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And Stead chose that line when Gollob eventually passed him, but Gollob still went around the outside of him. Stead obviously left no room whatsoever. The only rider truly inconvenienced by the incident was Gollob himself. He almost came to a complete stop and Stead built up a lead of about quarter of a lap.

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"Foul, unfair or dangerous riding

A rider may be excluded from a heat if they indulge in foul, unfair or dangerous conduct. When such conduct jeopardises the fair chance of another rider and/or team, the heat may be stopped and a re-run ordered."


Now if you think that riding into the back of another rider at around 80mph on the fastest part of the track is not dangerous perhaps you should find a partner and try it sometime.


Lost a Cog..me thinks you need to take your blinkers off. That was a racing incident last night, Gollob was on the outside line all the way down the straight, getting up speed no doubt to make a passing manouevre past one or more riders around the 3rd/4th turns. If you watch Steady, he switches from the inside of the straight, right out to the fence - the first thing Gollob probably knew was the split second before he hit Simon - his view possibly even obscured by the other riders in the race. Quite how you expect Gollob to cut his speed from 80mph as you so vividly describe to zilch in a nanosecond without TG either putting himself through the fence or taking out the other 2 riders in the race is beyond me. It was, pure and simple a racing accident and certainly contained no foul, unfair or dangerous riding which would imply a planned move and somehow I don't think Gollob would actually want to plant himself up Steady's backside!! 'Fraid to say it but that now makes more than 2 posts where you've been wrong! :P

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I also don't see what the problem was, as only Gollob was inconvenienced by the collision. He went on to win the race through Steady's inexperience on the track, not through dangerous riding or gaining an advantage.


It seems a bit like sour grapes to me.

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99% of riders with a clear track enter the turn along the same line that Stead chose in the race with Gollob. In fact I would say 99.9%, you rarely, if ever see a rider leading choose to enter the turn from anywhere but adjacent to the fence.


So to answer you question, Gollob could and should have anticipated where Stead was going.


Now I know you've lost the plot...so that means no rider would ever attempt to come from behind and pass another rider on the outside around a bend. In addition I'm of plenty of tracks and individual races where riders would take/have taken a bend differently - your theory is flawed. As for Gollob knowing that is what would have happened, well Gollob made that same move more than once in both the run-off and last night's meeting and it was only this race where there was an incident...if what you said was remotely true then he would have had big problems. Hehe....fine weekend fun...next! ;)

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1 Have you ever been to a speedway meeting?


2 If you do just make a note of how many riders leading a race enter the turn from anywhere but adjacent to the fence and then tell me I am wrong.


3 "Lost a cog" Now that made me smile :D


1. Have you? :rolleyes:


2. You are wrong. Ever seen Mark Loram ride a big track going in close to the line and then squaring off a corner because he can get more straight line speed? Just one example. Going out wide to the fence every time is fine but leaves a rider open to another steaming up the inside a la Nicki Pedersen style.


3. Good, I aim to please. ;)

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The referee hasn't done anything wrong regarding Stead.


Don't listen to the ultra biased complete and utter crap that Pearson is spouting.


I'm tired of hearing how brilliant GB are doing. We are LAST. Simple as that.


You won't here the Swedes and Danes talking about how brave there riders were. They will be holding an inquest into what went wrong and how to improve next time.


Whereas we'll talk about how 'well' we did. This is why we won't ever get anywhere on the World Stage.





HEAR :lol:

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They just get longer and longer. I surrender to you  Mr Clemens.


They think it's all over >>> It is now :rolleyes:

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'Me neither', chuckled wicked old >>> senile >>> myopic >>>Uncle Mr. Clemens :D

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Well i only got the Danes and team GB the wrong way round, star riders for the brits were Steady and Rico who was awesome and Scottys battle for third place against Pedersen was superb.


The Poles were head and shoulders above the other teams and were deserving winners.


The swedes were let down a bit by TRick and Karlsson but some of the younger world speedway riders are now starting to make their mark.

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Mr. Clemens popped on his lucky colourful Halifax woolly jumper >>> and with the ‘mystically inspired number ‘48’ implanted firmly in his tiny little mind’ >>> he lived in hope that Great Britain would pull off a fabulous win and confound all their critics. Wicked >>> senile >>> myopic >>> or what >>>> eh???


