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Swc The Final

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To every child that will get a B in a GCSE this year - you are a failure cause you should have got an A.

I got an A in my maths, I failed. I wanted an A* :P


To anyone taking their driving test for the second time next month - dont bother your a failure -
I passed first time :P


SCB you are not good enough to get on a bike and ride there
I know I'm not but I do know Scott Nicholls is capable of more, why else do you think the guy looked like he was about to cry when he was inteviewed?


Yes I am dissapointed and probably could point the finger but I will not do that. I will hold my banner high and say we are prouid of you TEAM GB!  :D

You could point the finger but won't as you know it would ruins your whole arguement. Scott Nicholls let us down. We'll never win anythign while people have your attitude, whats wrong with the attitude of could do better (like me and my GCSE maths and Scott and his scorig tonight?).


There's always next year, WITH A NEW MANAGER!!!! (BTW, I stuck up for Middlo last year, the year before and every year before that too!) but he totally messed up the TS and joker tonight as Grachan has pointed out, could I do better? Well I said I'd have had Lee as a Joker in heat 13 so could have done no worse could I? An improvement on 2 is not difficult! (Steady got 2 in his TS)

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Okay, but what about the track? I thought it was in good condition, but it does beg a question.

According to reports, it was raining heavily for much of the morning Wroclaw and yet after Ht 5 and subsequently they were watering the track quite heavily. Would that've been the case in the UK?

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To every child that will get a B in a GCSE this year - you are a failure cause you should have got an A.

To anyone taking their driving test for the second time next month - dont bother your a failure -

shall I go on!..........


SCB you are not good enough to get on a bike and ride there

Corny you are not good enough to get on a bike and ride there

Stevehone you are not good enough to get on a bike and ride there

Three examples I could name more....  :mad:



Oh God, not the old 'why don't you do it if you can do better' arguement! :rolleyes: We had this one earlier in the week on the Joonas Davidsson thread on the EL forum.....I suggest you have a read of that thread! http://www.speedway-forum.co.uk/forums/ind...showtopic=20298


Of course the British riders didn't go there to get beat - but the reality is that they weren't even in the same class as Poland - that's a FACT and no amount of flag waving and patriotic 'we will fight them on the beaches' claptrap will change that! :P

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Well done Poland. the best team definitely won tonight. And what a team they were, apart from when they were on track they appeared to be joined at the hip, if you saw one on TV you saw them all. And as for their celebrations, they could teach us a thing or two, and yes (apart from Rune) they all sang along to the National Anthem.


Team GB? Erm....Steady and Rico, great..proud of them both. Bomber, he'll get there, tried his best , Screeny, been there, done that....and Scott, well he was just Scott :rolleyes: . Middlo, passionate, nobody could better him on that score, but Scotty as a joker? yes it was a joke. Lee was the obvious choice.


Shame the Danes couldn't have got the Silver, but other than that, the results were fair enough.

Edited by London Witch
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Still, this should've done Stead and Harris no harm at all. In fact I'd expect to see the duo up their performance levels in the Elite League as a result. Why the hell be worried about entering the main body of an Elite League team when you've just ridden in the SWC Final?

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SCB you are not good enough to get on a bike and ride there


no-offence but that is a silly point to make. If a plumber came to your house and attempted to fix your bog but ended up sprayind crap and pee all over your bathroom wall you would not citisise him because you could not fix it yourself?

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Congratulations Poland on an awesome performance which completely blew away their opposition. No one tonight was going to stop them, but there was some good hard and fast racing from all teams which kept alive a meeting where the winners were a forgone conclusion.


Fantastic to also see a very animated Tomas Gollob finally pick up a FIM gold medal. Over the past week he's turned the clock back 6 or 7 years and has become the Gollob of old again. If that form continutes the speedway world will be a much more exciting place.


Obviously disappointing that the Brits didn't pick up a medal, but take away the joker points scored by the Danes and Swedes and they were on par with them.


Richardson should have done enough to silence some doubters tonight. But I guess even being the only rider to beat Gollob won't be enough for some.


Some question marks over the performance of Nicholls, Screen and Middlo! Between the 3 of them a silver or bronze medal opportunity was lost.


Bomber and Steady in particular probably did more than anyone ever expected and have showed that there is a future for Team GB.

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Bomber and Steady in particular probably did more than anyone ever expected and have showed that there is a future for Team GB.

Agreed. Not bad for a pair of riders who 12 months ago, according to some lacked the bottle to go EL and would never go anywhere as a result and another who was nothing more than a PL rider riding in the EL after having the bottle to go EL.


