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Swc The Final

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Okay, to return - again - to the Gollob-Stead incident. I don't believe Tomasz Gollob was in "two minds" at all. He's got one thing on his mind and that's taking the wide line. He's built up incredible speed going round the 1st-2nd turns and down the straight, he's planning to keep it wide open and pass Stead around the outside. Then entering the turn he realises Stead's not going to stop coming wider and has to take evasive action to prevent a catastrophe. That leads people into think Gollob was considering a switch to the inside, but, in my view, it's just a desperate attempt to slow down and control a machine that, as many have posted, was going like a rocket last night. Gollob prevented a massive incident with, well, probably a mixture of luck and skill.

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Right, just got back from Wrocław, a bit tired after 4-days marathon but oh well :rolleyes:



First, well done Poles. Second, well done Lee Richardson and Simon Stead. Poles were superb, although it made a meeting a bit boring in the end (not for me, i was celebrating since heat 20 :approve: ). Lee Richardson showed what he can once again - i told you he is a good rider. Simon was very brave and ambitious. Scotty didn't practice before final so I would say what happened is his fault.


The atmosphere was fantastic. We had a very good place and lots of Polish fans around us. It was really fantastic. Me and Nikki bought flags to wave, we also got some paper rolls to throw them during the presentation :approve:


I really enjoyed the race-off and the final. I want to repeat it next year! Apart from great racing, so many lovely and friendly people met.


...again Well done Poles! We're the champions of the world! :approve:

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I won't waste my time explaining Stead's 'standard' line into the turn again and therefore Gollob's 'plan' but Gollob often charges into the turn on a tight line while overtaking.


And yet when he did overtake Stead it was via a similar move to the one I suggest he was going to use on the 1st lap.

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I suggest you now do me the courtesy of watching the race again and confirming, as usual, that I was right all the time.


I've watched it about 10 times so far. I don't think I'll change my mind.

Hey, we're never going to agree on this one. You believe you're right and that's your right. It's - at the minute - a free country. What say we agree, to disagree?


(remember what you said about Ipswich?)



And I also remember what you said about Swindon. And Swindon have just been beaten at home by Eastbourne. So, I fancy we're both wrong.

Edited by Subedei
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SL we will have to disagree on one thing here ......... Gary Havelock  :o


Agreed there mate.


Personally I think Midlo should stay and start to rebuild now for the future. We should be getting right behind him because I think he has the credentials to try and get the best out of the riders. At the end of the day, he has no control over the riders once on track or their equipment!

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Following the Poles race-off performance, most felt the final was a foregone conclusion and so it turned out. Our boys gave it a good shot and had luck been on our side a podium place. The polish riders and after experiencing the obvious pride and patriotism of the polish people, fully deserved their win, congratulations to them.

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Anyway, I think I have found you a volunteer to join you in the re-enactment. BWitcher seems to be of the opinion that Steady was not inconvenienced by having a 500cc motor bike ram him on one wheel in the middle of his back from behind at 80mph while riding on a dirt track on a bike with no brakes!!


So here is the plan BWitcher on a bicycle in front and you charge into him from behind raising your front wheel into his back. If that feels okay move onto the moped etc. I can’t wait to hear of the result!


No, this is the plan.


Watch the race again.


Who is the rider that lose at least FIFTY yards and all momentum.. hmmm..


Try taking the Nigel Pearson glasses off before you watch it too.

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Well I’ve just read through this lot and please don’t jump on me for thinking happy thoughts but……

The Poles were always going to win the final, no question. I did feel we could have got silver or bronze, which, with the make up of the team and the Poles being so dominant I’d have been happy with. In reality we were very much on a par with the Swedes and the Danes. Only Scotty’s E/F forced us into last, and Screeny would have been replaced with someone more effective had injuries not kicked in on the lead up to the tournament. If we had had the smallest of changes in fortune and finished second, would the general tone of the posts be any different. I think so.