Th’disgruntled nephew simply stated his recently ‘baptised and confirmed Belle Vue supporting hope’ that Jason Crump would be fully recovered from his th’unlucky contact with th’GB Maximum-Man’s lucky race winning bug, by Wednesday night.


With tasty take away Chinese meals of sweet and sour chicken and chop suey roll, to hand, this th’intrepid pair of speedway misfits sat down to watch th’unfolding of the final moments of the 2005 Speedway World Cup.

Or as the senile, myopic, wicked old Uncle Mr. Clemens would come to call it:-


                            ‘The Rune Holta Gold Medal Testimonial Meeting’.


Mr. Clemens had been previously informed, by th’intellectual TV pundits, that in the lucky event of Poland winning said Speedway World Cup, that not only would the th’equally lucky Norwegian Pole Rune Holta, win a precious lucky gold medal and get to place his hands on’t beautiful Speedway World Cup Trophy, inscribed with the name of the greatest speedway rider of all time, bar none, the supremely immortal Ove Fundin, he would also win a handsome purse of testimonial zlotys, for simply agreeing to ride for th’lucky Polish World Cup Speedway Team.


And th’while talking of th’intellectual TV pundits, Kelvin that doyen of speedway th’intellectuals was seen running towards th’TV pundits favourite commentators

hidey-hole, on a pair of lucky legs kindly loaned to him, for this very purpose, by the Danish World Cup Speedway Team. This being because Kelvin liked to appear to be everywhere at once >>>> mystical or what >>>> eh???


Before he left, th’TV pundits favourite linkman >>> who often seems to serve no apparent purpose at all >>> other than to hand us all over to th’intellectual Kelvin >>> discussed the prospects of GB Maximum-Man Lee Richardson’s prospects in th’upcoming meeting.

‘Let’s hope we’re lucky and he’s sick tonight’ >>> if the GB Maximum-Man’s lucky sickness bug kicks in early doors you never know what might happen!!!!

Kelv’s th’intellectually amusing comments echoed across the world >>> has he ran to join Nigel Pearson >>> in order to make even more astute observations >>> for t’lucky speedway watching millions >>> to digest along with their tasty evening meals.


‘Who’s riding tonight’, asked a still disgruntled nephew???

Why, all them th’lucky World Cup finalists of course’, chuckled wicked old senile Uncle Mr. Clemens. >>>>>  On with the Motley!!!!


Heat 1.

T/R >>>> Andersen >>> Screen >>> Walasek

Unlucky Pole stranded at the back


GB1        Poland 0      Denmark 2        Sweden 3


Heat 2.

Holta >>> P/K >>> Stead >>> B. Pedersen

Stead moves at gate but lucky Norwegian Pole steams away to win


GB2        Poland 3      Denmark 2      Sweden 5


Heat 3.

Bjerre >>> Protasiewicz >>> Jonsson >>> Richardson

Bjerre all the way from the gate

(Looks like t’ GB Maximum-Man’s lucky sickness bug isn’t going to kick in tonight’, says Uncle Mr. Clemens >>> has he wondered if GB was going to score 8 points >>> nivver mind 48!!!!


GB 2        Poland 5      Denmark 5      Sweden 6


Heat. 4

Hampel >>>> Lindback >>>> Nicholls >>> N. Pedersen

Hampel from the gate >>> tricky Nicki takes Scotty wide >>> Scotty passes Nicki

‘What’s wrong with Pedersen’, wonders th’TV pundit’s?

(‘Where’s his th’lucky legs, mused Uncle Mr. Clemens >>> weird >> eh>>> what)??


GB 3        Poland 8      Denmark 5        Sweden 8


Heat 5.

Gollob (Tomasz) >>> Iversen >>> Lindgren >>> Harris

Gollob from the gate >>> Harris at the back.

(At this point >>> because of the dire performances of all but th’lucky Poles >>> Uncle Mr. Clemens was torn between turning off th’ Speedway World Cup >>> and putting on that magical mystical movie >>> Mary Poppins >>> in order to reconnect to the spiritual vibe >>> in the hope of finding out what the hell was going on!!!)


