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Aussie Dates - Nov '05 - March 06


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List below - obviously I'll update / amend as and when I receive further news.


Updated at 2/11/05




12: Murray Bridge (SA)

Wingfield (SA) - Sidewinders U/16 teams

Pioneer Park (QLD) - 2005 Qld Sidecar Title

Myrtleford (Vic) - Vic v NSW Challenge 1

Somersby (NSW) NSW Under 16 Champs 2nd rnd

Latrobe - (TAS)

13: Broadford (VIC) SSRAV Club Day

Moruya (NSW)

19: Gillman (SA) - Ivan Mauger Golden Helmet Series

Tamworth (NSW)

Hobart (TAS)

20: Barleigh Ranch (NSW) - Longtrack

26: Mildura (VIC) - Vic Under 16 solo champs plus Ivan Mauger Golden Helmet series

Gosford (NSW)

Kurri Kurri (NSW) - NSW Under 16 Champs 3rd Rnd

Murray Bridge (SA)

Wingfield (SA) - SA Under 16 Champs

Ayr - Brandon (Qld) - Dirt Track / Speedway

Bunbury (WA) - WA Solo Champs 1st Rnd

27: Wingfield (SA) - Sidewinders Under 16 practice day




02: Wingfield Park (SA) - Sidewinders U/16 meeting

03: Gillman (SA) – Shane Parker Testimonial

Undera (VIC) – Opening meeting

Geraldton (WA) - WA Solo Champs 2nd Rnd PLUS Ed Blakeney Sidecar Memorial

04: Moruya (NSW)

10: Mildura (VIC)

Moruya (NSW)

Murray Bridge (SA)

Wingfield (SA) - Sidewinders Under 16 Xmas meeting

Labrador (QLD) - Qld Solo Champs

11: Broadford (VIC) – SSRAV Club day

16: Kwinana (WA) - Senior Solos

17: Gillman (SA) – SA Solo Championships

Ayr - Pioneer Park (QLD)

Geraldton (WA) - 2005 WA Sidecar Champs

18: Broadford (VIC) - SSRAV Practice

26: Moana (NSW) – Heartland Raceway (to be confirmed)

27: Moruya (NSW)

28: Wayville (SA)

29: Gosford (NSW) – NSW Solo Champs (TBC)

30: Wingfield (SA) – Aussie Under 16 Champs practice




01: Wingfield (SA) – Aussie Under 16 Solo Champs

02: Wingfield (SA) – Aussie Under 16 Pairs Champs

04: Gillman (SA) - Aussie Champs Qualifier

06: Gillman (SA) – Aussie Solo Champs – Round 1

07: Undera (VIC) – Victorian Sidecar Champs

Gosford (NSW) – NSW Sidecar Champs

Murray Bridge (SA)

Hobart (TAS)

08: Mildura (VIC) – Aussie Solo Champs – Round 2

12: Gosford (NSW) – Aussie Solo Champs – Round 3

14: Mildura (VIC) – Sidecar Shoot Out

Newcastle (NSW) – Aussie Solo Champs – Round 4

21: Broadford (VIC) – Victorian Solo Champs

Gillman (SA) – Sidecar Spectacular

Moruya (NSW)

Pioneer Park (QLD)

Labrador - Qld Under 21 Champs

27: Gosford (NSW) – Aussie Sidecar Champs Practice

28: Mildura (VIC)

Gosford (NSW) – Aussie Sidecar Champs

Wingfield (SA) - Sidewinders Under 16 teams





03: Gillman (SA) - Aussie Under 21 Champs Qualifier

04: Gosford (NSW)

Gillman (SA) – Aussie Under 21 Champs

11: Gippsland (Vic) - Neil Street Cup (Juniors)

Wingfield (SA) - Sidewinders Under 16s Birthday meeting

Labrador (Qld)

12: Broadord (VIC) – SSRAV Club day

18: Undera (VIC) – Solo Cup

Gosford (NSW)

Gillman (SA) - Jack Young Cup)

Murray Bridge (SA)

Ayr - Pioneer Park (QLD)

25: Mildura (VIC) – Masters

Wingield (SA) - Sidewinders under 16s teams

Hobart (TAS)

26: Moruya (NSW)

Edited by Bryn
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Dates updated today -

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Nice to see a couple of Tasmanian tracks hosting the solos again. However, on the other hand there are not a lot of WA dates on the list, except for a couple of sidecar events at Geraldton. Will there be solo speedway at Kwinana this year?