Now looking to next year. Poland will only ever win the SWC in Poland and we this year were evenly matched against the other nations on show. Hopefully without injuries we should be stronger next year, so why can’t we be optimistic about achieving something next time?


Also on the incidents….

I’m absolutely amazed how it can be said the Gollob/Stead and Jonsson/Stead incidents could not seen to be anything other than dangerous.

The ONLY thing that made these appear ok was the fact that no one came down. That is no defence.

So Gollob only impeded himself by running into Stead. How could the ref know that Stead’s bike wasn’t bent or damaged from the impact or the rider himself not phased by the incident? A damaged bike won’t ride the same and would/could have affected his riding. Stead’s rear mudguard was smashed on impact. It wasn’t intentional by Gollob, most incidents aren’t, but that no defence. Gollob would have passed Stead anyway during the race as he was on top form, but that’s no defence.


The Jonsson/Stead incident was about five inches short of a Pedersen/Hancock re-enactment.


To focus the mind the only thing you need to do in relation to these incidents is watch in your minds eye, Stead go down. Then play referee and tell me who in all honesty you would exclude.

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Phew, just back from Wroclaw after stopping off in Berlin, which just happened to be holding a beer festival.


To be honest I don't know what it came over like on the TV but live this was one of the most boring meetings I have been to in a long time - 25 heats of gate and turn the power on for four laps. The only passing I can remember came when someone on a slower bike gated and the others then reeled him in.


With regards to the Brits:-


Joe - Machinery problems combined with the fact that his best days at this level look long gone meant that he was just a (big) fish out of water. Only a floppy-esque transformation can turn Joe's career round.


Simon - I was really impressed with him, competitive in each race and gave the impression to me (and the Poles around us) that with top level equipment he can sustain a career at this level.


Scott - Afraid to say it, cos I really like the guy and he's really gone well for Cov this year, but when it comes to the big occasion he just ain't at the races. Easily good enough but needs to get his preparation, gating and head sorted so that he can consistently perform at GPs and World Cups. One good performance per year at world level is just not good enough mate. Sort yourself out.


Lee - Was magnificent in Wroclaw. Somehow though this just proves my point about the track, now Lee's got his machinery sorted he was able to stay in front after his characteristically good gating. Take nothing away from him though for Swindon and Wroclaw.


Bomber - Again not up to it at this level but for him you can add the word YET. Worth him riding for the experience but this was never going to be his track and it showed. Did enough at Swindon to justify is place and needs to continue this year's improvement. If so he'll be alright too.



Overall, I'd say we weren't too far behind the Swedes and Danes - both of their jokers scored more than ours - and all three number 1s had 'mares. The Poles were inspired and pretty much invincible on their own power track and I guess we all knew that it would take something special to get anywhere near them.


Still the beer was only 70p a pint......

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Lee - Was magnificent in Wroclaw. Somehow though this just proves my point about the track, now Lee's got his machinery sorted he was able to stay in front after his characteristically good gating. Take nothing away from him though for Swindon and Wroclaw.



Still the beer was only 70p a pint......


You must have made the most of the 70p scoops, as you seem to have totally missed Lee's last to first in heat 6!! :mad:

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I meant to comment on what a great place Wroclaw was with it's squares (along with eateries, bars and outside entertainment), shopping centre, cheap transport, historic buildings (Panorama von Raclawice was very impressive), ice cream parlour and classy but cheap hotels. I even tried the piwo, Piast anyone! and apart from the black bits floating on top it was ok, liked the polish blackcurrant juice best mind :)


Found the Polish people pretty friendly, especially the speedway fans, although had a little trouble being understood by those in the train station grrrrrr. The tram journey back to the hotel after the final was loud to say the least hehehe. And how patriotic they were, singing out Polska, their national anthem and thank you to the riders after the win, brought a lump to my throat, how I wanted it to be us brits, one day eh ;)


Most unusual thing I noticed was how the Polish people love their whole sunflower seeds, the mess left behind at their feet at the stadium was incredible LOL, I wondered why nearly every allotment/garden/field had sunflowers growing in them!

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