GB3        Poland 11      Denmark 7        Sweden 9


Heat 6.

Richardson >>> Lingren >>> Walosek >>> N. Pedersen

Richardson flies from the gate tricky Nicki struggles >>> again >>> Nicki’s at the back >>> pulls up

‘Is Nicki on a sick bike’ >>> quoth speculating TV pundits???


‘Richardson’s got the legs’, yells th’TV pundit Nigel’ >>> what >>> eh >>> how???

(It was all becoming clear >>> at last >>> to myopic >>> senile >>> old Uncle Mr. Clemens >>> there was subterfuge going on.


It was plain to see >>> to anyone senile and myopic >>> that somehow >>> th’Team GB >>> had wickedly >>> exchanged GB Maximum-Man’s lucky race winning bug >>> for th’Danish World Cup Speedway teams’ Lucky Danish Racing Legs!!!!


Th’Danes >>> like the equally gullible th’Australians >>> had fallen for th’wicked GB Team Manager’s crafty plot >>> to th’undermine th’opposition >>> because Middlo had known all along that >>> GB Maximum-Man’s lucky race winning bug >>> only worked when it was tucked up in Lee Richardson’s stomach


Inside anyone else >>> being contaminated by anything remotely related to things GB >>> it simply made em sick!!! >>> but all would well for GB now cos >>> ‘Richardson’s got the legs’ >>> problem is Middlo forgot to tell t’rest of Team GB about this wicked plot to win th’Speedway World Cup???


GB 6        Poland 12      Denmark 7        Sweden 11


Heat 7.

Nicholls >>> T/R >>> Holta >>> Iversen

Nicholls great start T/R can’t catch him


‘He’s got the legs’, confirms TV Pundit Nigel >>> who knew all along >>> exactly where th’Lucky Danish Legs were >>> and who was wearing them!!!

(Mr. Clemens began to think Kelv and Nigel must be in on th’wicked plot too >>> especially as Kelv was seen >>> running to the commentary box >>> on a pair of Lucky Danish Racing Legs)!!!!


GB 9      Poland 13      Denmark 7        Sweden 13


Heat 8.

Andersen >>> Protasiewicz >>> Harris >>> P/K

Andersen from gate >>> Pepe round P/K >>> Harris battles past P/K

P/K packs up >>> but that doesn’t take anything away from battling Harris


GB 10      Poland 15      Denmark 10        Sweden 13


Heat 9.

Jonsson >>> Hampel >>> B. Pedersen >>> Screen

Jonsson flies past Hampel >>> Screen left at the gate >>> bike packs up

Th’unlucky Screen totally out of luck >>> not seen again >>> until Team GB’s astute manager Middlo was sure >>> th’meeting was over for th’always unlucky Team GB


(Joe obviously wasn’t privy to either th’Danish lucky legs’ or GB Maximum-Man’s lucky sickness bug’, said Mr. Clemens >>> to a faithful Belle Vue supporter

‘I hope Screenie’s not clueless on Wednesday night’, said a bored nephew).


GB 10      Poland 17      Denmark 11        Sweden 16


Heat 10.

Gollob >>> Bjerre >>> Stead >>> Lindback

The nervous Lindback almost touches tapes >>> Ref doesn’t order a restart

Stead in front >>> without any help from GB Maximum-Man’s lucky race winning bug >>> or Lucky Danish Racing Legs >>> he owes it all to TV pundit Kelvin’s favourite lucky Hungarian referee!!!


Gollob runs up the back of Stead >>> Masterful control of a speedway bike >>> by the only speedway rider who knows what riding speedway means >>> Majestic!!!

Stead manages to hold off Bjerre up the last minute >>> but is passed in the end


‘I am not in love with that referee’, qhoth Kelvin >>> eh >>> what >>> why???

‘But he was right to let the race continue >>> has Lindback didn’t touch the tapes!!!


‘Gollob should be excluded for ‘foul riding’, yells irate TV pundit Nigel Pearson >>> already beginning to clutch at straws >>> Maximum – Man’s sickness bugs >>> Lucky Danish Legs

‘Even the authoritative >>> supremely knowledgeable correspondent >>> from the Speedway Star says so >>> quoth Pearson >>> so it must be true!!!!