And, there seems to be no more solo action in the Northern Teritory? Does Darwin still have some Solo speedway?


But there's one more track I have never heard about - Moruya (NSW) - where is that? Is it a new track? Who is running it?

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Maybe Ozyace could provide some info regarding racedates in WA? And I'll try and get some info regarding Moruya.

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Guest Sir Lunchalot

Moruya is a car track that is running bikes for a bit of variety I think. Moruya is on the south coast of NSW down Narooma / Batemans Bay way.


Their website ie http://www.ovaltrack.net/surfair/index.htm and its all cars, sprintcars etc. They had some bike racing at one meeting last year that must have been well received so looks like they are doing it again. I spoke to someone who rode there and as far as bikes are concerned I don't think it's high on his list of best speedway tracks he has ridden.


As for Hobart I read on the Gillman website http://www.gillmanspeedway.com/release.asp?NewsId=16198 that it's the Ivan Mauger Golden Helmet series going to Hobart which is good to see. As for local Tasmanian solos go they have only two or three regular solo riders. I managed to sit next to the partners of two of the riders at a meeting in Victoria last year and they said it's basically the two riders managing to squeeze in a few races during car meetings in Hobart. They have more sidecar boys over there than solos and they race on a bike track inside the car track. From memory the sidecar boys from Tassie were a bit daunted riding on the mainland on a track with a fence right next to it !!

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  ricepicker said:
hi, i am a coventry bees fan who has moved to aussi just recently and just wanted to say thanks for posting the dates, as there is not much in the way of REAL speedway info in SA!

thanks again.


Jane Collier produces an excellent newsletter type magazine throughout the year called "Sideways" ricepicker. It costs only $30 (AUS) for 18 issues and you can subscribe by sending a cheque / money order to Jane at PO Box 526 Templestowe Vic 3106.


Another excellent source of info is Craig fordham's excellent website at: http://www.ausm.info/



Edited by Bryn
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Guest Sir Lunchalot

Yes he is Ricepicker. I hear his first meeting back will be at the Shane Parker meeting on December 3rd at Gillman. You are lucky at Gillman this year, you've got the Shane Parker meeting, SA titles, qualifying (Wed) and 1st round (Fri) for the Oz titles, and then the Oz U21's. Adelaide is definitely the place to be this summer for speedway.

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Guest Sir Lunchalot

When in doubt go to the mans website !!


Taken from Rory's diary


"A couple of weeks ago, I packed up my racing equipment to send back home to Australia for the coming 2006 Australian championships. I have been notified that I am an automatic starter for the event, so I have been able to plan almost all details in relation to the tour of Australia, in Adelaide, Mildura, Gosford and Newcastle in January 2006. I am obviously going to feel a bit out of touch and certainly not race fit, after so long out of action but Im sure it wont take too long to get back into the swing of things.


I've been asked by Shane Parker to ride in his Australian Testimonial on December 3rd and also the SA Championships being run on 17th December, so that's all the practice I'm going to get before going into the Championships."

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Looking forward to Shane's big night out on December 3rd. NOT so sure that I'm looking forward to the following morn though! :wink::P

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Guest Sir Lunchalot

Probably be no problems with the report fairy4ever as I heard that after the meeting they were just going to have a nice quiet cup of tea and a bit of a chat and then be safely tucked up fast asleep in their own beds by midnight :unsure:

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Lunchy I have never had cause to doubt anything you have posted on the forum before but how can you come on here and blatantly lie to us poor unsuspecting fans about the Aussie riders

To quote a Ricky Tomlinson line from the royle familyTucked up in bed my a**e

Cheers Mick aka Fat Tractor Man :D:D

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Now I'm sure that Shane P will ensure that MM and I remain persectly shober that night! :P


Calendar updated today btw.

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Guest Sir Lunchalot

One small clarification in regards to the fixture list Bryn.


The meeting at Myrtleford on the 12th November IS a teams event between Vic & NSW, but the meeting at Broadford the next day IS NOT a teams event even though the NSW boys will be riding at both meetings. On the Sunday the format will be the usual individual events as is the norm on the SSRAV club days although with more races scheduled as you would expect with the extra numbers. It should still be an excellent day though.


Just in case anyone in the Sth East corner of Oz is intending to head to Broadford expecting a teams event I thought I'd like to clarify. There will still be the free BBQ afterwards though !!

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