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Scandinavian GP - Meeting comments

Guest Shale Eater

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I thought that was as fair a result as you were gonna get tonight. Crump was the best rider, Jonsson the 2nd best and TRick the 3rd best, and the result showed that. Quite ironic that the 2 GPs Tony hasn't won this season have been in his home country...! I think to be honest, with Crump being 2nd all those years previous to him winning the WC, winning it was always gonna kinda affect him the following year. And I think it has this year. He's been more inconsistent this year, and Tony has walked the series easily. Jason has shown glimpses, like last night, and if he can consistently get the form he showed last night back into his GP performances, I have no doubt that he will be WC again next season, or at least be there or thereabouts going into the final meeting.

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I thin that Scandinavian GP was vwery exciting, esepcially in 2nd part because of track......

It was very dirt :)

I haven`t seen so dirt track on GP for a long time....




Exactly :approve:


The meeting was great because they were forced to dump extra dirt to make the track raceable. Had it been fine all day we would have had the usual commentary about a slick track and hopefully the racing improving as the dirt moves out later in the meeting :neutral:


Make it deep from the start :)

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A special mention for the real stars of tonight and that's the track staff at malilla. That's two years running that European track staff have made a silk purse out of a pig's ear. Last season it was Prague and this season Malilla. Heavy ran around the start time of the GP a bit of track work after the rain stops and hey presto a superb racing circuit. Now why isn't it like that in dear old Blighty? Different material?





That should, according to the old adage, read 'a silk purse from a sow's ear'.

At GP meetings the 'pigs ears' are traditionally made by................you know who!

Edited by BertHoven
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You've got to remember I'm a Mongol and I sometimes make errors with your little English sayings.

Interestingly, following on from Ace no.5 comments about both TR's GP defeats coming in his home country, both were also won from the unfavoured gate 3 in the final. Actually, the best two GPs of the series this year have been raced in Sweden.

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damn and blast i had a couple of quid on Andreas to win at odds of 14 to 1, i still can not understand why he chose to ride the final going around the inside, normally he gets out in front and rides as wide as possible!! still he provided plenty of entertainment, Nicholls is getting better however his gating lets him down when he gets to the semi's.


Oh and i also felt sorry for pedersen as well whch is very very very rare.



Not merely rare, Noble Knight, gadzooks 'tis nought but unique!

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Bet Sky are asking exactly the same thing!


Amazing stuff by their track staff though. what a slick show to watch. Next time I see a decrepit old tractor ambling around a track making no difference whatsover I'll remember tonight!


Hey Bunny,


You'll not see it at Belle Vue! Tony Mole bought Colin Meredith two new tractors and other equipment as an arriving present.

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damn and blast i had a couple of quid on Andreas to win at odds of 14 to 1, i still can not understand why he chose to ride the final going around the inside, normally he gets out in front and rides as wide as possible!! still he provided plenty of entertainment, Nicholls is getting better however his gating lets him down when he gets to the semi's.


Oh and i also felt sorry for pedersen as well whch is very very very rare.


I had at tenner on him to mate, why he didnt move out was beyond me if he had he would not of been passed.

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What a decision by the Polish Ref to exclude Pedersen- how can decisions like that be allowed deprived niki of money,needs completely revamping and needs new blood in it Stead Zagar and Janusz k for starters the gps are very boring now the refs are being so bias.

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I'm not by any means anti-Nikkii Pederson. I'm just wondering where all the Pedersen knockers have gone. Possibly back into the woodwork.


As I didn't see the GP I can't comment on the incident which has excited so much pro-Pedersen comment.

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I think the Pedersen-Gollob incident saw the correct decision made.

Its funny how Gollob rides virtually over Simon Stead in the WTC and nothing happens and then Nicki passes Gollob on his inside which you could have driven a bus through without any contact and the Polish ref excluded Nicki.

There is too much pressure put on a Polish ref if he has to make a decision regarding Polands highest paid sportsman.

Is there a rule in Polish Speedway where you get excluded for overtaking Gollob??

Edited by Eastie
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yup :D

more dirt tracks and bomber will be world champ in no time :D


might want to wait until after the world cup before you say things like that.

unless of course you want to look like a muppet after next week, in which case..... CONGRATULATIONS! :wink:


Surely you're not suggesting Harris is playing catch up too often against the top riders :blink:

Edited by Finchy
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I'm a TRick fan so it in one respect it doesn't matter to me that nobody has been able to touch him this year, I'm glad he has (all but) got that record equaling sixth title.


As you point out Crump isn't a million miles away from where he was this time last year, and all credit to him.


My original point wasn't aimed soley at Crump, all I was suggesting was that it would have been better from and entertainment point of view, if the series had been closer.

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Thought there was some cracking racing on display with certain riders going over the edge on occasions but that is what made the meeting exciting and what will get the sport the publicity it needs.


The Pedersen/Gollob and Andersen/Lindback battles were great too watch. As someone else has said it was great watching Andersen and Lindback trying to kill each other with their moves in one heat and Gollob and Perdersen going at it hammer and tong. It was great too watch and provided tremendous excitement. Some other moves like Andersen on Nicholls and Crump on Gollob added to the meeting and made it a cracking GP. We need this sort of action on a regular occurance and to see riders getting emotional like Nicki. Great GP. More of the same hard and sometimes dangerous riding with evey rider not giving an inch.

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Lee Richardson is pathetic has to go! :angry: He wins heat 1 and he could go onto win the meeting, what crap, millard hasn't got a clue! Surely BSI have to do what is right for the GP's next year and have a field full of top line quality riders, even if that means there being more riders init from one country than another (e.g.Denmark to Britain). Riders out - Richardson, Sullivan, Chrzanowski,Andersen.

Riders in - Zagar, Iversen, Bjerre and Lindgren.

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Lee Richardson is pathetic has to go!  :angry: He wins heat 1 and he could go onto win the meeting, what crap, millard hasn't got a clue! Surely BSI have to do what is right for the GP's next year and have a field full of top line quality riders, even if that means there being more riders init from one country than another (e.g.Denmark to Britain). Riders out - Richardson, Sullivan, Chrzanowski,Andersen.

Riders in - Zagar, Iversen, Bjerre and Lindgren.


That's rather harsh without knowing the full facts. I'd take the Pole out and put Zagar in, Han's must be in, sickly Lee R probably, plus A N Other.

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I agree with Ivan Mauger. Make them qualify. It's a nonsense dicussing who should be in next year in this way. When I see this it makes me realise how correct Ivan was in his assumption that it will no longer be a legitimate World Championship.

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