(It’s our privilege to see Gollob ride’, says a truly appreciative Mr. Clemens >>> Pearson thinks Gollob run into Stead on purpose >>> Get a life Nigel)!!!


GB 11.      Poland 20      Denmark 13        Sweden 16


Heat 11.

Walasek >>> Bjerre >>> P/K >>> Nicholls

Nicholls taken out wide by P/K >>> Walasek untroubled win

(‘Th’unlucky Nicholls looks legless this time’, groans Uncle Mr. Clemens)


GB 11      Poland 23      Denmark 15        Sweden 17


Heat 12.

Holta >>> Jonsson >>> N. Pedersen >>> Harris

Holta brilliant pass up inside line >>> AJ takes Harris wide >>> Harris last >>>

Nicki still looking sick finishes third >>> Lucky Norwegian Pole wins again

‘Holta doesn’t sit well with me’, mumbles disgruntled Kelvin

(It’s obvious’, chuckled wicked old Uncle Mr. Clemens’ >>> Kelv’s jealous of Rune’s up and coming gain of his testimonial purse full of zlotys >>> he obviously believes in that old adage >>> ‘you shouldn’t reap >>> for what you rode’ >>> eh >>> what???


‘Nicki Pedersen’s not right tonight’, quoth th’astute TV pundit Pearson.

(‘He seldom is in most peoples eyes’, mutters a rueful Uncle Mr. Clemens.

‘I like Nicki’, says t’nephew.)


GB 11      Poland 26      Denmark 16        Sweden 19


Heat 13.

Protasiewicz >>> Lindback >>> Iversen >>> Nicholls

Nicholls in for Screen as double points tactical move


‘Does our night depend on this’ >>> asks th’nervous TV Pundit Nigel of the more astute th’intellectual Kelvin???

‘Yep’, quoth th’astute Kelv’


Lindback gets a flier in an unsatisfactory start >>> Referee fails to order re start >>> Scotty packs up at the gate??? >>> Lindbach chases Protasiewicz


‘Lindbach’s jumped again’, yells th’dumbfounded th’intellectual Kelvin


‘I’m gutted’, moans the depressed Kelv >>> at last the true effects >>> of Team GB’s lack of contamination >>> with GB Maximum-Man’s lucky sickness bug >>> finally kick in >>> and hits Kelvin right where it hurts >>> in the guts >>> eh >>> what!!!

(Th’Hungarian referee has turned th’Speedway World Cup >>> into a crap >>> shambolic affair >>> mutters Uncle Mr. Clemens >>> at the idiocy of Speedway referees)!!!


GB 11      Poland 29      Denmark 17        Sweden 21


Heat 14.

Hampel >>> Andersen >>> Stead >>> Lindgren

Andersen in as double points tactical

Stead shut out by Hampel >>> Stead last >>> passes Lingren >> tussles with Andersen >>> Stead makes a mistake >>> Andersen passes him

‘It’s inexperience that made Stead let Andersen get by him’, quoth th’astute Kelvin

(He’s there to learn’, remarks sarky, faithful Belle Vue supporting nephew)!!!


GB 12      Poland 32      Denmark 21        Sweden 21


Heat 15.

Richardson >>> Gollob >>> B Pedersen >>> Rickardsson

Fortunately for Team GB >>> GB Maximum-Man’s lucky sickness bug >>> kicks in with a real vengeance >>> GB Maximum-Man out-gates >>> th’brilliant Gollob >>>

And even th’world champ in waiting >>> who decides to wait at the back >>> for wicked reasons known only to himself >>> eh >>> what >>> why!!!

Gollob all over GB Maximum-Man >>> but even he can’t catch Richardson >>> sick or what >>> eh!!!


GB 15  Poland 34      Denmark 22        Sweden 21


Time Out

Lucky th’ex world champ Mark Loram >>> looking as sick as he possibly can >>> thankful no doubt >>> he has played no part in th’humiliation of Team GB >>> listens as th’astute th’intellectual Kelvin >>> explains th’reasons for Team GB’s lack of ability to compete >>> other than th’lucky to be sick >>> GB Maximum-Man


‘A lot of money has been spent by all the foreign teams to compete professionally in tonight’s meeting’ >>> quoth Kelvin >>> ‘Great Britain simply doesn’t have the budget they have’.

