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Thank goodness that the superb racing of the World Cup was not ruined by the appalling commentary of Tony Millard - the man with the minute vocabulary!


And why doesn't Sky send Sophie Wotsername on a 'How To Interview' course? She continually shows bias. She is only marginally less inept than Steve Brandon when - for some unknown reason - they give him the pit microphone. He will insist on calling his rider interviewees 'mate'.


Shame about Team Great Britain though (or, as I prefer to call them: England!). No matter how you cut it or what excuses are made, England - just like the soccer team - does not have the talent or firepower to compete. Yes, I know the Swindon perfomance was great against the odds. But how many generations before Peter Oakes's youth policy puts us in with a chance against the others?



Edited by Vintageman
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I think that you will find that doing live commentary is a very difficult thing do do, the next time you watch it on Sky, turn the sound down, record your own commentary, play it back, and see if you are better! :)

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And why doesn't Sky send Sophie Wotsername on a 'How To Interview' course? She continually shows bias. She is only marginally less inept than Steve Brandon when - for some unknown reason - they give him the pit microphone. He will insist on calling his rider interviewees 'mate'.


I'd guess Brandon is the "official" pits interviewer for BSI and the FIM.

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  SCB said:
Yes, England now :D


When they win next season they'll be back to good ol' Team GB :D  :P


Unless they import someone from the colonies [i.e. Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland] they'll always be the English team, whatever official name they are given.

Edited by BertHoven
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What bugged me about Sophie Blake is that she showed absolutely s0d all consideration for the riders whose English is not superb.


Using vocab and sky slang that, if a German person was using to me, I would never have understood! She didn't even bother to slow down!! She said she would and then rattled off at the usual pace, leaving the poor rider bemused and feeling like a right prat.


It's quite clear that she's never bothered her backside to try and learn a foreign language. :mad:

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What I do like is the way Gollob, when she introduces a difficult word (for someone not confident - which was usually the word - with English) into a question, just guesses at what she's asking and says whatever he feels like.

Edited by Subedei
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Can't people just be happy with whatever name we have and support us. Does it really matter ? :unsure:


And as for the debate - sky do a decent job and sophie is verrrrrry nice :P so who cares what she says!


And Shortoi - chill! Speaking slower wouldn't have helped poor old Mr. Walasek! Point is - sophie isn't going to go, she is too popular.

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  Subedei said:
What I do like is the way Gollob, when she introduces a difficult word (for someone not confident - which was usually the word - with English into a question, just guesses at what she's asking and says whatever he feels like.


It's a good technique. :wink: It's what I did in Germany.


Had some interesting results though. For example:


Laura: "When did you get your mobile phone?"

Me: "I broke mine, so I gave birth to this one."


Or, even better:


Laura: "You look cold, would you like to borrow my coat?"

Me: "Why? Are you frigid?"


Or my friend:


Romana (the German girl): "What would you like to do?"

Anyetta (English): "I eat my own flesh."


Oh dear! :oops: :oops: :oops:

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  Silver Cheetah said:
And Shortoi - chill! Speaking slower wouldn't have helped poor old Mr. Walasek! Point is - sophie isn't going to go, she is too popular.


I think it would have done! Changing the vocab and slowing it down can work wonders. I'm sure he would have understood things like:


"Do you feel good?"

"Is the track ok?"


"Do you think you will win?"


He obviously understood those words individually, but when they were thrown at him at speed with big words like "confidence", "exceptional" or slang terms like "on fire" it becomes much more difficult!

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What bugged me about Sophie Blake is that she showed absolutely s0d all consideration for the riders whose English is not superb.


my theory is they can all understand what she is saying but they are to busy looking down her top to take any notice of what she is asking and so make something up based on one of the few words they picked up, and who can blame them?

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  Silver Cheetah said:
And Shortoi - chill! Speaking slower wouldn't have helped poor old Mr. Walasek! Point is - sophie isn't going to go, she is too popular.


Slowing down and using easier words makes a lot of difference. Of course it does. And why is it 'poor old Mr Walasek'? I reckon it's 'poor old Sophie' for not having the brains to realise this.


You also find that the same people who can't understand why other peple can't speak perfect English tend to make a funny face, safrican american, or go 'Ooookkkaaaaayyyy' if ever someone speaks fluently in another language other than English, as if doing so makes you some kind of retard.


Typical English reaction to johnny foreigner I'm afraid.

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Sophie's best effort had to be the one that went something like:


T Gollob: "Not today important, is Saturday."

S Blake: "You're that confident of making it through to the final?"

T Gollob: "Sorry, what is confident?"

S Blake: "So, you're that confident of making it through to the final?"

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