not because he was, to use your term, a cheat.


On the contrary - his unpopularity with certain people, on both sides of the fence, was because he adhered strictly to the rules as written in the official rulebook.


He did not operate according to the rulebook of convenience.

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sorry but the poles have taken it too far now, the officials, the riders.


Time to ban them from all competition outside of their own country.


Blimey, and there was me thinking that we speedway supporters were a nice friendly bunch. How wrong was I? What a strange thing to say - sour grapes from a GB supporter after teh SWC perhaps? Before I get letters I should say that I am a GB supporter who was absolutely gutted that we didn't get a medal in the SWC but the Poles are/were quite simply superb. And who can honestly say that they haven't urged their rider to stay down to get a re-run, or been ecstatic when dodgy refereeing decisions have gone their way. 'Nuff said on that one from me.


The refereeing decisions were quite - how shall I put it - Interesting. But nothing that I wouldn't have expected from the ref (as he appeared to be the same one from Cardiff) or any other ref these days.


Yes, I agree that Mr Clean was very lucky in the first run of that heat, and that Nicky P probably got the rough end of the deal in the re-run, but even my hubby and I took different sides in that decision (I was with the ref, he wasn't) so it must have been incredibly hard for him to make it - although he did seem a tad quick on the exclusion lights, to be fair. I wonder how the meeting would have gone had they not had all the rain and had to do all the extensive damage limitation to the track?

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sorry but the poles have taken it too far now, the officials, the riders.


Time to ban them from all competition outside of their own country.


Utter nonsense!


If you persist in flaring up like that, Flaired [Flawed?] Ric you'll ignite that rocket on your avatar.


Extinguish your ire, brother, extinguish your ire!!

Edited by BertHoven
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Isn't the whole saying something like "Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely"?


Out on the track the riders all have the same opportunities and make split-second decisions. Similarly the referee doesn't have much time to deliberate over a decision. In many instances the referee must weigh-up each rider's proportion of the blame in a matter of seconds, even with the assistance of television replays (which aren't as conclusive as some portray them). It's not an exact science - the rider on the inside isn't always to blame, nor vice versa. The rider who is inches ahead can't simply do what he likes as some say - he still has to ride fairly and under control. I'm not saying I agree with the ref's decisions last night, but someone has to arbitrate, and it comes down to that person's opinion. The GP series was always intended to minimise the impact of a controversial exclusion or an engine failure. Pedersen can hardly claim to be persistently treated unfairly, and he'll get the third place in the championship that he deserves.


Well, my Mozartian friend, I compliment you on a fair and reasoned comment. You have my wholehearted support. Though I often make humorous comments on this forum about referees, in all seriousness and sincerity I respect them and I realise they have an extremely difficult task


I'm reminded of a post-race incident at Belle Vue some weeks ago. Andy Smith had a particularly bad night. In one of his later rides as the riders circled the track on the way to the pits one man was vociferously making known his opinion of Mr Smith's performance. Andy parked his bike opposite the ignoramous and removed his helmet. He then strolled over to the man handed him the helmet, pointed to the machine and said words to the effect of 'If you can do better, mate, be my guest'!


I think that incident summarises both situations.

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I'm a big fan of Gollob (needless to say ;)) but the first Wojaczek's decision was wrong - Gollob should have been excluded as there was no contact between him and Pedersen. Tomek tried to overtake Pedersen in outside but just slipped there. Me and the whole white-red pub ;) were really surprised when Wojaczek kicked out Pedersen. However, we didn't mind it much too B)


The second decision (Hampel & Gollob) - was IMHO right. A typical first curve situation for all 4 back.

Edited by Mateusz
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Wojaczek is just awful no question he should of seen the tapes did not go up properly and also Nicki had nothing to do with Gollob going down. But there was no need for Nicki to have a baby tantrum and say i am going to withdraw. Maybe Hans did bad as it was raining as know what he is like when there is a drop :P

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