(‘Exactly the reason we have spend money to bring the Under 15 riders up to the standard where they can compete against the top foreign riders’, says Mr. Clemens to his nephew).


Heat 16.

Walasek >>> Jonsson>>> Iversen >>> Stead

Jonsson in as double points tactical

Walasek from gate >>> Stead >>> out of shape AJ >>> sick or what >>> eh??? >>> barges into Stead >>> Stead last >>> engine failure


‘Luck kept Stead on his bike’, Kelv reminded t’speedway watching millions >>> in case they’d forgot >>> that was what speedway was all about >>> LUCK!!!


‘That was dangerous riding’, quoth t’even more th’irate Kelvin >>> clutching at t’ same straws has Pearson had >>> in th’brilliant >>> majestic bike controlling Gollob’s >>>

>>> th’infamous attempt to put >>> Stead through th’fence >>> in Heat 10


Kelvin astutely concluding that there must be collusion between th’brilliant Poles and th’dire Swedes >>> to ride dangerously against Team GB!!!


‘AJ didn’t do it on purpose’, contradicted >>> th’astute Nigel >>> eh >>> what?????????


GB 15  Poland 37    Denmark 23    Sweden 25


Heat 17.

Richardson >>> Holta >>> Lindback >>> Andersen

Lucky Norwegian Pole Holta >>> right out of luck

Inspired passing by >>> GB Maximum-Man >>> sickens th’fast gating th’unlucky Rune

‘Lee was hard but fair’, says th’equally hard but fair th’TV Pundit Pearson


GB 18  Poland 39    Denmark 23    Sweden 26


Heat 18.

Protasiewicz >>> B Pedersen >>> Nicholls >>> Rickardsson

T/R tactical ride

Pepe heads the field >>> Bjarne second >>> Nicholls chases on his lucky legs >>> T/R at the back >>> thinking of other things again >>> perhaps >>> eh >>> what???


‘It’s been a world class event’, quoth th’intellectual Kelvin >>> possibly watching a completely different meeting >>> to all those t’speedway watching millions at home


(It’s th’TV spectacular that counts >>> these days >>> not close competative meetings >>> wicked old senile Uncle Mr. Clemens reminded his nephew)!!!


GB 19  Poland 42  Denmark 25    Sweden 26

Hampel, >>> Rickardsson >>> Harris >>> Bjerre

Hampel from gate in processional race >>> T/R on new bike


Th’concerned Swedish team manager >>> approaches a world champ in waiting >>> in’t pits

‘You’ve not been bitten by GB Maximum-Man’s lucky sickness bug >>> have you Tony??

‘Who me >>> no >>> chuckles t’jovial T/R!!!


GB 20  Poland 45  Denmark 25    Sweden 28


Heat 20.

Gollob >>> N Pedersen >>> Karlsson >>> Screen

Gollob all the way from the gate for a magnificent Polish Speedway World Cup winning race

‘Pedersen must be Superman’ >>> TV Pundit Pearson >>> th’delirious with joy quoth >>> he’s got both his cheeky little lucky Danish racing legs off the bike!!!


(‘Pearson must have sneaked them back to Nicki, while Kelv’s back was turned’, chuckled wicked old Uncle Mr. Clemens)!!!


(Suddenly >>> th’significance of th‘mystically inspired number ‘48’ >>> implanted firmly in his tiny little mind >>> appeared in all it’s crystal clarity >>> to wicked old senile myopic Uncle Mr. Clemens >>> it was the magic moment when th’Poland won th’ Speedway World Cup >>> and that lucky, lucky Norwegian Pole >>>Rune Holta >>> gained his lucky precious Speedway World Cup winner’s gold medal)!!!


GB 20  Poland 48  Denmark 27    Sweden 29


Heat 21.

Walasek >>> Lindback >>> B Pedersen >>> Richardson

An excited Walasek falls off bike at starting gate before the race starts

(‘Who does that remind you of’, chuckles wicked old Uncle Mr. Clemens to his faithful Belle Vue supporting nephew >>> eh >>> what)???