Two fingers up to the doubter there. Steady, the never-wil-be scored the same as Nicholls and he had a double point ride!!!

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1. To what extent were Poland motivated by the PZM's prize fund of £17,000 (100,000 zlotys) (as mentioned in this weeks' Speedway Star)?


2. Would GB have performed better if a similar prize fund had been made available to them if they had won?

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Did anyone actually see the Poles tampering with Nicki, Scott and Tony's equipment prior to the meeting?!!


Well done Poland.........buying the title from your federation's hand-outs on new equipment and enlisting a Norweigan.....whatever next? GB sign up Greg Hancock for 2006 World Cup!



So its a crime now to have new equipment?

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Agree with you there Star Lady but not sure about Havvy!!!


Why is it that many British supporters feel the need to total demolish the hard work put in by our GB boys.


Do you really think they went out there with the attitude that they wanted to come last. BUZZCOCKS they did!

They went out there to bring home gold but it didnt happen.


To every child that will get a B in a GCSE this year - you are a failure cause you should have got an A.

To anyone taking their driving test for the second time next month - dont bother your a failure -

shall I go on!..........


SCB you are not good enough to get on a bike and ride there

Corny you are not good enough to get on a bike and ride there

Stevehone you are not good enough to get on a bike and ride there

Three examples I could name more....  :mad:


None of you are - these 5 guys tonight were the ones chosen to ride for the Country -like it or lump it. And although they are not coming home with Gold I am proud of them .

For some it will be their last opportunity and for others it is a learning curve to a very bright future I hope.


Yes I am dissapointed and probably could point the finger but I will not do that. I will hold my banner high and say we are prouid of you TEAM GB!  :D


Thats the spirit.

Well done.

Last is always best.



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I thought the whole weeks event looked exciting and highly entertaining even with the Poles amassing high scores twice.

Just an aside, but with the blatant (imo) nerfing off of the Pole in the 'run offs' by a certain Swede, did i not see something similar (but failed) against a Mr S Nicholls last night?

Colin :)

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Thats the spirit.

Well done.

Last is always best.




Agreed.Was pretty much what i predicted after last year.Some got a bit carried away and forgot that it was a home meeting.The thing that worries me is,what happens next year if there isn't a meeting in Britain.Will we even make the final?A good team manager gets more out of the riders than people would expect.On the face of it,last night was a good opportunity to finish second as both Sweden and Denmark were also poor.O.k Stekkers is new,but even he should be asking questions as to why his top riders didn't perform.In other sports there is a team looking after players/riders,we need to move into the next few years with a modern outlook and employ sports psychiatrists,etc as back up.Read in the paper today the quote from Dave Moorcroft "Every day we wait is a day wasted".How many years are we going to wait and waste? :angry:

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Fariy4ever, I did not say I was proud of Team GB, I wasn't. Some of them performed and some of them didn't but overall the team did absolutely nothing to install a feeling of pride in me. As for them not failing I guess you subscribe to the "deferred success" cr*p one of the teaching unions is advocating. Whatever happened to aspiring to success. :mad: Let's reward all the kids that sit on their backsides and not acknowledge those that work their butts of to achieve success :mad:

Rabbit (and others) at no point did I criticise Middlo. I just think he always seems to get bad luck (he says so himself) so maybe to change the luck we have to change the manager.

Comments about the Poles buying success, why not it's not against the rules! It's not cricket but so what. Maybe if Britain had done the same we would have performed better. This is not a criticism but do we really expect the likes of Stead, Harris and Screen to have machinery of the standard needed for this meeting. Let's be realistic it would cost them a fortune for 2 meetings per year so why should they personally bear the cost.

I thought the ref was OKish, I really didn't see any reason to stop any races. These are men remember not CL novices.


I certainly agree about the Poles being proud/delighted to have won etc. Their wholehearted singing of their anthem was in complete contrast to Team GB at Swindon, even if they were only singing Rhubarb, Rhubarb Rhubarb (someone should teach Holta the Polish for beetroot so he could singalong :P )

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Unfortunately i missed most of the WTC as i was holidaying in sunny Looe.Congratulations to Poland on becoming world champions.Team GB were never going to win it imo because as it said in the British gp programme we just have not got any PC' s.The only question in my mind pre meeting was how many Poland were going to win by,and who would finish on the rostrum etc.etc.Perhaps GB could enlist the services of Jason Crump next year by virtue of the fact that he was born in the UK.

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