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W T C Averages

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By my reckoning, the WTC 2005 averages for the four finalists were as follows:




T Gollob..10.67

G Walasek..10.00

J Hampel..9.87

P Protasiewicz..8.80

R Holta..8.53

K Kasprzak..5.60




A Jonsson..8.80

T Rickardsson..7.27

A Lindback..6.40

F Lindgren..5.78

P Karlsson..4.80




H Andersen..7.25

N Pedersen..6.82

N-K Iversen..6.57

B Pedersen..6.29

C Gjedde..5.60

K Bjerre..4.89


Great Britain


L Richardson..9.82

C Harris..6.67

S Stead..6.55

S Nicholls..6.55

J Screen..4.50


They sort of underline the total domination of this year's competition by the Poles.

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  Subedei said:
L Richardson..9.82

C Harris..6.67

S Stead..6.55

S Nicholls..6.55

J Screen..4.50

Well there you have it. Richardson is a waste of space, Stead and Harris are out of their depth and Scott Nicholls is a super star :blink:


I think we have to look at the bottom 2 if we want to point fingers.

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  Subedei said:
By my reckoning, the WTC 2005 averages were as follows:




Great Britain


L Richardson..9.82

C Harris..6.67

S Stead..6.55

S Nicholls..6.55

J Screen..4.50




Chris Harris and Simon Stead only headed in the English team by Lee Richardson, a GP rider and ahead of Scott Nicholls, also a GP man. Well done, indeed


As for Mr Screen- he still has much to offer Belle Vue but as, I feared before the tournament even began, his days as an international are behind him. I'm sad about that.

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  Subedei said:
In fairness, Scott Nicholls has the same average as Stead. The only reason Stead's above him is because I felt like putting Stead above him.


OK Subei, message received and understood. I always like to be fair.

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The interesting thing about that is that while we all talk about how well Lee Richardson done, he would have been fourth in Poland's averages.

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  shirls said:
  Subedei said:

In fairness, Scott Nicholls has the same average as Stead. The only reason Stead's above him is because I felt like putting Stead above him.



I think Stead deserves to be put above him. :D


Why? we're talking statistics not feelings. Statistics take no account of emotion!

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  Subedei said:
Great Britain


L Richardson..9.82

C Harris..6.67

S Stead..6.55

S Nicholls..6.55

J Screen..4.50

Hmm, to be fair, Screeny is getting a bit old. He's still got it in him to race Elite, but not exactly a Team GB rider IMO. Scott Nicholls.......very surprising result. I thought he might have been looking towards 10....he is the best in Britain and a 6.55 average is not his best. Steady and Bomber......very very pleasing. They did superb at Swindon, and never stopped trying at the final. And Richardson......better than the GP, he was this year's star. Not the averages I expected, but still a pleasing start to the younger twos careers with Team GB. The Poles deserved it more than anyone though :(

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  • 2 weeks later...
  tigerblues said:
Hmm, to be fair, Screeny is getting a bit old.


Blimey, too old for the World Cup at 32!!


No, let's just say that Joe reached his peak earlier in his career than most riders.


Still, congratulations to TRick, 35 yesterday, and still a World Champion!

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  Ace no.5 said:
I'd say Steady probably rode better than Nicholls.  Steady got cut up twice in the Final alone, and perhaps should have been allowed to score more points than he did...!


But yeah, the averages are still identical.



Agree, this is why i would have put him above Scotty.

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