Walasek >>> however >>> flies from the gate  >>> brilliant run into first bend >>> Lindbach/ BP fight it out >>> for not so lucky >>> 2nd place silver medal rostrum position >>> GB Maximum-Man sick that he has nowt to fight for >>> at the back


‘Poland is in front of Sweden by 20 points >>> TV pundit’s Kelvin and Nigel >>> admit they’re jealous of th’magnificent Poles

It was their professional approach as a team’, quoth th’astute Kelv

(It were cos t’other three teams were crap an’ all’, quoth Mr. Clemens)!!!


GB 20  Poland 51  Denmark 28    Sweden 31


Heat 22.

Holta >>> Stead >>> Lindgren >>> Bjerre

Holta celebrates his lucky precious Speedway World Cup gold medal win

Stead seals fine fighting performance in his first Speedway World Cup

‘Stead has had a lot of injuries in the past few years’, quoth TV pundit Nigel

‘He rides in a vulnerable manner’, quoth th’astute Kelvin

(‘He was always trying too hard to please >>> quoth Uncle Mr. Clemens >>> but I think he’s learned his lessons now’).


GB 22  Poland 54  Denmark 28    Sweden 32


Stead in tactical ride in next race

‘Stead should be able to beat these three easily’, chuckles th’TV pundit Kelvin

‘He’ll be mobbed in Morrison’s tomorrow if he does’, chuckles th’TV pundit Pearson


Heat 23.

Protasiewicz >>> N Pedersen >>> Stead >>> Rickardsson

Pepe showboats after leading race all the way

‘Did you do wheelies Kelv >>> chuckled th’TV pundit Pearson >>> when you raced >>> not long ago >>> eh >>> what’?


GB 23  Poland 57  Denmark 30  Sweden 32


Heat 24.

Richardson >>> Hampel >>> N Pedersen >>> Karlsson

GB Maximum-Man >>> brilliant round inside of track and gone >>> tricky Nicki doesn’t have enough luck in his legs to get past Hampel


GB 26  Poland 59  Denmark 31  Sweden 32


A wicked TV cameraman pans in on a smiling, nodding T/R >>> who looks knowingly into the camera >>> through th’TV screen into >>> senile myopic old Uncle Mr. Clemens’ living room

‘You know what I am waiting for >>> don’t you Uncle Mr. Clemens >>> chuckles wicked old th’world champion in waiting Tony Rickardsson >>> see you on Saturday!!!


Heat 25.

Gollob >>> Jonsson >>> Nicholls >>> Andersen

Gollob from gate >>> Nicholls/Andersen tussle at the back

It’s Nicholls’ sweet revenge for Team GB >>> for what Andersen did to us last year >>> quoth th’wicked sh*t stirring th’TV pundit Pearson >>> controversial or what >>> eh???


GB 27  Poland 62  Denmark 31  Sweden 34


They think it’s all over >>> It is now!!!

‘It’s the colour coordinated bikes and kit wat dun it’, quoth th’intellectual th’TV pundit Kelvin Tatum >>> astutely summing up th’glorious Polish Speedway World Cup win!!!

‘It’s their because they were well prepared >>> gave 100% commitment throughout the meeting >>> what won it Kelvin >>> quoth TV pundit Keith >>> they’ve laid the benchmark down for everyone else tonight’.


Th’lights go out on unlucky Team GB >>> on unlucky legless Denmark >>> on unlucky dire Sweden  >>> and >>> Speedway World Cup Final 2005  >>> as th’intrepid roving th’TV pundit Sexy Sophie >>> interviews dejected, depressed Team GB team manager Middlo >>> nuff said >>> eh >>> what??


‘Pity Jason wasn’t riding tonight’, said disgruntled nephew.

‘Never mind’, said wicked old senile myopic Uncle Mr. Clemens.

‘You never know, this time next year, he could be riding for th’glorious Polish Speedway World Cup wining team, in th’lucky role of th’official th’Australian Polish

rider replacement for th’Norwegian Pole Runi Holta!!!

Congratulations to the Polish Speedway World Cup winning team. There wasn’t a hint of subterfuge, of any kind, having taken place to give the Polish team an advantage on the track. They won because they were sheer class.

Special congratulations to the finest speedway rider, I have ever been privileged to see racing speedway, Tomasz Gollob. He has finally received the acclaim of the Polish Nation and a gold medal he most richly deserves for all he has done for speedway.


He truly is the only man who knows what speedway racing is all about.

Bloody Hell that was one hell of a report started last night just finished !!!!!

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Bloody Hell that was one hell of a report started last night just finished !!!!!


You don't have to keep repeating it >>> it's like having LSD flashbacks :blink:

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I'd hope that Nicholls isn't that petty. It's hardly "sweet revenge". First of all no one can prove Andersen did anything untoward and secondly the Danes were only going for silver, not gold.


I don't think Scott is that petty but even if he was did you hear the Danes bitch and moan that he didn't sit back and let Hans through.....no, funny that. Hans wouldn't have caught Jonsson just as Scott wouldn't have caught Karlsson but hey ho, some can accept things better than others :rolleyes:


Anyway one or two observations last night, firstly I was getting really wound up and embarrassed at times by Nigel Pearson. I can understnd he is as passionate as most about Team GB's fortunes but to hear him say 'IT'S NOT FAIR' over and over like a little schoolboy who has had his lollypop nicked was cringeworthy. I thought the ref got most things right to be fair to him, Lindback's persistent attempts at jumping the tapes got himself caught out in the first instance leaving him high and dry which was a fair result but the next time (in Scott's, erm, tactical ride) he got away with it and it should have been called back. As Nigel would say 'IT WASN'T FAIR, waaaaaaaaahhhhhhh'. The Gollob/Stead incident was such that an unintentional collision happened which impeded the rider behind more than the one in front. 'Let it go' I thought and so he did, fair do's. In my book the ref got most right on such a highly charged night.


Team GB were not good enough unfortunately, Lee seemed to be the only one who had his engines tuned right and he rode very well (*gritted teeth*), Scott looked to have got going with his beating of Rickardsson (but then I think Justin Elkins may have beaten Ricko last night, more on that in a min) but then he seemed to lose his way. I felt for him re: the engine failure but WHY is it always Scott's way of doing things. He either over tries and falls (as he has in GP's this year) or his bikes give up the ghost, or he sees a red light in the crowd or he..........or he.........get the drift? Scott is GB's No.1, no doubt in mosts minds but his constant mistakes and mis-haps when it really counts will always go against him just as they did Chris Louis in his hey day (although Loobs were always more mechanical than mis-hap). An Ipswich curse maybe?


Stead rode well enough and will improve, Harris was never really in it and Screen was off the pace. Yes good experience for the two youngsters but I am still in the camp that a half fit Loram and Norris would have scored more than Harris and Screen, and yes I WOULD have said that before the meeting but I do see Middleditsch's quandry with them riding well at Swindon.


As for the rest, well Ricko reminds me of Tiger Woods. Get him on his own in an individual competition and the bloke is awesome, put a team competition in front of him (a la the Ryder Cup for Tiger) and he seems to lack interest, weird. Pedersen of the Nicki variety was pretty shocking also and you need riders of his ilk to make those meetings special IMO. Thankfully Gollob was inspired again which made up for the losses of one or two others. The bloke is a genius on a bike when in the mood, one of THE best I have seen and I thank my lucky stars I was able to see him ride for my own team in England for as long as I did.


Right, that's more than enough waffling, most has probably been saidalready but I am that lazy that I haven't checked so apologies in advance :D



Edited by Pete
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Mr Clemens,


Please never stop posting on here, sheer class.  :)


Cheers home straight I appreciate it

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Have you ever been to a speedway meeting?


If you do just make a note of how many riders leading a race enter the turn from anywhere but adjacent to the fence and then tell me I am wrong.


As for 'not dangerous' from someone who has actually ridden a speedway bike :blink:


"Lost a cog" Now that made me smile :D


If Nicki Pedersen had been the rider in Simon Stead's postion you would have been castigating him for leaving no room for the rider on the outside to race.


As has been quite clearly explained to you, the only rider inconvienced by that incident was Gollob. Stead built up a 50+ yard lead as Gollob almost came to a halt. But Tomasz caught and passed him in no time.

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